13 || Who?

(Y/n)'s POV

I got a call from Mikey, saying he wanted to talk to me about something. I agreed to meet him at the cafe in an hour.

After an hour, I went to the cafe to meet Mikey.

I entered the cafe the bells attached to the door rang, with a faint "Welcome!" heard from somewhere inside. 

I looked around and Mikey still wasn't here. So I sat on the nearest seat and waited for him.


A few minutes later, I heard Mikey's voice and he sat down in front of me.

"Sup," I smiled at him. He smiled back.

"So, what do you think of Takemitchy?" Mikey asked suddenly.

What??? Who??? Why does he sound familiar, like I heard of him before from someone. I can't remember. But I didn't really care.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"What? C'mon, that Takemitchy- OH WAIT YOU HAVEN'T MET HIM YET"

"Yeah, I didn't. Are you dumb?"

"Haha~ sorry"

"So, who is this Takemitchy guy?" I was kinda curious. Who is this guy that caught Mikey attention?

"So I met this guy named Hanagaki Takemichi. He's a cool dude. I saw him fighting a guy that is clearly bigger and stronger than him. The strong guy kept beating the hell outta Takemitchy but he didn't quit. He just kept on standing. What's more is...he's like my Shinichiro."

"Like your big brother, huh?" I said, as I looked out the window. 

"Yeah...he reminded of my big bro. He knows he's weak but he kept on fighting...Phisycally weak and mentally strong. I made him my friend and we hang out a lot. So I-"

I slammed the table, earning a confused and shocked face from everyone in the cafe.



"Y-yeah...what's wrong (Y/n)-chin??" Mikey sweatdropped.

"I KNOW HIM!!" I shouted.

"HUH, YOU DO?" Mikey sounded surprised.




We looked at each other dumbfolded and started laughing. 

"Uh- I'm sorry, Miss, Mr, but please keep the volume down." A worker at the cafe came to us.

"Oh, sorry hehe," I apologized. 

The worker nodded and went back to work.

I cleared mt throat.

"Hina is my best friend from my other school. She always talked about her boyfriend and how sh admires him. So I kinda had this familiar feeling in my head when I heard 'Takemichi'."

"Ohhhh, have you met him acutally?" Mikey asked.

"No, but I saw him, from far away, I guess."

"SO I WAS RIGHT!!! YOU DID MEET HIM, I WAS NOT DUMB," Mikey said as he pouted.

"I said I SAW him not MET him." I said sarcastically.

"I don't care," Mikey said.

"So is this all you wanted to talk about?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, we have Toman meeting tonight, okay? Tell others if they don't know. I already told Ken-chin to contact Takemitchy so he can come to the meeting too. He's our guest today."

"Oh, okay!" I gave a thumbs up sign to Mikey. 

Mikey smiled "And (Y/n)-chin, you'll accept when Takemitchy joins Toman, right?"

"What do you mean, Mikey, you're the president, you get to choose that." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I mean, you're the organizer. It won't be a pain if he joins?"

"I need to meet him in order to answer that. But at the end of the day, it's really your choice, not mine. You're the president after all. I'm okay if the president's okay!" I smiled warmly.

Mikey smiled back. "Thanks (Y/n)-chin. Oh yeah and how's you and Chifuyu going?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Me and Chifuyu?

"Huh? You guys aren't dating?" Mikey asked innocently.


"But Baji told me that-"

"Don't listen to him." I snapped.

I'm gonna kill Baji.

A/N: I read back and noticed so many spelling and grammar mistakes lmao. I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense. I'll make sure to reread and fix mistake later. Anyways I will go sleep. Thank you for all the votes and reads. Author-chan out!

(Not edited)

