What's The Problem?

The next evening, I went to the Rebekah's. I have no idea why but I decided to look for Elijah or her.

"Anyone home?" I called out as I went around the house. This place is really large."If no one answers, I'm gonna smash a window" I smiled.

"There's no need for that" Elijah sped in front of me."What's wrong with you? Why would you smash a window?" He asked.

"Oh, I wasn't actually gonna smash it right now. I was gonna wait 5 minutes and if no one came out, then I'd have smashed it. Either way, I'd have smashed it" I told him and he rolled his eyes."I need to talk to someone"

He told me to follow him into the living room and I sat on the couch next to him.

"What's the problem?" He asked.

"What? Are you all of a sudden a guidance counsellor?" I scoffed and he stared at me."Stop giving me that pityful look. I'll murder you. I've got the white oak dagger if you want it through your fucking head". His eyes widened at the mention of the dagger.

"Obviously something is wrong" he sighed and I rolled my eyes.'Way to state the obvious' I thought."Care to tell me the problem?".

"Well, your shithead of a brother decided to force me to go back to New Orleans with him and I've not broken up with Erica but I've obviously already lost her. He technically threatened me and said that if I stay, then he'll make me watch all my friends suffer and if I do come with him, then everything will be fine. I wonder how you put up with this Niklaus of a bitch" I huffed as I slumped back into the couch.

He chuckled, "I also wonder how I put up with him". I watched him intently as he looked around the room."D'you want anything? Drink? Food? I know you like your food". I smiled and dragged him into the kitchen."Was it necessary to drag me?" He asked. I tried to face him and leaned up.

"Did you want worse?" I raised an eyebrow and he smirked."I'm making myself a smoothie"

"Aren't I supposed to make it since I asked you what you want?" He questioned.

I scoffed."You suck at making smoothies. They taste like mudpie, especially the strawberry ones", turning to face him I said, "How do you manage to make a strawberry smoothie taste like shit?"

"Language, young lady" I frowned as I laughed."What's with sudden sadness?"

"My Mom and Dad" I sighed."They always said that to me when I swore. I had a curse jar". He laughed when I said the curse jar."Everytime I put in a dollar for swearing, my mom said that I'll use the money to take the 3 of us on a trip to Paris" I chuckled. Tears began brimming my eyes as I replayed the memory in my head.


"Shut the fuck up, Dalton" I grumbled as I shoved Dalton off the couch.

"That hurt" he rubbed his side. I rolled my eye as I smirked, grabbing the TV remote only to have it taken off me."I'm watching the game" he say down.

"No! Your not!" I slapped his arms multiple times."Legally Blonde is on"

He smirked as he shouted, "Mr.Wilson, Sav swore". I glared at him as is stammered. Dad came down the stairs with 'the jar'.

"You know what that means" Dad held the jar in front of me. I huffed as I dug through my pocket and stuck a dollar in the jar."That's $324. Let's see how long it takes to get to $600. You just started the jar 2 weeks ago". He chuckled as he placed the jar on the table and headed back up the stairs.

"I wonder how you've not had your ass kicked by someone yet" Dalton laughed. I've never had such as annoying cousin.

I huffed and we both watched the TV, but I punched him straight across the face and he fell flat on the ground. I smiled in satisfaction and grabbed the remote, changing to game to Legally Blonde and relaxing on the couch with the pack of Skittles Dalton had on the table.

Mom came down the stairs and her eyes widened at the sight of Dalton.

"What did you do?" She asked as she placed him on he other couch.

"The bitch was irritating me" I waved.

Then the jar was blocking my sight of the telly.

"2 dollars. One for the word and the other for knocking out your cousin" she chuckled."We'll be going to Paris in no time"

End of flashback

I smiled as I wiped my tears."We never got to experience the European feeling in Paris. I had 3 jars of curse cash. I could've paid for tickets for them to fly to Spain for their anniversary. If we had just stayed in NY then none of this would've happened and my parents would still be with me". I bit my lip as I held my back my sobs but I couldn't at the thought of my parents.

I watched as Elijah filled a glass with chocolate milk and sat down next to me and handed me the glass.

"Thanks" I have him a small smile as I took a gulp of my milk.

"How come you hadn't said anything for the past few weeks?" He asked in confusion. It's true. Ever since, I hadn't mentioned my parents at all. It was a hard subject to discuss with someone and I couldn't really find anyone to talk about it with.

"I guess...I just kept it in" I spoke."Not many people bring their dead parents into a conversation while talking about Kanimas and Werewolves" I chuckled sadly."Come to the game with me" I suddenly spoke.

Elijah raised an eyebrow."What and why?"

"Come to the game with me" I repeated my statement."You'll probably feel a little bit normal and-"

"How can I feel normal if I'm not exactly normal?" He looked at me in amusement.

"I'll help you feel normal" I smiled."You know, look normal, speak normal, act normal". He watched me with a smirk.

"I remind you of Thor, don't I?" He questioned and I nodded quickly, making him laugh.

"So, you'll let me help you be at least one night normal?" I asked and he silenced."Please, please, please" I begged. He sighed as he gave in.

He sighed as he gave in."Fine". I squealed as I grabbed onto his hand and sped us up the stairs and into his room.

"Okay, first" I clapped my hands together."Our changing your clothes".

"No" he said.

"Yes. Your not going onto a school field in a suit. It makes you look like the mayor" I turned and began searching his closet and then he rolled his eyes."Maybe jeans and top that shows your muscles" I said. I pulled out a pair of ordinary jeans for him.

"What'd you mean a top that shows my muscles?" He questioned.

I turned to face him."Well, your hot so who wouldn't wanna see Elijah Mikaelson in a top that shows off his nice, sexy muscles" I smirked as I placed my hand on his bicep, him giving me a questioning look."I'm not gonna kiss you. I'm just, trying to get you to know what I mean" I let go."I'm gonna let you pick a top. See what you've learned from that muscle talk". I pushed him towards his closet and sat down on the bed, watching and he searched the closet.

"I'm just picking random" he said and pulled out a top. I guess he's alright. The top he'd pulled other was grey and long sleeved.

"Good. Now put it on" I chuckled. I watched as he slowly removed his Blazer then his tie then his shirt."It feels like your teasing me" I playfully glared.

"I'm not surprised you feel like that. I can tell" he said and looked at me, "But just to clarify, I'm not". I nodded.
He slipped the top on and, might I say, he looked hot.

"You look hot" I gushed as I stood."I won't be surprised if all the teenage girls in the school watch you instead of the game". He laughed.

"Don't say that" he shook his head and I smiled.

"You ready to go?" I asked. He nodded and we left the room and went downstairs."Let me see your hair" I said and ruffled it around.

"What's wrong with my hair?" He looked up at my hands which were tangled in his short dark hair.

"It's too sophisticated" I answered."There. Still normal but a little messy" I smiled. I grabbed onto his hand, "Now, come on. The game's about to start".
