01 || School Day

A/N: Hello guys!! 

I really have nothing to say here but yeah happy reading! (It might be bad)

(Y/n)'s POV

It's morning.

I yawned and stretched.

Sat up on my bed.

Looked at my clock.

And my eyes went wide. 

What do I see?

8:41 AM, Mon.

What time does school start?

8:50 AM.

Am I late?


"Sh*t!!" I yelled and I changed to my school uniform. I ran downstairs and saw a note on the dining room table. 

Have fun at school! Love ya'! ~~Mom

Oh yeah, Mom had to go to work early today. Dad's currently on a business trip. Damn, I hate life. I grabbed a chocolate bar from the kitchen, grabbed my school bag, and ran outside.

It was a pretty good weather, not gonna lie. It wasn't too sunny or cloudy. I was looking up at the sky as I ran (A/N: Please don't copy (Y/n). It is very unsafe to run while looking up.) and bumped into someone and landed on my butt.

"Ow... I'm sorr- KEEEEEEIIIIIII!!!!!" I squealed and smiled as I looked up to see who bumped into me. 

"Yo (Y/n), 'morning." Baji Keisuke, my childhood best friend said as he helped me up. "Sorry about that," He said.

"Nono, it's fine, I'm sorry too. We should get going, school's starting soon."

"Yeah, let's go, RACE YOU THERE!" Baji yelled as he zoomed past me.

"WHAT THE F*CK WAIT FOR ME DAMMIT!!" I yelled back and started to race after him. 


I panted as I arrived at school. Baji was smirking at the front of the school gates, waiting for me. 

"Well, at least you waited for me," I gasped as I struggled to catch my breath. "How dare you try to make me run this early in the morning," I said as I playfully punch his arm. Baji chuckled and said,

"Since you lost, buy a Peyang Yakisoba for me." 

"No," I pouted and crossed my arm. 

"Come on, we'll share it at lunch, deal?" I'm so nice, Baji thought to himself.

I smiled, "Deal." Keeping the smile, I said "If you don't you know what happens," I raised my fist slowly with dark aroura around me. People around us freaked out and back away from us. 

Baji laughed, "You'll never be able to lay a finger on me (Y/n),"

"You know I can if I try," I snapped back.

"Oh well, I never see you try," He challenged me back.

"Oh yeah do you-"


"Gotta get going, cya later (Y/n)"

I clicked my tongue. Today's gonna be a long day as usual. 

A/N: HOW WAS THE FIRST CHAPTER? I hope it was good. I promise Chifuyu be in the next chapter or the next so don't be sad guys. I think this chapter was too short lmao. I'm not good at writing so... oh well. I wrote this during online class I totally didn't slack off. And yeah I'll put announcements and updates and stuff like that later on so don't worry. Anyways, see you guys in the next chapter. Idk when I'll update next but it will be soon, bye byee!! Author-chan out!

(Not edited)

