Totally Odd

"Love, you've got to quit painting my face"

Right now, Klaus is teaching me how to paint and it's not going very well. The spare bedroom may as well be an art room since it's splattered in paint and Klaus, well, he could be an messed up architectural statue.

"But it's fun" I smiled shyly as I painted his lips red."See. Now your like me" I said as I pointed to my lips which were coated in red Rimmel London lipstick.

"You crazy girl" he chuckled as he wiped the paint of his lips with the sleeve of his top.

"That's me" I gave a huge cheeky smile before turning back to paint the canvas that had a tracing of a tiger."Could you please help me?"

"You've got to learn to do it yourself" he shook his head. I rolled my eyes at his answer.

"I always have to do it myself.  Why can't you help me?" I pouted and he turned to face me.

"Because I always help you. There's something called self confidence which means you have to do some things yourself" he stated, wiping paint of himself. I huffed, grabbing the pot of paint and tipping it over him.

"I hope you enjoy cleaning up" I snapped before I left the house.

I could see him through the window wiping the paint off again but with that stupid smirk that's usually on his face. He's no help whatsoever.

I went to a place where I knew would be entertaining and reminds me of Damon. I went to the bar.


When I got there, I sat at the bar and ordered a Bourbon.

"So, what's up?" Cammy asked me as she did the glass over to me."You rarely come here without hitting whoever's behind the door when you open it" she chuckled.

"Klaus" I took a gulp of my Bourbon."He's being an ass like usual"
"What'd he do this time?". I jugged down my drink, my throat burning from the contact as it ran down my throat.

"He wouldn't help me with my painting" I answered and she burst out laughing, making me glare at her."Sorry. A little insensitive" her laughter died down.

"Yeah. A little?" I moved her voice.

"I'm sorry. What's the big deal about him not helping you with painting?" She asked.

"Because he never does. He don't help with anything. He says I have to learn self confidence" I said.

"He needs to learn self control" she scoffed.

"I'm know. He got mad at me cause I was staying over at Marcel's" I spoke and she chuckled.

"I'm surprised he didn't rip Marcel's  head off". She turned and began making more drinks. There was silence between us as I gulped down my Bourbon, her eyes watching me carefully.

"Yeah. I'm the one who got punished" I sighed and she looked at me worryingly.

"He hit you?" She asked.

"If you call rough sex hitting someone then yeah" I sipped on the 5th glass of Bourbon she had handed to me, "he hit me".

She smiled, "Oh my god. Your joking right?". I shook my head."Was he any good"

"Uh, um not gonna discuss my sex life with you" I scoffed at her and she nodded understandingly."He's amazing"

"I know you'd say that" she exclaimed."I could tell by the smirk that had grown on your face in those silent seconds"

"Well, you can't blame me. You could perfectly see under those clothes that he is.

She nodded. "I guess your right  He's got the body, the eyes and the face"

"Even the personality, if it count out the psychotic mind" I pointedout and she nodded in agreement. We laughed in agreement."How're you and Marcel?"

"We're okay. He's been busy a lot though but we've made time for each other the best we can" she nodded. I set my empty glass down."Want more?"

"No" Klaus's voice rung and the glass was pushed towards Cammy."We'll be heading back home"

"No. Leave me here. I wanna hang out with Cammy" I pushed him away. He chuckled as he threw me over his shoulder, his arms around the back of my legs to keep me still in case of falling.

"You can hang out with her when you sober up" he said. He sent a Cammy as smile."We'll see you later"

"No..." I whined as we left the bar. He set me down when we were a few feet away.

"What're you doing?" He hissed.

"Uh, dealing either my problems. What else?" I asked.

"By drinking. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Oh, shut up. You sound like my mother" I rolled my eyes at her growled.

"Drinking doesn't solve anything". That woke me up.

