
I woke up on a cold surface. I looked down and I was on the metal, examine table in Deaton's clinic. Scott was lying on the one next to me. I started to get up.

"Don't move. Your thigh isn't healed and your neck is slightly sprained" Deaton's voice informed me. I sighed and laid back down.

"At least your okay" Scott said and I smiled at him.

"How're you" I asked.

"I'm good" he answered and it was my turn to smile.

"Did you contact Klaus" I asked Derek and he nodded.

"I'm right here, love" Klaus's voice came from next to me, making me jump.

"Thank god" I sighed in relief and he sat down on the table next to me and held me in his arms, which I didn't mind at all.

Klaus turned to Deaton and asked, "What even happened to her" and Derek rolled his eyes.

"Hey, leech. Can you not smell the Vervain coming from her neck" Derek exclaimed and Klaus glared at him before sniffing my neck, placing a kiss on it as well."Can you 2 not have sex" he said in disgust."Aren't you with Erica" he asked me.

"Yeah" I said."Where's Rebekah" I asked as I pulled Klaus away from my neck.

"She's on her way here" Scott answered."When are we free to leave" he asked Deaton.

"When your healed. Which in Scott's case, about 2-3 hours" Deaton answered and Scott groaned, making us laugh.

"Derek" I said and Derek looked at me."After this, can we go to-" and he cut me off,

"We just had a Mcdonalds" and I pouted."You didn't even finish your milkshake" he said and held it up.

"Gimme, gimme, gimme" I said, putting my hands like a baby who's whining. He handed it to me and I drank it. As I drank, I felt like.someone was staring. I looked up and they were all looking at me."What" I innocently smiled.

"Your still as childish as you were last time" Scott said and I smiled.

"You remember me now" I said and he nodded.

"What do you mean" Deaton asked.

"When I left Beacon Hills to go to Mystic Falls with Klaus. I asked Klaus to compel Scott, Stiles, Allison, Melissa and Lydia to forget about me. Also Jackson, Stiles's Dad and other people I was friends with. Just until I came back and after a while of hanging out, they'd remember me" I explained.

"Ah. Okay" Deaton nodded. Then the front door opened, the bell ringing."Who is it" he shouted.

"Me" Rebekah's voice rang. She walked in but it wasn't just her. It was,

"Damon Salvawhore. We meet again" I said and Damon smirked.

"Yeah" Damon said.

"Who's that" Deaton, Derek and Scott asked at the same time.

"Damon Salvatore. Most women now him as Damon Salvawhore" I answered.

"So that's why Klaus is here" Derek asked and we nodded."Well, Damon. Can you please leave so Klaus can leave as well" he said in a rude tone and Damon glared at him.

"Fine. Just after I make little miss over here dead" Damon smirked and sped towards me but Klaus caught him and threw him into the other room. They went in there and there was lots of commotion. Cats purring, dogs barking. The cages were being banged against each other.

"What exactly are you people" Deaton asked me

"Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah and I are Hybrids. While Damon is a boring average vampire" I explained.

"That explains the speed" he said and I nodded.

"Yeah...." I trailed off."I'll be back in a minute" I said and went into the other room. I walked in and laughed at the site. They were both being attacked by dogs."Lol" I laughed and went out of the room."Okay. Well, I'm gonna go home. I'll see you guys later" I said to Derek, Deaton and Scott.

"Want me to drive you home" Derek asked

"Thanks for the offer but I'm fine. I've got someone I need to talk to" I said and he nodded."Bye" and I sped back home. I looked into Stiles's room but he wasn't there. Probably at the clinic by now. I shrugged and went into my room, stripping out of my clothes and changing into a spaghetti strap tank and a pair of white sweatpants. I grabbed a book from my shelf, The Fault In Our Stars, before popping into my bed.

As I read onto the 6th chapter, I felt a presence in the room. I put my book down and saw Erica standing there.

"Hey. What's wro-" and she cut me off,

"Do you wanna break up" she asked and that caught me off guard.

"No" I answered.

"Do you want this relationship to continue"

"Yes" I said."What's the point of this" I asked.

"Do you love me" she asked and I stared at her."Well, do you". I thought for a moment.

"Yeah. I do" I answered and she smiled. Man, I feel like she just proposed to me."Do you love me" I asked.

"Yes" she said and I smiled. She took her jacket and shoes off, leaving her in her jeans and top before slipping into the bed next to me."Can I ask you something" she said and I laughed.

"You've asked me about 20 questions" I said and she chuckled.

"Who's Klaus" she asked and I froze.

"Just someone" I shrugged.

"Really. Because that night we had sex, I heard you 2 talking. He said that if you don't go with him, I'll have to suffer the consequences. And what's with the" she said and mocked Klaus's voice, "It would be such a shame if you found her with a snapped neck" and I laughed. I turned to face her and sighed.

"Okay. Before this whole Kanima thing started, Derek was the only werewolf around. Then Derek's psychotic uncle, Peter, came and bit Scott then Me. The he wanted us in his pack. Then Allison's aunt came to kill the last living Hale. Derek. But she didn't know about Peter. Then at the end, Peter killed Kate. Then Derek killed Peter, becoming the alpha.

Inbetween that, me and Derek had started a relationship. But after Derek became the alpha, he paid hardly any attention to me. So that's when I met Klaus. Derek became mad at his presence and how much time I spent with Klaus that he went berserk on him. So I broke up with Derek to be with Klaus, thinking it's the right choice. But I was wrong.

But then Klaus took me to New Orleans and then we started a great relationship. Then I met Rebekah and one night, Rebekah and I got drunk out of our minds, drank 2 full bottles of Bourbon and ended up in bed together. That's where my bisexuality starts.

Then a couple of weeks after that, a change came into Klaus. When we were doing 'it', I gave him my V card. Then he ended up biting me and turning me into a Hybrid. I accepted it for a while and decided to stay with him, but that was until I heard him tell his brother, Kol. Saying that I was just a distraction so he could get over some woman called Tatia. He said that I was worthless so he was using me.

As soon as I heard that, I packed up my stuff and left New Orleans and went into Mystic Falls. A place we're a load of people die. Just like Beacon Hills. I made friends like Elena Gilbert, Caroline Formes, Matt Donovan. They were great. Then I met Damon Salvatore and his brother, Stefan. They were also nice people, but that was until Damon began to dislike me for some reason and I daggered Stefan after. But I didn't dagger Stefan enough to kill him. Just to injure him. So I left there and came back here.

Then all this started and Klaus came back with Rebekah and told me the truth. Klaus told the truth that he was trying to protect me by saying those things back at New Orleans so Kol would believe that I meant nothing to him. But Kol never believed that. He went and told Damon how important I was to Klaus and now, Damon is on Beacon Hills and is waiting for the right time to kill me" I explained."So there. That's my life in Beacon Hills" I sighed and she stared at me.

"Your crying" she said as she wiped at tears of my cheek. I didn't even realise that. Probably from the part about Klaus."Why are you crying" she asked in confusion.

"I don't know" and I sobbed as she pulled me into her.

"There's no need to" she said and looked down at me."I'm always here for you no matter what, okay" she reassured and I nodded.

"I love you" I said to her.

"I love you too" and we smiled and sealed our deal with a kiss before we slept in each other's arms.
