25 || Awake


Third POV

"Uh...you guys okay? Why's your face so red? Is it hot in here? No, the AC's turned on...OH, WAIT did you guys..."

A certain raven-haired boy named BAJI KEISUKE had spoken.


"Okay, okay, I'm sorry but I'm just here to say Draken woke up and you guys should visit him," He said, and left without another word, smirking.

(Y/n) sighed. "Goddammit Kei..." She mumbled as she looked down.

Chifuyu was also looking at the floor, not knowing what to do.

"...I-I guess we should visit Draken then? I should visit my mom too," (Y/n) said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Y-yeah," Chifuyu replied, getting up.

Just a little closer, (L/n)-san...just a little closer to you... Chifuyu thought.











(Y/n)'s POV

As we arrived at Draken's room at the hospital, we noticed that Mikey was also visiting Draken too.

"Oh hey, Mikey, and Draken, nice to see you getting better," I smiled at the two as Chifuyu bowed a little. He's been learning how to be polite to senpais and he's gotten better and better. Thanks to Baji and me.

"(Y/N)-CHIN!! KEN-CHIN KEEPS ON TEASING ME THAT I CRIED!!" Mikey suddenly yelled as he flung himself towards me. I caught him perfectly as he fake sobbed.

"Wha-?" I shot a confused glance at Draken who just grinned.

Chifuyu was glaring at Mikey. Is he jealous? Or is he just worried that someday, Mikey will break my bones because he flings himself towards me too much?

"Mikey, it's okay to cry and let it all out you know? So Draken stop teasing him okay?" I said as I sweatdropped.

"SEE, (Y/N)-CHIN IS NICE, UNLIKE SOMONE ELSE!" Mikey stuck his tongue out to Draken as Draken formed a irk mark on his forehead from annoyance.

"Mikey-kun, stop yelling, you're gonna hurt Draken-kun's head. He just woke up afterward," Chifuyu said as he chuckled a bit, hoping Mikey would get away from (Y/n).

"Draken, we bought spicy curry on the way here so here," I handed Draken a plastic bag with curry in it. "Oh thanks!"

"Did you buy dorayaki?" Mikey asked with puppy eyes.

"No, and Mikey, you're too energetic today..." I said. I couldn't keep up with Mikey's energy.

"Ken-chin's getting better! That's why!!!!" Mikey grinned.

We talked about random stuff and then we had decided to go to the beach when Draken gets out of the hospital. With all our friends. Just like the old days when we made Toman.

After the chitchat, I decided to go visit my mom.

She still hasn't woken up. It made me feel very sad to see her like this.

"Mom..please wake up...I can't wait anymore...please...you're making me worried...mom..." I mumbled as I held her hand, looking down.

"I have a lot to talk about, you know? When you wake up..."


"Yeah, a lot of things happened...WAIT WHAT!!?!?!?"

I shot my face towards my mom to see her smiling.

Tears flooded my eyes as they were now streaming down my face. 

"MOM!!" I yelled as I hugged her tightly. 

Mom chuckled. "Sorry for making you worried, hun," She said as she hugged me back.

Tears never stopped.

"Come on, don't cry!" Mom wiped my tears away with her warm hands.

The feeling made more tears come out as mom chuckled.

After a few minutes of crying, I finally calmed down. 

Just then, a doctor came in the room and did some tests on mom to make sure she really is okay. 

"She will need to stay in the hospital for a couple of months." The doctor said, as he finished testing. My mom nodded in reply.

The doctor left to who knows where and we were alone again. Then, Chifuyu came in.

"Oh, uh hello Mrs. (L/n), I'm Matsuno Chifuyu," Chifuyu introduced himself as he bowed. "I'm glad you woke up. (L/n)-san was worried about you,"

The (L/n)s looked at Chifuyu. "Chifuyu, you can call me (Y/n) since it's confusing with Mrs. (L/n) and (L/n)-san," I said.

"...uh, okay, (Y/n)-san,"

"Y-yeah," I stuttred. It's just a name, you don't have to be so nervous.

Chifuyu and my mom got along pretty well. I was so happy to see Draken and my mom safe and awake. It made me smile and made my day better and better.

(Not edited)

