Lacrosse Game/Abomination

I woke up and everyone was lying all over the place. I took Lydia's legs of my lap and walked to Scott's bedroom and hooped in the shower. The water hit my skin and it felt amazing. I took a look at the shower gels and picked out a fruit flavoured one. I put it on a sponge, put it all over myself and washed it off. I heard the door open and opened the curtain while poking my head out. I saw Erica looking at herself in the mirror. I cleared my throat and she turned to look at me.

"What are you doing? Can't you see I'm showering" I asked her in a 'duh' tone and she smirked and walked towards me.

I looked at her with a confused look and she looked me in the eye and smirked. I looked into her eye and I saw a glimpse of red.'What is wrong with her brain' I thought and I turned to look at her but I couldn't find her so I shrugged it of and turned back to shower. I saw Erica standing there, naked, smirking at me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and smashed her lips onto mine. I was shocked at first but kissed back. We had an insane make out session and to my great surprise, I kind of enjoyed it. We stepped out of the shower and wrapper towels around ourselves. We stepped out of the bathroom and saw everyone staring at us with shocked looks on they're faces.

"It's called saving water" we said in usion and we looked at each other and laughed. The others shrugged it of and walked out the room. Suddenly, Erica pushed me up against the wall and kissed me. She put my leg around her waist and grinded against me.

"Told you she thinks Erica's hot" We heard a voice say. We turned and saw Isaac and Boyd staring at us smirking. They walked out and I went to my emergency bag I leave at Scott's house and handed Erica a pink crop top, white short shorts and a pair of black wedges. I put on a tight blue crop top, a black mini skirt and a pair of Black high heels.

We went downstairs and sat on the couch and put on Total Divas. Everyone came into the room and we all sat in silence and watched the telly.

"So did you enjoy the make out session with Erica" Derek asked and I just smirked and nodded. He sighed and shook his head. I turned to face him.

"Is someone jealous" I asked him and everyone chuckled. He turned to face me and scoffed.

"Why would I be jealous if you made out with Erica? I'm in love with someone else" he said and I heard his heart skip a beat. I think all the wolves heard it because they just burst out laughing. I stood up and stood in front of him and crossed my arms.

"I know who that certain someone is. Erica told me" I said and he glared at Erica. I straddled him and he growled. I leaned in and we were inches away from kissing." I'm sorry but I'm taken" I whispered and everyone just chuckled. I sat on Erica's lap and she wrapped her arms around my waist. We smiled at each other and kissed. The boys went 'Oh my god' and the girls just gave us a strange look. "Don't forget your lacrosse game boys" I said and they nodded.

We were all bored so someone came up with a suggestion.

"Why don't we got to the movies" Isaac asked and we all nodded. We all got into our cars and drove to the Cinema.

We saw

The Heat

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones

Grown Ups 2

X-men: Days of the Future Past

We saw all those movies and went to the school so the guys could get ready for the Lacrosse game.

"We'll, it's time to go. I can't believe I'm first line" Stiles said joyfully and I smiled and hugged him then everyone had a group hug and the girls shouted "Good Luck at your game" and they just laughed and walked onto the field.

We were watching the Lacrosse game and I was next to Erica and she was between me and Boyd. I looked at Scott sitting on the bench and he was looking terrified. I sighed and turned back to the game and saw stiles running towards the goal with the ball. He stopped in front of the goal and looked around the field with a scared look.

"Go Stiles. Shoot the ball, shoot the ball" I chanted and everyone joined along while looking at me like I'm a crazy person. He threw the ball and it went in the goal. We all cheered and shouted. The game went on and one of the players got tackled. The coach was looking for another player when he spotted...Boyd.

"Hey you. Get on the field" he shouted to Boyd and Boyd took of his jacket,put on his and got on the field.

"Derek is not gonna be happy" Erica said and he went onto the field anyway. He ran and scored multiple goals and he ended up shifting. The game ended and he ran off the field. In the corner of my eye, I saw Erica grabbed Stiles by the ear and drag him into the school and me being me, I decided to follow.

Erica was standing there with Derek by her side and he was holding a basketball.

"Hello Stiles" Derek said with a evil look on his face.

"What do you want" Stiles asked. Derek sighed and looked around.