"Drinking doesn't solve anything? Really!?" I exclaimed."Your the one who's always drinking. You drink your way out of these stupid problems that you have going on in your life, which you cause and the problems that happen to you are caused by you. Maybe if you weren't such a devil child, maybe you wouldn't have any problems in life". He stood staring at me shocked. I scoffed before I turned and began walking up the road.


"Stupid ass hole think if he can manipulate me into not doing things he does. Dickhead"

Right now, I'm muttering to myself while I'm searching Klaus's room for his Bourbon. He'd hidden in somewhere ever since I'd became a slight fan of the alcoholic beverage.

"Fuck sake" I slammed my fist in he door, leaving a huge dent on it. I shrugged not caring either way.

"What're you doing?". I tried around to see Haley, Klaus baby momma, and I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm looking for something. What else would I be doing here?" I answered smugly. She walked towards me.

"It's in there" she pointed to the wardrobe. I gave her a pointed look before opening the wardrobe, finding the Bourbon at the bottom hidden behind some clothes. I smiled in satisfaction. I sent her a glare before leaving the room."Why'd you not like me?" Her question made me stop. I turned around to face her.

"Because I do" I said as I walked towards. She looked a little terrified as she saw the grip I had on the bottle."Your a whore. I don't even want you here were Klaus is overprotective about you. You've got 2 guys wanting you, technicall, and if one of them get you then he other one is gonna get hurt.  Then the one who's hurt, which will most likely be Klaus cause I see the way you look at Elijah, will go back to being the way he was and still is". I glared her in the eye, her back against the wall from how close I was to killing her."The evil,  heartless little bitch he is". I ruffled her hair before leaving the room. The bottle of Bourbon had smashed from the grip I had on it and was left on the floor. Hailey might stink of a little Bourbon.

That night, when I was in my room, Rebekah came in.

"What happened with you? You real of alcohol" she spoke as she sat down next to me and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up. I wanna sleep". She glanced at me then my phone then back at me.

"I'm pretty sure that's not sleeping" she pointed to my phone and I rolled my eyes.

"Could you just leave me alone" I sighed as I turned to face the window side."I wanna sleep"

"Cammy told me about Klaus" she said."I don't get why your mad at him. It was just a painting"

"You don't get it, babe" I slurred my words as I went face to face with her, inches away."I like painting and the flact wat he dwidn't hewp me wakes me wupcset". My words had become all jumbled up and I couldn't see nor think straight.

"Your absolutely drunk" she laughed."You should get some sleep". She pushed me down by the shoulders but I used my quick reflexes to turn her over. Now I was straddling her and I had her wrists pinned down on the pillow.

"Only if you sweep with me" I said. She smirked a little, also with a questioning look before nodding. I got off her.

I quickly stripped out of my clothes before slipping into bed, Rebekah doing the same a second. Rebekah glanced at me as I stared up at the now dark ceiling since she has turned off the lights. Her hand covered my eyes and I was now surrounded by darkness. Maybe it'll help me get to sleep since I feel really drousy. Yep, it's helping.

I felt her remove her hand as my heartbeat slowed down.

"Do you wanna build a snowman" I sand out loud and she groaned as she buried her face in the pillow."Come on let's go and play. I never see you anymore come to the door. It's like you've got away". As I sang, I felt her bang her head against the pillow multiple times.

"Savanna" she yelled out and I looked at her."Are you ever gonna sleep?"

"I need motivation to sleep".

"Well" she sighed as she sat up. I done it also."What's gonna motivate you?".

Me and my drunken state her turned to my bisexual side, roughly placing our lips together. I quickly straddled her, moving our lips in sync.

"Is this" she said between kisses, "what it takes" and I pulled back, "to get you to sleep?"

I smirked at her."Hell yeah". She smiled before kissing me, pulling me by the waist. She turned me over so she was on top. I pulled her down, deepening the kiss.

She kisses along my jawline, her hands stroking my thighs and squeezing them as she touched. She placed kisses on my neck, nibbling at my skin making me let out a soft moan. 

"Rebekah" I moaned out. Her fangs grazed my skin, sometimes jabbing but it was pleasure.

