36 || Light



Chifuyu's phone rang and he stopped eating his Peyoung and set Peke J on the floor.

He took his phone, read the message, and ran out of his house, leaving Peke with a confused meow.

Baji woke up! U should visit!! 
Read at 1:32 pm

Chifuyu opened the door to Baji's room.


Chifuyu saw movement in the bed and saw Baji's face pop out.

"Hey, Chifuyu~, missed me?" Baji grinned.

Chifuyu's eyes filled with tears.

"Baji-san!!" Chifuyu ran towards Baji and hugged him.

Baji laughed but stopped.

"Chifuyu, I'm so sorry. For everything." Baji's face turned serious. He stood up from the bed and bowed deep towards Chifuyu.

"Baji-san!?" Chifuyu waved both of his hands back and forth, saying Baji didn't have to bow.

"I should apologize to (Y/n) too, how is she? I didn't kill her, did I?" Baji said with worry.

"No, you didn't Baji-san. (Y/n)-san just needs to wake up and she's good. She's still in a coma." Chifuyu stared at Baji. "But Baji-san, don't you dare do that again. Don't fight alone. Please let us help."

"Yeah," Baji grinned and ruffled Chifuyu's hair roughly. "I'm sorry, Chifuyu,"

Baji and Chifuyu later talked and laughed as they caught up with everything. Chifuyu already forgave Baji and they're getting along great again. Maybe Chifuyu didn't forgive Baji fully but still.

(Y/n)'s POV

Everything's black.

I can't hear.

I can't see.

I can't move.

Am I dead? Or alive?

It's like I'm floating around in nothingness.

But I can't see my own body.

It's been like this forever.

But suddenly, light shined through the darkness, almost blinding me.

And a familiar voice and face appeared.














I felt my body.

I felt everything.

At that moment.

Everything felt light and bright.

I slowly start to feel myself.

And I slowly opened my heavy eyes that were sealed shut.

Everything is black.

I saw monitors and doors and windows.

It's probably night.

I felt something heavy near my feet so I turned my head towards it but stopped when there was pain.

I caught a glimpse of blonde hair though.

I looked around with only my eyes, trying not to move my head since it hurts.

It looks like I'm in the hospital room.

What happened-

Oh, wait.

I saved Baji from killing himself. I got in the way just in time so I could protect him.

Is Baji okay?

I stopped thinking when I felt movement near my feet and a little grunt.

Is that...



I tried to move but I couldn't win against the pain and groaned a little.

Chifuyu took a deep breath in his sleep and stretched and opened his eyes.

He just stayed in his stretched position which was kinda cute. Like a cat.

I moved my legs a little, causing Chifuyu to flinch and look up at me.

His sparkling blue eyes met my (e/c) ones and he stared at me for a second.

And the next moment,


God, he's loud.

He jumped towards me for a hug but stopped when he realized I'm in pain.

So he just plopped his head on my chest like a pillow and I felt his tears on my clothes, even though he's trying to hide it.

I chuckled. "Did I wake you?"

"That's my question, (Y/n)-san!" Chifuyu sniffled.

I sighed. "I want food."

"HERE!!" Chifuyu quickly got up and took his bag that was on the floor.

"F*ck where is it?" Chifuyu mumbled as he looked inside his bag. He eventually dumped all the stuff in the bag on the floor. 

It was dark so Chifuyu turned on the night lamp.

The dim orange light was enough for Chifuyu to find what he was looking for.

He gave me 2 dorayakis.

"I stole this from Mikey-kun but here,"

I giggled. "Thanks,"

I took off my oxygen mask and began eating.

Chifuyu just watched me eat.

I ate slowly despite being very hungry.

I finally finished eating and Chifuyu gave me a bottle of water.

I thankfully took it and gulped it down.

"Phew, I feel alive now, thanks, Chifuyu," I smiled warmly at Chifuyu.

However, Chifuyu didn't reply. He just came super close to me. I can feel his warm breath on my face.

His right hand cupped my face and something pressed on my lip.

It took me a moment to realized that Chifuyu's lips were on mine. And we were kissing.

His warm soft lips gentally pressed onto mine as I kissed him back.

Chifuyu broke the kiss after a few seconds. "(Y/n)-san, I-I love you so please don't get me worried anymore,"

I stared at him wide eyed. 

I swear my face was super red right now. Chifuyu was also red.

"I have the same thoughts for you too," I said softly, looking down, embarassed.

Then, he hugged me. I didn't care about the pain on my head and wound anymore. I hugged him back.

"You're mine, got it (Y/n)-san?"

(Not edited)

