Ice Rink 2

I got to Derek's loft and went down. Erica turned to me and smirked. I stared at her confused and Isaac and Derek came out.

"Since when are you bisexual" Isaac asked me. I shrugged and there was an awkward silence. "So, do you think Erica's hot" he asked me and we all stared at him in disbelief.

"Of course she is" I said with a lot of sarcasm. She scoffed and Isaac laughed.'I guess she's not used to getting rejected' I thought and I walked out but I walked back up to Derek. "Who's getting bit next" I asked him and he smiled.

"Someone" he said and turned away. I grabbed his arm and yanked him back.

"It's Boyd isn't it" I said and he turned to walk away but I electrocuted him. He fell to his knees."I don't wanna ask you again. Is it Boyd or is it someone else cause I know Boyd would want the bit but he wasn't at lunch today so is it Boyd or is it someone else" I asked him still electrocuting him. He groaned and nodded. I smirked and put on a 'What was that' look and tilted my head to the right. He nodded and I stopped electrocuting him. Erica glared at me and Isaac just stood still and they shifted. They launched at me so I grabbed they're necks and electrocuted them and used my TK to throw them into the staircase.

"Be careful cause I know were Boyd is and I will be there watching him" I said to them and walked up to my car. I got in and put on Capital FM and drove to the ice rink.

I walked in and saw Scott with Boyd.

"Hey, where's Allison,Lydia and Stiles" I asked him and he turned to me and smiled. He shook his head.

"They went away cause Lydia started screaming in the middle of the ice for some reason" he said and sighed. I shrugged and we walked up to Boyd.

"Boyd, trust me, this bite is a curse" I said and he stopped working and turned to us.

"This bite will work for me. You don't know what its like to have no popularity, no friends. Take Erica, she's popular but your like the most popular person in School. Your in 1st place with Lydia" he said and I turned to Scott.

"You know what it's like right" I whispered in his ear and he turned to me and glared. I smirked.

"If you want friends, you can do a lot better than Derek" we said in usion.

"Well Scott and Savanna, that hurts a lot" I heard a familiar voice and we turned around to see Derek and his little rugrats.

"Hey, it's sourwolf and the two little rugrats" I said and Erica and Isaac growled. Derek took a step forward.

"You know sometimes, the bite is a gift. Erica how has your life been since you got the bit" he asked her and she looked up and smiled.

"In a word, Transformative" she said and shifted.

"Isaac, what about you" he asked him and be smirked.

"Well, apart from being a fugitive, yeah its been alright" he said and shifted. They got in a fighting position. "SO gay" I muttered and they growled.

"Wait wait, this isn't exactly a fair fight" Scott said and shifted.

"Oh well, you should have thought of that before you came" Derek said and the rugrats came towards us running.

"I meant fair for them" Scott said and grabbed Isaac. Erica came for me and I threw her into the ice machine Boyd was using. Isaac clawed Scott's arm so I grabbed his hand and broke it. He let put a huge howl. I felt Erica grabbed my ponytail so I grabbed her wrist and twisted it and kicked her in the stomach but she caught my leg but I kicked my leg up from her hand and done a back cartwheel and landed on my feet. I done twist kick which she dodged but she had her head down so I kneed her in the face. She stumbled backwards so I kicked her face and she fell on her back. Isaac came at me but Scott pulled him back and knocked him unconscious so I grabbed Erica's hand, squeezed it as hard as I could which made her scream and I kicked her face again and slammed her into Boyd's ice machine which knocked her unconscious. Me and Scott slid them back to Derek and he came up to Scott.

"Your a strong person Scott. Protecting Savanna and your friends and family but can you beat an Alpha. You need to watch her because you never know what I will do" he said pointing at me. I growled and TK'd him into the ice but he landed on his feet. He came at Scott and punched him, then kicked him then put him on the ground. I grabbed him but it was no use. He wouldn't let go. I screamed and that made Derek and Scott cover their ears. Isaac and Erica woke up but stayed in place. Derek walled away from us but I grabbed his shoulder and electrocuted him. Erica was gonna make a move but I gave her a 'Don't you dare' look and she went back. I went over to Scott and he started talking to Boyd even though he was still laying on the ground.

"Trust me Boyd, you don't wanna be like them" he said and Boyd got of the ICER.

"Your right, I wanna be like you" he said and pulled his shirt up and showed us the bite mark. He walked up the the rugrats and I glared at Derek. He smirked and they all walked out the ice rink. I helped Scott up and we walked out the rink.

"The supernatural is getting worse isn't it" I asked him and he nodded.

"Hey, wanna hang at mine. I think Stiles was coming over" he said and I smiled and nodded. He smiled and I walked to my car but Scott stopped me. He hung up the phone and looked at me.

"Follow my car. Stiles said something happened at the mechanic's garage" he said and I looked at him confused.

"Why was he at the mechanic's garage. Did his car break down or something" I asked him and he nodded. He got in his car and I got in mine and I followed him to the mechanic's garage.
