33 || Valhalla (2)

(Y/n)'s POV

"GOOD JOB KISAKI!! I'LL LEAVE MIKEY TO YOU!!!" Draken yelled as he blocked a punch from Hanma.

No, Kisaki is the bad guy, he shouldn't...

Then, a shadow jumped towards Kisaki from the back. A familiar black-haired guy swung the metal pipe towards Kisaki.



What's with metal pipes these days?

Well, I'm just glad that Baji stopped-

Wait no, he's gonna get killed.

But when?

No wait, Kazutora?


I looked around. I need to find that banana hair. 



Mitsuya and Draken were yelling at Baji for attacking Kisaki. They have no idea that Kisaki is the worst human being to ever exist.

Then, a loud thud was heard. Like someone falling.

I shot my head towards the sound, only to see Baji falling down from the pile of cars. My heart stopped. Did he get stabbed?

"KEI!!!" I yelled as Takemichi also yelled out Baji's name in worry. 

But Baji quickly stood up ad smirked. 

"Let's see you try, Kisaki!!!"

God, what's gonna happen? I don't know anything anymore. 

Someone stepped in front of Baji ad spread his arms wide to stop Baji.

"Ch-Chifuyu?" Ca he stop Baji? Right now?

"Out of my way, Chifuyu," Baji said seriously.

"Baji-san, don't do this!" Chifuyu said, eagerness in his voice. "If you take down Kisaki now, you'll be going against Mikey-kun!!"

Oh wait, Chifuyu's smart. I never thought of that.

"If you want to save Toman from Kisaki, now's not the time-"

Chifuyu was cut off when Baji suddenly slapped him hard with a metal pipe.


"Stay out of this, Chifuyu, I kept you beside me...so I can use you in fights. I don't give a sh*t of what you think," Baji said, walking away from Chifuyu.

"KEI!!" I ran towards him and head locked him.

"(Y/n), why are you even here, I don't give a sh*t about you too, so stop getting in my way," Baji forcefully freed himself from me and shoved me away violently. I struggled to stand straight. My head still hurts.

"I'M THE FIRST DIVISION VICE CAPTAIN!! I'M HERE TO PROTECT YOU, BAJI-SA!!" Chifuyu suddenly yelled, spitting out blood. "If you really wanna get past, I won't hold back!"

"Do it."

Chifuyu stared hard at Baji.

"I'll give you 10 seconds,"



Chifuyu was panting as he tried to keep a straight face.









I couldn't hold back anymore. I didn't want to see this. I didn't want to do this. But still.

I punched Baji in the head.

Tears formed on my eyes.

"Kei, you're stupid than I thought you are," I chocked on my own words.

"(Y/n)-san...?" Chifuyu looked up at me with wide eyes. 

Baji stood up, wobling a little.

"It's been a while since we fought, haven't we?"


Baji raised his fist in the air. I closed my eyes tight. Double pain-



I opened my eyes to see Takemichi stopping Baji from punching me.


"LET'S STOP BAJI-SAN TOGETHER!! (Y/N)-SAN!! CHIFUYU!!" Takemichi yelled, as he wrapped his arms around Baji tightly.

"Wait Takemitchy-" I started but stopped when Baji elbowed Takemichi's head hard.

We lost.

We can't stop Baji...

But Takemichi didn't release his grip. Instead, it got tighter. What is this guy?

Running footsteps were heard but I didn't really pay attention.

Until I saw the banana hair.



Kazutora kills Baji.

"NO-" But my sudden painful headache turned my eyesight to a blur.

"Die, Baji"

(Not edited)