"I wanna know what you saw at the mechanics garage" he said and Stiles sighed.

"Why do you wanna know and why would I tell yo-" and he was cut off by Derek bursting the basketball. I sighed and walked towards Erica. I smiled and she smiled when she saw me. I put my arm over her should and she put her arm around my waist and Derek just growled.

"I don't wanna ask you again. What did you see" He said raising his voice to Stiles. He played with his fingers but gave up.

"All right, we'll I saw a big,snake,lizard like creature. Yellow cat eyes,umm scaly reptile skin. That's all I know" he said and we heard a hiss come from above us but Stiles didn't hear it."You look like you know what I'm talking about" he said and he looked up. We shifted and put Stiles behind us. Erica ran towards it but it knocked her to the wall, putting her unconscious.

"ERICA" I shouted and charged at it but Derek held me back. He charged at it but then I clawed him with its tail. Me and Stiles looked at each other and looked at his neck.

"Derek, your neck" Stiles said and we saw Derek fall backwards. We caught him but we couldn't hold him any longer."We can't hold you any longer" he said but we all fell in the pool.

"What the hell was that" I shouted at them and they shrugged. Well, Stiles shrugged because Derek was paralysed. I sighed and just held him up.

*3 hours later*

"Maybe it left" Stiles said hopefully. We looked around and saw nothing but then heard a hissing sound.

"Maybe not" I said and he sighed. He looked up and saw his phone on the jumping board.

"Stay here, I gonna get my phone and call Scott" he said and was about to let go off Derek but he stopped him.

"You are not going anywhere" He said sternly to him and he groaned.

"Have you seen the manican with multiple rows of teeth" Stiles said and Derek stayed silent." I thought so. So I'm gonna call Scott" he said and let go of Derek. He swam and grabbed the phone and called Scott.

"Stiles, what is it" Scott said thought the phone.

"You need to come to the school right now. We're trapped in the Swimming gym and a huge creature thing trying to kill us" He said and Scott sighed through the phone.'What is with everyone sighing these days' I thought and I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard groaning. I looked at Derek and he looked like he was gonna pass out.

"Stiles hurry up. I can't hold him any longer" I screamed at him and then we were sinking under water. Then everything went black.

I felt hands grip my shoulder and pull me out the water. I opened my eyes and saw Scott. I smiled and hugged him. He returned it and helped us all up. I went over to Erica and she woke up. I wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her. She returned it and we all went outside.

"We still don't know what this thing is" Stiles said irritated.

"It's and abomination" Derek said in a 'as a matter of fact' tone and Stiles groan ed and shook his head.

"You knew this whole time" He said while glaring at him. I nudged him in the ribs and he glared daggers at me. I shrugged it off.

"We'll, we need to tell the Argents" Scott said and Derek glared at him.

You trust them" Derek said angrily to him. Scott sighed and frowned.

"We need someone to help us" He said. Derek growled

"You trust them. We can do it ourselves" He shouted at him and Scott flinched.

"This thing is stronger,faster and harder than anything we've ever faced and your saying we don't need help" He said with a annoyed tone. Derek turned away and walked but stopped and looked to the right and looked at Scott in the corner of his eye.

"I'm gonna find this thing and I'm gonna kill it" He said and walked away. From that, I knew Erica had to go with him so I kissed her and she kissed back.

"ERICA" We heard Derek shout from a distance and we jumped away and laughed.

"I love you" she said and I was shocked. I stared at her and she clicked her fingers in my face. I sighed but ended up smiling.

"I-I love you too" I said and we heard Derek gag from a distance. We laughed and kissed and waved and she went away.

"So you and Erica" Scott asked and me and Stiles stared at him. He put his hands up in defence and we our cars and drove home.

We arrived home and I walked in.

"You do realise, you and Erica got together today and you already love each other" Stiles said and I nodded.

"It's called mates" I said and he nodded.

"Well, I'm going to bed so goodnight sis" he said while grabbing an apple. I smiled and sat on a chair.

"Goodnight bro" I said and he walked upstairs. I went to the kitchen and got some cookie dough ice cream. I sat down, ate it and then went to bed. I got out of my clothes leaving me in my lace lingerie and got onto my bed and when my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.
