06 || Toman

A/N: Ok hello guys now happy reading!

Third POV

Baji, Chifuyu, and (Y/n) entered Baji's apartment. 

"I'm hommeee," Baji called out as he took off his shoes. "I brought my friends here so don't disturb us," Baji yelled and a faint "Okay~" can be heard from inside. Problary his mom.

(Y/n) headed straight to the kitchen, wanting to eat Peyoung although she ate it at lunch today. She and Baji just love that food. 

Baji followed (Y/n), saying, "Don't act like you own the place, (Y/n). This is my house."

He opened a cabinet and took out a Peyoung Yakisoba. Then, his eyes widened as he looked back at the cabinet once more.

"What's up?" (Y/n) asked as she also poked her head toward the cabinet. 

"WE ONLY HAVE ONE PEYOUNG LEFT, MOM!!" Baji suddenly yelled. 

Chifuyu, who was behind them, sweatdropped and said, "It's okay, you guys can have it."

"Let's split it." (Y/n) suddenly suggested. 

"Oh yeah, we can do that," Baji grinned.

Am I gonna be sharing Peyoung for the rest of my life and end my life having no experience in eating one whole box of Peyoung? (Y/n) thought to herself. The thought made her want to stock tons of Peyoung just in case at her house. But sharing isn't bad so yeah.

"Sharing Peyoung in thirds huh," Baji mumbled. 

"Let Chifuyu split it and have the amount he likes!" (Y/n) said as she handed the Peyoung to Chifuyu.

"Huh? Me? Uh...okay, (L/n)-san." Chifuyu said as he started to split it. 













After eating, the three hanged out at Baji's room. 

"Soo, Chifuyu, do you wanna join our gang?" Baji suddenly asked.


Baji and (Y/n) laughed at his reaction.

God he's so cute, (Y/n) though.

"Okay then, I'll contact the other members and let them meet you tomorrow," Baji replied, as he took out his phone. (They're called phones, right? The flip phone thingie???)

"Another new member, huh?" (Y/n) said as she stared at the ceiling, smiling. "Toman's getting bigger and bigger."

Baji grinned. "Yeah, but our motto is, if one of us gets hurt, we'll protect them... a gang that's all for one, one for all. That's how we want our gang."

(Y/n) smiled. "Yeah," she said softly as Chifuyu stared at them.












The Next Day

Baji, (Y/n), and Chifuyu arrived at the cafe that the president and vice president of Toman agreed to meet the new member. They got here first and they waited on the seat near the window. 

"Ken-chin, this is the place right?" 

"Yeah, now just shut up and eat that taiyaki already."

The three heard two guys speaking and Baji and (Y/n) knew it was them.

"Finally, they're here," (Y/n) mumbled she turned around towards the voice, only to see...

Super close to her face, she was so startled that she almost fell out of her seat.

"MIKEY!!" She yelled as Mikey laughed and greeted, "Hey (Y/n)-chin!!" Another guy that was with him sighed loudly. "Sorry about him, (Y/n)," he apologized. "No no, it's fine, Draken..haha~~" (Y/n) laughed it off.

"Having fun, Mikey?" Baji sneered as he looked at Mikey. "Oh, hey Baji, and he's the new guy?" Mikey pointed toward Chifuyu as he sat down beside (Y/n), in front of Chifuyu.

"Huh." Chifuyu glared at the two. 

Baji hit Chifuyu's head with his elbow. Baji knew that he wasn't used to being polite to older people (senpais) other than Baji and (Y/n)

"Ow, Baji-san," Chifuyu whispered as he held his head. 

"Oh uh so he said he wanted to join Toman and we're checking if it's okay with you, Mikey," Baji said, ignoring Chifuyu. (Y/n) nodded at his statement. 

"Hee, what's your name?" Mikey asked, as he leaned forward on the table, closer to Chifuyu as Draken held him back a little. 

"Matsuno Chifuyu." Chifuyu answered shortly. 

"Well, okay Chifuyu, my name's Sano Manjirou but call me Mikey. This guy right here is Kenchi-"

"Name's Draken." Draken cut Mikey off as Mikey pouted. 

Then Mikey smiled and said, "You're in. I heard you're strong from Baji and (Y/n)-chin. I believe them. Come to the meeting tonight at Musashi Shrine, okay? You guys might want to lead him there." Mikey looked at his two best friends.

"Yeah we'll go with him," (Y/n) answered as she sipped her (f/d).

"Okay!" Chifuyu replied happily, thinking that he will be able to work with Baji and (Y/n).




After Mikey, Draken, Baji, (Y/n), and Chifuyu chatted a little at the cafe, they all said goodbyes.

"See ya tonight," Mikey waved as he went the other way with Draken.

"See yaaa," (Y/n) waved back as she headed the opposite direction with Chifuyu and Baji to go back to their apartment. 

"Tonight huh," Baji mumbled. 

"Let's meet at the apartment lobby at 5 ok?" (Y/n) smiled at them.

"Yeah sure," Chifuyu replied. They were already on the 2nd floor of the apartment. 

"Okay then I gotta go from here, thank you and let's meet at 5, Baji-san and (L/n)-san!" Chifuyu smiled and waved at them. 

"'K, cya!" Baji and (Y/n) waved back and they also returned to their room.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed. Now the question today is

What's your favorite food?

I might update again today. Author-chan out!


