Nice To Meet You

I arrived at a nice, normal sized house which looked awesome and I got out of the car. I walked up to the door and rung the bell. A beautiful, brown haired woman answered the door.

"Hello, how may I help you" She asked me while smiling politely and put her hand out for me to shake it. I smiled back and took her hand.

"I'm Savanna, I'm Caroline's daughter. She said you would be here so I thought I should come by and visit" I said and she gestured for me to come in. We sat on the couch and talked for a while.

"So, how is it so far. You know, moving here" she asked me nervously. I chuckled and smirked.

"It's good so far. I start school tomorrow so yeah" I said and she nodded. We talked about random stuff and around the town and stuff like that.

"So, do you have any other siblings" she asked me. I sighed and shook my head.

"No, my Dad left us when I was 3. He was a drunk and abusive towards mom and everything so.....,yeah" I said sadly. She noticed and gave me a hug which surprised me but I gave her one back.

"If you ever need anything, come and ask me OK" she asked me worriedly and I slowly nodded. She smiled and let go of me.

"So, do you have any siblings that you live with" I asked her and her smile turned into a half smile.

"Well, I live with my son Scott but the dad left us cause of work so yeah" she said sulking and I gave her a hug and whispered things to comfort her cause I could see this was hard for her. "I think Scott's upstairs if you wanna meet him" she said and I nodded. She smiled at me and took me upstairs. She knocked on the door and there was a boy with chocolate brown eyes, a grey shirt which was tight so it showed his abs, a pair of black jeans and kind of spiky, brown hair. Also with Tan skin. He had a wolf scent so I thought this could be fun, considering i could cover my scent.

"Well, im going to work so behave kids. Love you all and Savanna*i turned to look at her* it was nice to meet you" she said and went to work.
