
it was the middle of the night and i couldn't really sleep so i decided to start making sunwoo's next letter.

i'm ju haknyeon from grade 10.

i groaned and crumbled up the paper.

after that, anything i wrote became marked out with a line since my trashcan was starting to get full of crumbled paper.

i can't wait

i love you

i really hope that you'll be mine, sunwoo-ah

precious baby

aigooo~! so cute!

i'd love to give you kisses

i wish you knew who i were

"ah! that's stupid," i think and crumble the paper.

what can i say?

soon, thoughts of sunwoo clogged my mind again. i want to text him, see if he's awake but..i don't want to bother him.

"sunwoo-ah, please love me already!"

i put my head into my folded arms.

another sleepless night because of sunwoo.

i can live with that.

— 20:57pm ; 02-19-20
