
"hello, welcome fellow singlians," i greet letting jaehyun, and younghoon into my place.

"singlians?" jaehyun questions.

"yes, we're all lonely and we'll enjoy that together!"

"when i thought juyeon couldn't get more chaotic," younghoon laughs.


"we are your hyungs remember?" jaehyun says.

"this is my house remember?" i say in a mocking tone.

jaehyun pinches my side.

"ow! you know that hurts!"


younghoon was laughing on his way to my couch.

i rub my side as i go over and sit in between younghoon and jaehyun.

"did you really have to do it that hard?"

"well...did you have to mock me that hard?"

"that doesn't make sense.."

"neither do you..most the time."

"hey! that's rude."

"it was rude of you to sit—"

"shut up!" younghoon yells while covering his ears.

"ow..you could've warned us you were going to yell."

"then you'd miss the point juyeon."

jaehyun nods his head.

"i'm talking to you too," younghoon says sternly.

"anyways so do any of you want any snacks?"

"of course! why didn't you say so?"

jaehyun jumps up and is the first one in the kitchen looking for the snacks i have.

"you guys are weird."

"so are you juyeon! that's why you're still singleeee~!"

"you guys are too...right?"

both of them looked at me.

"what? what is it?"


"i'm the only singlian in our friend group now...is that it?"

"not necessarily," younghoon says.


"yepp. anyways lets start watching netflix!!"


"watch your language juyeon!" younghoon shouts.

— 15:45pm ; 04-24-20
