34 || Black

(Y/n)'s POV

It took me a moment to proceed with what happened.

There was this ugly sound of something being stabbed and Kazutora behind Baji.

Kazutora stabbed Baji.

And I couldn't save Baji.

I felt my legs weaken.

I couldn't move.

It's over.

I'm so stupid. Even though I knew Baji was gonna die, I couldn't save him. What the f*ck was I doing. F*ck my life.

Now we can't do anything anymore.

I blankly stared at Baji, thinking that he was lying on the floor, bleeding.

But my eyes widened by what I saw.

There was Baji standing.

He's not dead.

He's standing there, still alive.


"Don't worry, it's just a scratch," Baji said, emotionless.

Did Takemichi save Baji?

I heard yelling and I saw that Chifuyu was grabbing Kazutora's collar and yelling at him.

"Chifuyu," Takemichi called.


"Baji-kun, let us be on your side. We'll crush Kisaki!!" Takemichi's face held determination even through his swollen and beaten face.



I came in just in time to save Takemichi from getting punched by Baji.

I jumped in front of Takemichi so Baji punched me instead.

"I said get the f*ck away from my way, (Y/n), are you deaf?"

"I'm not deaf, I believe you are," I replied, as my head throbbed with pain.

"Huh?" Baji growled as he looked down on me.

"Takemitchy and Chifuyu here are trying to help you, but you don't listen and just punch them out of your way. Don't you think it's better to-"

Baji cut me off by slapping me. His gold gleaming eyes glared at mine as blood trickled down my chin.

"I'll do this alone, take care of Mikey for me," Baji turned around and walked toward the pile of cars.

Take care of Mikey? What does he mean?

Baji took a deep breath and tied his hair on the back so it won't get on his way.

"50 guys from the third division, versus me. Let's see what you've got!"

Baji grabbed the metal pipe that was beside him.


I watched as Baji took down 4 people at once himself.

I knew Baji was strong but I never really paid much attention to how he fights.

His movements are rough and fast and smooth at the same time. It's like he has all for one.

Baji quickly took down 50 people all by himself and he stopped his metal pipe's sharp end on Kisaki's throat. 

"Checkmate, Kisaki," Baji glared at Kisaki as Kisaki glared back.

"Go ahead and kill me if you can," Kisaki challenged.

Nothing happened.

Just silence.

Baji and Kisaki did not move.

A few moments later, something poured out of Baji's mouth.



"F*ck," Baji mumbled. "Guess that's that"

Baji stumbled on the floor, spitting out blood.

I stared at Baji in disbelief. Why? I mean did he get stabbed?

Did he fight 50 people with a stab wound? Is he crazy?

"BAJI-SAN!!" Chifuyu ran towards Kisaki. "WHAT DID YOU FO TO BAJI-SAN YOU BASTARD?"

"I didn't do a damn thing," Kisaki answered calmly, like nothing happened.

Chifuyu then realized that Baji was stabbed in the back. Then it hit Takemichi and Chifuyu. Baji fought with a deep stab wound on his back and he held back.

"KAZUTORAAA!!" Chifuyu was now shouting at Kazutora who was spacing out and mumbling something. 

I was speechless. I should have been more careful. I should have looked out more. 

"Ugh," I clutched my head from the pain. It still hasn't gone away. Not to mention, it's getting worse.

I can't think straight when I have to.

I came back to reality when I saw Mikey kick Hanma's temple.

There was something different about Mikey. His eyes had no light. Just pitch black. Emotionless.

It hurts to see everything. Mikey's eyes and Baji's body laying on the floor. My brain won't admit what happened.

The Valhalla members got scared of Mikey since he took down Hanma in just one kick and they ran away.

I didn't give a sh*t about what was happening around me. I couldn't think straight anyway.

I watched in horror as Mikey punched Kazutora again and again. I wanted to stop Mikey but my body won't move. 

I had no choice but to stay here and watch it all happen. I can't change anything anymore. I'm sorry, Takemichi. You did tell me the future and you were right. And I couldn't do anything. 

Tears never formed in my eyes. 


A deep voice boomed throughout the place as Baji stood up with his remaining strength.

"Kei?" He's alive? Is he a zombie or something?

Mikey suddenly stopped punching Kazutora. All eyes went to Baji whose face was pale and bloody.

"You got mad...just for me?" Baji smiled at Mikey. "Thanks, man,"


Baji ignored Chifuyu and walked towards Mikey. Blood dripped down from his wound with each step he took.

"I'm not gonna die..." 

My eyes widened as I gazed at Baji's pale face and a knife in his hand.

Don't tell me...

"F*CK!!" I screamed.

As Baji was about to pull down the knife towards his own stomach, I got in the way just in time.

The last thing I remember was a loud voice and a sharp pain in my back.

Then everything went black and silent.

Happy Birthday, BAJI!!

Eat Peyoung if you can!!

(Not edited)

