39 || Tricked

Takemitchy time-traveled to the future. 

He looked around, realizing he's at his part-time job.

He looked down and saw that he has expensive clothes, a watch, a phone, and a bag on him.

Wait what??, Takemichi thought as he kinda raised his arms to look at himself once again.

But suddenly, Takemichi's boss walked over, bowing to him.

Takemichi kinda freaked out as to why his own boss was bowing towards him.

"I'm sorry, but we didn't have the DVD you wanted, I'm really sorry," She said.

Takemichi just sweatdropped and backed away, going out of the store.

"Please come back next time," The boss said.

"Hey, Takemichi, what took you so long," A tall male with glasses and a scar on his eyebrow said.

"Huh?" Takemichi was confused. Who is this guy?? Scary...

"We're going now," He continued as he got in the car that was next to him.

Takemichi hesitantly got in the car.

What is happening?? He pulled out his expensive-looking phone and looked for Naoto's number, disappointed that he couldn't find it.

The car stopped, and the scary man and Takemichi got off.

"Oi, Yamagishi, Takemichi, what took you so long??" A guy that was waiting there said.

HUH? Yamagishi??? Takemichi widened his eyes as he whipped his head towards the man with glasses that were in the car with him.

"Tch, not my fault, Takemichi here just happened to feel like stopping at a DVD rental store," Yamagishi said, scratching the back of his head.

Wait, if that's Yamagishi, the guy kinda shaved black hair is Makoto, and the one with long blonde hair is...Takuya???

What were they all doing here? And they looking scary af.

Suddenly, all the people that were waiting around his destination (which was a tall building) bowed down to Takemichi. "GOOD WORK!!!"

Takemichi was even more confused. Damn, he really needs Naoto.

He went inside the building and walked a few hallways with his friends and entered an opening with large windows.

A male with black hair undercut, piercing on his left ear, turned around.

"Your late, partner!! Why didn't you answer my calls??"

Takemichi felt like crying out of relief from seeing his partner's face.

"CHIFUYU!! What am I doing here??" Takemichi asked as he went over to the adult Chifuyu. 

"What do you mean, admin fo Toman??" Chifuyu replied, as he headed towards a certain room.

"Huh??" I'm the admin of Toman?? Wait does that mean...Am I successful in the future???

They were walking towards a meeting room when Takemichi suddenly remembered something.

"Hey, where's (Y/n)-san??" Takemichi asked.

Chifuyu froze.


But he continued walking again. Not saying a single thing. His eyes darkened as he automatically looked down towards his feet.

Takemichi kinda got the signal. "Sorry," He mumbled.

"...Don't be. She disappeared a long time ago, I have to get over her. Baji-san too," Chifuyu mumbled.

WHAT?? (Y/n)-san disappeared???? BAJI-SAN TOO???

Takemichi wanted to ask more but apparently they already arrived at the room.

They entered and saw people surrounding the table which held a lot of food.

Some familiar faces, some he has never seen before.

They were arguing about something, probably about food.

But they stated that there was a traitor in Toman that leaked information to the public.

Then the door creaked open, revealing the well know person with glasses and thin eyebrows that pointed upwards.

Everyone stood up. "GOOD WORK!!" while Takemichi just sat there confused as to why Kisaki was here.

They talked for a while and then Kisaki called out the person he wanted to talk to.

"Takemichi and Chifuyu, I want to talk to you."

They stood up and walked to a different room.

"It's been a while since we talked like this have we?" Kisaki said as he sipped on his whisky.

"What do you want to talk to us about," Chifuyu said, still standing beside Takemichi.

"Chifuyu, why don't you sit down?" Kisaki said KINDLY as he smiled a little.


"Thanks, but no, I prefer standing," Chifuyu replied, suspiciously.

"Well, do what suits you," Kisaki replied as he set the glass down.

"It's about 5 years since they disappeared, hasn't it?" Kisaki said as he looked down.

Takemichi gulped. Was he talking about (Y/n) and Baji?

"I don't know what happened to them, but I just wanna say, I was involved in it. And I truly feel bad. I am so sorry," Kisaki said as he stood up and bowed down.

Takemichi and Chifuyu widened their eyes as they look down at Kisaki. Did he really mean it?

As if Kisaki has read their mind, he added, "I mean it."

Kisaki lifted his head up, "I didn't think they would disappear."

Then he made a sad smile. "Anyways, I understand if you guys don't forgive me. But please, at least understand and also, drink up!" He said as he gestured towards the two cups of whiskey.

Kisaki. He changed. He really did. Maybe he's not a bad guy after all? Takemichi thought as he and Chifuyu grabbed the cup.

"Cheers," And took a sip.

Takemichi coughed a little. "Damn, I'm not used to drinking expensive alcohol," He said, causing Kisaki to laugh. 

"Get used to it, your the Toman admin after all."

They talked a little, but after a while, Takemichi and Chifuyu began to feel dizzy.

Kisaki noticed this and he stared at the two.

"Honestly speaking, I did mean (Y/n) and Baji to run away."

Was the last thing they heard as they completely blacked out.



