50 || Christmas (2)

Inupi past spoilers


(Y/n) stared at the house that was on fire. She was just coming home from school. There seemed to be no sign of a firetruck coming anytime soon.

(Y/n) decided to do the impossible. She put her backpack down on the ground and bolted into the house, caring less about the heat that covered her whole entire body. Ignoring the words of worry the adults yelled at her.

(Y/n) remembered that her senpai, Akane-san, lived near. She didn't want the fire to spread. She didn't want anyone to die.

Despite the black smoke all around her, (Y/n) was able to glimpse a sight of blonde hair. And her breathing stopped. Everything froze. The crackling of the fire silenced as (Y/n) saw Akane.

(Y/n) did know that Akane lived by but she didn't expect that she lived here. In the house that was burning right now. 

Time seemed to move again and this time, (Y/n) moved fast. "AKANE-SAN!!"

"(Y/n)?" A weak but surely Akane's voice was heard even through the loud noise of wood burning.

But to her horror, Akane's half of her body was on fire.

"I'M GOING OV-" Before (Y/n) could finish her sentence, a burning piece of huge wood fell before her. 

(Y/n) gasped in horror as she inhaled smoke without noticing. 


"COMING THROUGH!!" A few firefighters entered the house as (Y/n) was paralyzed still. She was held up by the firefighters. She couldn't utter a single word even when they asked if she was okay.

(Y/n) was carried outside and plopped on the ground in front of the burning house. She stared at the ground, wide-eyed. Streams of white from the big hose were being aimed at multiple places.

(Y/n) heard crying next to her. She turned around and saw two boys, one black with ashes and had a big burn over his eye. He had similar hair to Akane's.

Another boy with black hair was crying, mumbling something. 

Then it hit her. 

'You know, I have this cute little brother!! He's such a good boy. I love him!'

Tears started to stream down (Y/n) face as she crawled over at the blonde boy.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," She kept on saying.

The boy looked at (Y/n) in silence. But tears silently trickled down his messed-up face.

They were soon taken to the hospital.

"So you're Akane's friend?"

"More like her kohai."


Inui and (Y/n) talked to each other as Inupi was still in the hospital bed. (Y/n) never got to know about the black-haired boy since he kept on running away from (Y/n).

"I'm sorry, Inui-kun. I couldn't save your sister..." (Y/n) mumbled out as she leaned towards the bed.

Inui smiled sadly. "I mean, I should say thanks. You at least tried to save her. And it was impossible to save someone from that fire. I appreciate it." Inui bowed despite being in bed.

"No, no! I didn't do anything!!" (Y/n) shook both her hands side to side. 

"But thank you."

(Y/n) blinked away her tears. "Yeah," She said in a weak voice.



"You guys know each other?" Chifuyu asked, confused.

"I mean,"

Inupi looked away. They haven't talked for years. And it was super awkward.

Then Koko spoke up. "Aren't you the girl, who failed to save Akane-san?"

(Y/n)'s breath quickened. It's him.


"Don't talk to me." Koko glared at (Y/n).

"Since when did you join a gang?" Inupi asked, sweatdropping at (Y/n)'s Toman uniform.

"Uh, long story."

Because Inupi and (Y/n) were friends, it was hard for them to fight each other. 

Without anyone noticing, Baji barged in the church, punching Inupi hard on the face in front of (Y/n).

"(Y/n)!! You okay?"


(Y/n) realized what she had to do today. She needed to fight. To save Toman. To save Hakkai and Yuzuha. 

"I'm sorry," (Y/n) mumbled as she charged toward Koko. Koko's eyes widened as he clicked his tongue. "Tch, you always say sorry, huh."

Taiju who was just standing there decided to end his siblings. But was stopped by Chifuyu and Takemichi on the way. Though they managed to throw in a few punches, still they were beaten up pretty badly.

Just then, the door of the church opened. 

Everyone turned toward the door to see a familiar blonde short guy.

"Oh, (Y/n)-chin! There you are, guys! Merry Christmas!" He spoke as he entered the church, a tall guy, Draken next to him.

Taiju turned his attention to Mikey and Draken and smirked. "Invincible Mikey. I'm glad I'm able to fight you today."

Mikey's eyebrows twitched. "I don't really wanna fight on a special holiday but yeah. I mean like we had a fight on Halloween though. I guess things fire up when it's a holiday,"

And in mere seconds, Taiju was on the floor, Mikey's leg up. He turned to (Y/n), Chifuyu, Takemichi, and Baji, who were in shock.

"You should've told me. That you're gonna fight the Black Dragons. What's the plan-"

"To kill Taij-" Yuzuha, who managed to sit up started to say but Baji cut her off.

"Kisaki and Hanma. They betrayed us."

(Y/n) looked at Baji. 

"What do you mean?" Draken said as he put his hands in his pocket.

"We were gonna crush BD. And we also had Kisaki and Hanma in our group. But they knocked us down so that Takemichi and Chifuyu would fight alone." Baji spoke.

(Y/n) gasped. "Wait that was them??"

Baji nodded. "Yeah, I saw them and I was about to warn you but y'know, they had a bat with them."

Mikey thought for a moment. Then smiled. "Okay, thanks for telling me. I'm glad you are all fine."

"Wait but how did you find us here?" Chifuyu said, curious.

"Oh...uh," Mikey pouted a little.

Draken sighed. "He wanted to celebrate Christmas with you guys but we couldn't find you guys. We went to (Y/n)'s house and her mom told us that you're here and here we are."

"Ohh, well, let's celebrate later then?" (Y/n) said in an apologetic way.

"Yeah," Mikey smiled.

"Wait-" (Y/n) turned around, completely forgetting about Inupi and Koko. But they're disappeared. (Y/n) shrugged. Maybe next time.

"Let's go then, it's late," Draken said as he opened the door. They felt the cold wind of winter as bits of snow came in.

They all walked out, but Mikey stopped.


"Come out, Kisaki, Hanma."

"Huh? They're here?" Takemichi looked around.

One of the bushes rustled, and there was Kisaki and Hanma behind the bushed. (Y/n) and Baji had a strong urge to punch the hell out of the two but held it.

"You're done," Mikey stated, not making eye contact with anyone.

"Pardon?" Kisaki mumbled.

"Toman members never betray anyone. You bastards failed. You are out of Toman, got it?" Mikey glared at the two.

Hanma snorted. "I believe those brats told you huh? And you believed it? Without proof?"

Mikey snorted back. "I have proof." He looked at Draken. 

"Believe it or not, we were actually here this whole time," Draken said. "But we didn't come out and pretended we didn't see since we thought it was something between you guys."

"Yeah, and we saw you two knocking (Y/n)-chin and Baji out."

"What's that thing over there then?"Chifuyu glared as he pointed at a bat lying on the floor.

Kisaki sweatdropped as Hanma just smirked like nothing was his fault. 

"Now go. You guys are officially kicked out of Toman."

"I can't believe it worked out." Takemichi stared off into space.

"C'mon it did! And the future should be changed by now!" (Y/n) put her arm over Takemichi.

"Yeah," Baji grinned widely.

"(Y/n)-san?" Chifuyu asked awkwardly.

(Y/n) turned around. "Yeah? What's up?"

"Who was that Inupi??"


(Not edited)

