23 || Taking Care

(Y/n)'s POV

When I entered, Chifuyu's house, I immediately walked towards Chifuyu's room. Peke J kinda followed us. 

Mrs. Matsuno look at me weirdly since I already knew where Chifuyu's room is without struggling. But she knew they need privacy so she just softly smiled and shrugged it off.

I laid Chifuyu in bed and brought him a warm towel and patted it over his forehead. Chifuyu stared at me silently while I did all the work. 

After a while of taking care of him, a knock was heard from the door and Mrs. Matsuno answered with a bowl of porridge. 

"Thank you so much, (Y/n)-chan, and here, Chifuyu, eat this okay?" She said as she placed the porridge on the table next to the bed. 

Chifuyu just nodded while I just smiled.

"Chifuyu, can you get up a little?" I asked Chifuyu.

"...Yeah," He replied, slightly sitting himself up.

"Uh...here, I'll feed you if it's okay?" I suggested.

"Oh, uh, that'll be great," Chifuyu tried to smile but he didn't have much strength.

I took the bowl and spoon and scooped some porridge and put it in Chifuyu's slightly opened mouth. He ate it and gulped it down.

A few more scoops and he had finished eating. 

"Okay now, just rest a little, okay?" I said as I gently placed him back in bed. 

"Thank you, (L/n)-san, for everything," Chifuyu said.

I smiled, "It's nothing, I just hope you'll get better."

Chifuyu closed his eyes as I gently repeatedly tapped his shoulders to help him sleep.

Soon, he was sleeping peacefully. He's so cute when he sleeps, I thought. As I got up to leave his room, I heard him mumble.


He was talking in his sleep. I didn't hear the last part because he whispered it. I wonder what he said...is he dreaming about me? I felt my cheeks burn a little. Maybe he is since I sometimes dream about him too. Oh god.

I left the room as Mrs. Matsuno was watching TV in the living room.

"Oh, hey, (Y/n)-chan, Thanks again for taking care of my son," She smiled.

"It's no problem, he's asleep right now," I said, as I sat down next to her.

"Say, (Y/n)-chan, do you love Chifuyu?" She suddenly asked, causing me to flinch.

"Uh..." I was at a loss for words. I didn't know how to reply.

Mrs. Matsuno chuckled as she turned off the TV that was streaming Attack on Titan.

"I realized now that you're the (Y/n)-chan that Chifuyu talks nonstop about. He talks about that Baji-san? Bage-san? Bake-san? I don't know his name but he talks about that guy nonstop too. I don't really know what he's talking about but I've never seen my son talk so excitedly about people. Especially you and the Bage-san guy. There's this sparkle in his eyes whenever he talks about you two and it makes me wonder who these people are that can make Chifuyu so excited and happy. But now I know why he likes you," Mrs. Matsuno said and smiled.

My eyes widened. Chifuyu was really talking about me and Baji.

"Oh, wow...oh yeah, and it's Baji, not Bage." I chuckled and Mrs. Matsuno giggled.

"Well, if it's okay, you can spend the night here. You can call your parents since it's pretty late right now," Mrs. Matsuno said, standing up.

I felt a lump form on my throat.

"Oh, uh, actually, my mom's on a...business trip...and my dad's at work. I don't really have to call them since they might not be home," I said. Good lie, I thought to myself. But it's true that my dad's busy with work but I just lied about my mom.

"Oh, okay then, you can go sleep in the guest room, I go and make it ready," Mrs. Matsuno replied happily as she headed to the guest room. 

Mrs. Matsuno told me to take a shower and handed me some clothing. "It's Chifuyu's clothes, don't worry," She said as she made her way to who knows where.

After the shower, I wore the oversized shirt and shorts. It felt comfortable, so I didn't really argue. 

A few minutes later, I was super tired that I was knocked out before my head hit the pillow. 

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! One thing, can I put Chifuyu's mom's pic?? Someone tell me if it's a spoiler or not.

(Not edited)