Sneaky girl she is somehow had her hand down my pants, rubbing me and making me grind against her hand as 2 of her fingers slid in and out of my clit.

"Hopefully you sleep after this" she chuckled as she took in my features. My eyes were closed, I was biting my lip.

"Trust me" I breathed out."It will". I moved faster as I felt closer to my climax. I groaned as I felt myself climaxing as she sucked on my neck, exactly on my sweet spot."Bekah".

She pulled out.

"Are you tired yet?" She questioned.

"No" I let out a yawn. She chuckled.

"Come on". She laid down beside me, pulling me into her while wrapping her arms around me. I felt relaxed due to the warmth of her.


So the next morning, I went down to the kitchen to the sight of Klaus making breakfast.

"Morning" Klaus greeted with a smile which I ignored by sitting at the counter and pulling out my phone. He sighed as he turned off the cooker."You still ignoring me?". He a too behind me, pulling me close by the waist and placing his head in the crook of my neck.

I rolled my eyes as I pushed him back but he wouldn't budge. Thankfully, Elijah entered the room.

"Morning" I jumped away from Klaus and over to Elijah, pulling him into a hug.

"Good morning". The look on Klaus's face gave Elijah a hint that some hinge had happened."Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah" I nodded."Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because Klaus's glaring at me" he said. I turned to see Klaus with a hard glare held on Elijah. Geez.

"Yeah. That's my doing" I chuckled.

"Well, I'm leaving. Hailey wants to go somewhere on the West and I'm going to accompany her" Elijah explained.

"Elijah, ask her out already. It'll maybe put her off the shock I gave her last night" I spoke. The 2 brothers looked confused by Elijah shrugged it off and left the room.

I went and sat back down in my place. Klaus kept a stare on me, making me quite uncomfortable.

"Can you stop staring at me?" I snapped and he chuckled while putting his hand up in surrender. He came and sat next to me.

"So, what's up with the silent treatment?" He asked. I kept scrolling through my Instagram, completely ignoring him."I guess your not getting pancakes" he sighed as he went and brought over a plate of Nutella pancakes.

He took one of the top of the stack, about to place it in his mouth but I acted fast. I snatched the pancake from him and slid the pancake stack over to my side.

"A thank you would've been nice" he laughed and I rolled my eyes before slamming a chocolate covered pancake in his face. He smiled at me."I guess I deserved that"

"You did" I chuckled."You did".

"You deserve some of it". I quickly got up off my seat and moved away as he came towards me.

"No, no, no. You will not put that on me" I said as he came towards me eith a smirk."This is white and silk. I don't want chocolate on it!" I exclaimed as I clung onto my white, silk gown that I was currently wearing. I couldn't be bothered getting changed. I doubt any will get on anyway but I don't want chocolate on my face.

I sprinted out of the kitchen, Klaus chasing me as I ran up the stairs. I went and slammed the door once I entered the bathroom.

I kept one side of my face on the door, listening just in case he was out there. Obviously.

"Unlucky". I screamed as I turned to see Klaus inches away from me.

"What- How-". He cut me off by placing his lips on mine. I held onto his collar, my back pressed against the door as he kissed me roughly. His hands lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist.

He kissed down my neck, making me moan as he grinded his pelvis onto me.

"I see your not so mad now". I was moaning to much to argue with him.

"Klaus". He smirked as he kissed me again. He kept it like that as we left the bathroom and went into his room.

He placed me on the bed, our lips still together as his hand slid up my gown, towards my chest.

"Nude" he towered over me."Hopefully, I can show you how sorry I am"

And in that morning, I definitely knew he was sorry.  Probably because he pleasured me better than I ever had been before.

Sorry for the wait. I decided if I can't update the chapters all the time then I'll do some one shots to keep you guys entertained for a while.

You can send in requests via message for one if you want and I'll get them done ASAP. It can be off anyone and anything. I don't mind.

Love you guys xxx
