
"So, are you coming with us to New Orleans" Rebekah asked me as we roamed through the mall.

"I don't know. Klaus's practically forcing me to" I sighed.

"But he told me that you can make your own decision" she turned to look at me.

"Yeah. But he's threatened my girlfriend's life. So I need to go" I said and she nodded.

"I'll talk to him" she said.

"There's no need for that" Klaus's voice came from behind us.

"Your a creep" I jumped."What do you want" I asked.

"Seeing if your coming with us" he answered.

"If I don't, will you threaten my girlfriend's life" I said and he nodded."Then yeah. I'm 'unfortunately' coming with You" I said.

"Klaus, don't threaten Erica's life. She's not a part of this situation" Rebekah said.

"Well, she'll live if Savanna comes with us" Klaus said. He turned to me, "Will you come" and I sighed and glared.

"Fine" I huffed and sat down at the table as we all went into Olive Garden.

"Hi. May I take your order" a waitress said as she came to our table.

"Can I have Chicken With a side of Chips" Klaus ordered.

"I'll have a Cheese burger with a side of fruit salad" Rebekah ordered. That's a disgusting combination.

"I'll just have a ceased salad" I ordered and the waitress nodded and went to get our food."I hate you. I'll be back in a while" I said to Klaus and walked into the bathroom.

Klaus's POV

"I'll be right back" I smirked.

"Klaus. Quit bothering her. Just get over it. She doesn't love you anymore" Rebekah said and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I still love her so I'm doing whatever it takes to get her back" I said and walked into the ladies bathroom. I know. It's weird but I don't care. Savanna was sitting on the counter top of the sink, staring at a blank wall.

"What do you want" Savanna asked.

"Nothing" I said."What's wrong, love" I asked and she growled.

"Stop. Calling me That" she spat."Why are you in here" she said.

"I don't know. Just wanted to see you" I replied and she walked past me but I grabbed her arm and pulled her in me."Why the glum look" I teased and she slapped my across the face."You've got to stop doing that" I said and she rolled her eyes.

Savanna's POV

"But seriously. What do you want" I said again.

"I still love you" he said and I stared at him."Why did not you love me".

"Because you used me" I glared.

"I was protecting you" he said.

"Well, using me as an object isn't protecting me. I'm not some prostitute that you can toy around with" I argued.

"I know that" he said

"Then what were you protecting me from" I crossed my arms.

"Damon Salvatore" he raised his voice and I flinched at his tone."After this mysterious woman daggered his brother, he found out it was you. Someone told him how important you were to me and he was coming after you. So I did what was right" he shouted.

"You did all that. Just to protect me" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes, love. I did" he said and stroked my cheek."I've always loved you from the second I laid eyes on you" he said and that brought tears to my eyes."I love you"

"I-I can't. I'm sorry" I stuttered and walked out of the bathroom and back to the table.

"What happened" Rebekah asked.

"Nothing" I said and Klaus came back and sat at the table."Absolutely nothing" I sighed and we all had small talk as we ate but mostly silence.

After dinner, me and Rebekah went for.more shopping and surprisingly, Klaus actually came along.

"Are you guys done yet" Klaus groaned.

"Hush. Your the one who wanted to come along so shut up" Rebekah said and he shot her a glare.

"She's got a point" I pointed out. I found a set of black, pace lingerie and told Rebekah, "Come on. I wanna try this on" and Klaus smirked.

"Come on then" Rebekah said and we walked into the changing room. Unfortunately, the changing rooms were unisex so Klaus had to fricking come along. Yippee.

"I'll be out in a minute" I said and they sat down on the chairs as I changed in the room. I stripped of my clothes and changed into the set."I'm ready" I called out as I walked out of the room, only to see Klaus there and no Rebekah."Where's Ri Ri" I pouted.

"She's went to get some more clothes for you to try on" Klaus answered as he stared at the screen of his phone.

"Fine. I don't wanna ask you but how do I look" I said and he looked at my attire, his eyes roaming my body and I felt uncomfortable.

"You look pretty" he answered and I scoffed,

"That's such a Klaus answer" and walked back into the changing room.

"Savanna, open the door" Rebekah's voice rang from the other side of the door.

"Hey" I opened and she had a.pile of clothes. It was practically a tower that covered her face."I love you" I hugged her and pulled her into the dressing room. She set the clothes down and turned to face me.

"Let's get ready" she said and handed me a dress. It was pink Malibu Breeze Dress with a pair of pink heels with straps that are made of charms. She went out for the dressing room as I stripped out of the lingerie and changed into my original one. I put on the dress and shoes and walked out of the room.

"Malibu" I sang as I stood in front of them.

"That's amazing" Rebekah squealed as she jumped up and we talked about the outfit.

"Yeah. You look beautiful" Klaus commented.

"Thanks" I blushed and he flashed a smile."I'm gonna get changed" I said and walked back into the changing room. I changed into another 4 outfits and Rebekah's rebellious mind decided to buy half the shop. I don't blame her. It's River Island."I'm exhausted" I huffed as I fell onto someone's lap. I looked up and saw a cocky looking guy, a riming down at me. He goes by the name Elijah Mikealson."Elijah" I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug as he laughed and he hugged me back.

"I thought you would've slapped me" he chuckled.

"I was thinking about it" I smirked.

"Great to see you again, Savanna" he said.

"You too" I patted his chest."Are you coming with us" I asked as I stood up.

"Where" he said.

"To my house" I answered."I need you to help me with these" I stared at the bags on the ground. There was about 30. Rebekah bought me a whole new closet. I love her but she's such a pessimist at shopping sometimes.

"Typical women" he muttered and pick up some bags.

"Aren't you gonna help" Rebekah said to Klaus and he huffed and rolled his eyes as he took some bags."Let's go home" she said. As we all walked to the car, I felt my phone buzz. I took it out of my pocket and it was a phone call from Derek.

"Hold on. I'll meet up with you guys in a sec" I told them and they put the stuff in the car."What" I snapped through the phone.

"That's a nice greeting" Derek sarcastically said and I rolled my eyes."Get to the club" he said

"Woah. Slow down tiger. I know we're going to the friend zone but I'm not going into the clubbing zone. Don't want a one nightstand. Plus, I'm in a relationship" I said.

"Shut up" he said and I laughed."It's to do with the Kanima when you get there, you go inside and follow Erica and Isaac's lead" he explained.

"Okay" I said and hung up.

"What's the thing" Klaus asked.

"We've to go to the club. Something to do with the Kanima" I said and they froze."What".

"The Kanima's deadly to us. It could easily kill us" Elijah said.

"Just stay away from a hot teenage boy with blue eyes and dirty blonde her. Tall. Muscular, goes by the name of Jackson. Do you mind me asking how it kills you guys" I said.

"If it paralyses us, it either goes out or goes into our bodies. And if it goes out, we're fine" Rebekah explained.

"But if it goes in, we'll die within hours. We'll become weak and sweat a lot. We'll be losing our vampires powers and there's only one thing that an keep us alive. But we don't know what it is" klaus finished.

"Okay. I think we'll deal with Rebekah later an-" and Elijah cut me off.

"What do you mean Rebekah" and I nervously chuckled.

"She was paralysed. But the venom spilt out" I said and they nodded in relief."Come on. I've got to get to the club" I aid and hopped into the car.

"Where do we go" Klaus asked.

"You can either stay at my place or come to the club with me" I choiced.

"We'll come with you" they said in unison.

"Okay. Creepy" I muttered.
