20 || Park

Third POV

A few days later from the incident with (Y/n) and Chifuyu, (Y/n) decided to go grocery shopping since she was almost out of food.

She finished shopping and she walked past a park. (Y/n) heard familiar voices so she turned to that direction to see...

DRAKEN AND MIKEY??? Were they not fighting?? Have they made up?? How???

(Y/n) ran towards them and saw Takemichi and his friends there too.

All of them noticed (Y/n) running towards them.

"HEY (Y/N)-CHIN!!" As Mikey ran towards her for a hug, she dodged, him landing on his face "OWWW" he said, holding his forehead like a little kid with puppy eyes.

"DID YOU TWO MAKE UP????" I ignored the poor Mikey and yelled at Draken and Mikey.

"Yeah, thanks to Takemitchy," Draken grinned as he pointed his thumb towards Takemichi who just bowed a little. "His words made us up."

"TAKEMITCHYYYY THANK YOUUUUUU!!! I COULD HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING!!" I said as I shook his shoulders hard and his head was bobbing around so much.

"(Y/n)-chin, be careful, he had poop on his head," Mikey grinned.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"He crashed into a trash can and had poop on his head." Mikey held onto his laughter.

"HEY, I CLEANED MYSELF-" Takemichi yelled but was cut off by (Y/n).

"WTF!! I need social distancing, sorry," She said as she backed away 2 meters away from him. 


(Y/n) hesitated as she hid behind a pole. "REaLLy?" She questioned.

"Really." Takemichi said seriously.


"Well, you stopped the fight with Draken and Mikey. I thank you for that!" She smiled warmly. Takemichi blushed and looked away.

Takemichi realized that he stopped the conflict of Toman and Mobius and Draken and Mikey's fight. MISSION COMPLETE!!! He laid down on the ground and felt super relived and happy.

"Takemichi-kuuuun!!" A voice was heard.

"Hina?" Takemichi turned towards the familiar voice.

"I'm here too!" Emma said, besides her.

"HINA!! EMMA!!" (Y/n) stopped playing anf ran towards them and gave them a hug as they giggled.

"Soo Hina, what's up?" Takemichi asked after they broke the hug.

"C'mon ask him!" Emma whispered. "What is she gonna ask?" (Y/n) whispered back. Emma smirked. "You'll see."

"Are you free on August 3rd?" Hina asked, blushing.

"She wants to go to the festival with you!" Emma said, smiling.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. She completely forgot about the festival!

Takemichi smiled warmly at Hina, "Yeah, sure! I'll go with you!"

Hina smiled big.

"HUH? KEN-CHAN AND MIKEY?? THEY MADE UP?" Emma suddenly yelled as she looked at the two playing together.

"Yo, Emma!" Draken grinned.

"Hey, I was so worried!!" Emma whined.





After that, the girls talked about random stuff like, shopping, anime, school, and love.

The boys continued playing soccer.

You could say it was a peaceful day. Except (Y/n) kinda felt bad that Chifuyu wasn't here.

(Not edited)

