47 || Call (2)

"Who's this?" A voice called.

"It's-" Takemichi started but (Y/n) covered his mouth and nodded at him. Takemichi got the messege and nodded back. (Y/n) will handle.

"It's me, (Y/n)," (Y/n) said.

"(Y/n)? The organaizer of Toman?" Kisaki asked.

"Yeah, that's me." (Y/n) replied. 

"What do you want?" Kisaki said sternly, wanting to end the call as fast as he can.

"We actually want your help," (Y/n) said.


"I mean-, yeah, we."

"Why? and with what and whom?"

"Stop asking so much questions. So first, me, Kei, Takemitchy, and Chifuyu wants you to help us with something. We want YOUR help because well, uh, you were pretty good at the last fight. Yknow, Blood Halloween. So we're gonna fight the Black Dragons and we basically need your help."

(Y/n) heard silence. 

"Wait a sec," was all she heard when Kisaki muted himself.

"What happened??" Chifuyu asked as he plopped is chin on (Y/n) shoulder.

"I dunno. Maybe he's gonna think for a while."


"Who was it??"

"Bunch of idiots," Kisaki said. Hanma widened his eyes.

"Look, Hanma, the orginaizer of Toman is asking for my help. We could use this opputunity to make Toman stronger and ours."

Hanma smikred. "Is it the famous (Y/n) girl??"

"Yeah her," Kisaki replyed, sighing.

"Let's use her then," Hanma smiled evilly.


Kisaki unmuted.

"HELLOO?? WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG??" (Y/n) was at the point of raging.

"We'll help you," Kisaki said, ignoring (Y/n)'s complains. "Except Hanma is gonna be here with us."

(Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows and glanced at the boys in front of her. Mouthing silently, 'did you guys hear that?'

The boys all nodded. Making faces like they just ate a lemon.

"Ok wait a sec," (Y/n) muted her mic. Took a deep breath. "BRUH!! F*CK HANMA! HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE IN OUR PLAN-"

"Hold on," Takemichi cut (Y/n) off but she didn't hear and kept on complaing. Takemichi ignored the loud (Y/n) and talked to Baji and Chifuyu instead, leaving (Y/n) to complain and whine.

"Valhalla joined Toman after them losing at Blood Halloween, meaning Hanma joined too. Maybe if we get Hanma AND Kisaki out of Toman, it'll be like killing two birds in one stone. If Hanma and Kisaki leaves, Valhalla leaves." Takemichi stated.

Chifuyu widened his eyes. "EXACTLY!!"

Baji smirked. "Genius,"

Chifuyu ran to get the phone from (Y/n), earning a hey from her.

"KISAKI!! Hanma could join us, k? Meet us at xxx park at noon tomorrow, now goodbye," Chifuyu ended the call with a beep.

(Y/n) gasped and struggled to breath. "OMG WHAT??"

"We can work this out okay?? It's fine if Hanma joined our plan. I mean if we did, the whole Valhalla would be gone too." Chifuyu reassured (Y/n) as she slapped Chifuyu on the shoulder.

"WHAT THE HELL, that's the smartest plan I've ever heard, who thought of this???" (Y/n) shook Chifuyu's shoulders. Chifuyu pointed at Takemichi.

(Y/n) walked towards Takemichi and gave him a pat.

"Maybe we could really make a great future," (Y/n) smiled at him. 

"By the way, why didn't you tell Mikey-kun about this??" Takemichi asked, curious.

"Well, if I do, he'll get the whole Toman involved. We can just handle it by ourselves. It's fine. We have each other. Besides, this plan is to convince Mikey to kick Kisaki, and now Hanma and Valhalla too, out of Toman. We can't just tell him."

"Yeah, as long as Baji-san and (Y/n)-san is here, we're all safe!" Chifuyu smiled and gave a thumbs up. "They're strong!"

A/n: pls tell me if u want the chapters to be longer!!


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