
Next morning, I woke up in Erica's arms. Just how I wanted. I was cuddled into her as she pulled me close. Nothing could separate us. That was until I turned around and there was Klaus with a smirk and Rebekah with a smug look at Erica.

"I see why you hate him" Erica's voice came from behind me and Rebekah glared at her.

"Shut up, blondie" Rebekah spat.

"Uh, your the dyed blondie. I'm natural" Erica retorted and Rebekah hissed at her.

"Hey. All 3 of us are natural blonde. Don't offend us all" I broke them up. I sighed and jumped out of bed.

"So, why are you here" Erica asked Klaus.

"We've got a brave one here" Klaus chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Get to the point" I said and he sighed

"Fine. I'm here to have a little talk with Erica about the trip" he said and took a step forward. I went and stood a protective stance in front of Erica.

"I'm not gonna let you touch her" I growled. He let out a deep chuckle before looking at me, his face in his hybrid form and his fangs forming.

"Oh. But I don't think you have a choice" he said and threw me to the wall, making me bang my head. I grunted as he stood and he had Erica in a choke hold on her, Erica struggling out of the grip.

"Please. Just leave her alone" I said.

"I won't until you understand that your going to New Orleans with us" he said and Erica's eyes widened.

"New Orleans" Erica exclaimed and Klaus tightened the grip on her neck, her chocking out words he rolled his eyes at.

"Yes, darling. Your dear girlfriend hasn't told you that she's going to return to New Orleans with us" Klaus informed her. He turned to me and said, "So, do we have a deal" and I growled. I sped over and kicked him in the side, making him lose his grip on Erica and she fell to the ground while he banged into the wall.

I held Erica in my arms as she shook out of shock like crazy. Another seizure. I looked up at Klaus and said, "I've made it clear that I'm going. Now leave before I kill the both of you" and he stood up and went out of the room with Rebekah following him. Rebekah sent me a sorrowful look but I shot a glare her way, and she walked out.

"Erica. It's okay" I said and stroked her hair as she shook."Great. How do I deal with this" I muttered to myself. I lifted her like bridal style and placed her on the bed before grabbing my phone.

"What do you want Savanna" Derek answered as I called.

"Erica's having another seizure and I don't kbow what to do" I sheepishly chuckled.

"You need to break her arm. Something like that"

"What! I'm not gonna break my girlfriend's arm! There's something less painful, right?"

"Yeah. Jab your claws deep into her arm"

"Thanks. That much easier. You could've said that first"

"But it'll hurt more because your a Hybrid" and I hung up. I sighed and sat next to Erica and took a hold of her arm."I'm sorry, Babe" and I placed a kiss on her lips before digging my claws deep in her arm, making her jump and scream. She eventually became still and I checked for a pulse, finding one. I sighed of relief and laid down next to her.

After a few minutes, I felt her stir next to me. She sighed and turned to face me as she lay on her side.

"Hey" she sighed.

"Hey" I smiled."I thought you'd never wake up" I said and she chuckled.

"Don't worry. I'd never leave you" she said and I smiled."Since the full moon's tonight" and she pulled me close by the waist, "How about have a a day together? Just us and no distractions. What'd you say?" she suggested.

"That'd be great. A day without being bothered by Jackass Original or Bimbo Original, I'd never swap anything for it" I smiled and she chuckled.

"Okay. Let's get ready then we can go somewhere for breakfast" she said.

"Wait. Are we skipping school" I asked and she nodded."Awesome" I hissed before doing a 'Yes' action with my hands, making her laugh before she went into the bathroom to wash but she looked at me over her shoulder and said,

"Care to join me" and I smirked before joining her in the shower.

Let's just say that it was a very steamy shower.

So after that hot shower, we decided to go to breakfast at the best cafe in town. I was dressed in a black print tank top, a denim jacket with a pair of black high waisted jeans and a pair of Jeffrey Campbells Ankle Heels. Erica was in all black tank, jeans, jacket and heels. It's creepy that they always have to wear black. Derek's so olden.

Sitting st put table, a waiter came over to take our orders.

"I'll have strawberry tea with a white chocolate cookie" I ordered.

"I'll have toast with jam and some hot chocolate" Erica ordered and he nodded before walking away."So" she started as she took a grip of my hands, "What're we doing tonight" and I was confused.

"What'd you mean" I asked.

"The Full Moon. We going somewhere" she corrected and I chuckled.

"No, you" and I tapped her nose, "Are being chained up for the night" I said and she raised an eyebrow."Not in that way. It's worse for you guys cause you could kill someone within the blink of an eye"

"Okay. Well, what about you"

"I'm hybrid so I'm fine" I shrugged. Just then, the waiter came back with a tray with our orders and went back."Thanks"

"This tastes odd" Erica said as he face grimaced when she drank her beverage.

"Let's see" I told her and she handed me the cup. Taking a sip, I knew what she meant."There's to much water".

"I'm getting a refund" Erica sighed before standing up and walking over to the front of the café. As I wait for her to return, I took my phone from my pocket and began to call Stikes.

"Hey. Where are you" Stiles answered.

"I'm at the cafe with Erica. Where's Scott"

"At school, which is where you should be. Your 10 minutes late and that can affect your grades" he exclaimed.

"Wow, since when did you care about school" I retorted.

"What is wrong with yo- wait, you've got a point there" and I smiled in victory."But, Savanna, it's the Full Moon. What if Erica turns while in the next place you guys are in"

"She's not gonna. I'm gonna take her to Derek's place cause I've gotta get ready for Lydia's birthday party"

"Fine. But there's something I have to tell you. What's that guys name, uh, Klaus. Yeah, he showed up in my house and he-" then the phone was ripped out of my hands.

"Thanks, mate. That's supposed to be a secret" Klaus's voice spoke into the phone before he hung up and shoved the phone in his pocket."Hello, love" he greeted as he slipped in next to me.

"Ugh, go away" I scoffed before pushing him onto the floor.

"Aw, that's not nice" he cooed, making me roll my eyes."Where's blondie #3" he asked as he looked around.

"Somewhere that's not any of your business" I spat

"Wow, someone's on their period" and I glared at him."So, what's for breakfast" he asked as he took a bite of my cookie.

"Hey, get your own" I exclaimed and grabbed the cookie before slapping his forehead."Why are you here anyway"

"To see you obviously" he said as he put his arm over my shoulder. Looking to the side, his hand was right next to me so I interacted my fangs and sunk them into his hand."Ow" he hissed ad he moved his hand away.

"I'll admit" I said as I licked the remainings of his blood that was left on my mouth."Your blood still tastes good"

"So, the Full Moon is tonight" he said and I nodded."Wanna go out for a meal? Maybe find some joggers or campers in the woods"

"No. I've got a party to attend tonight" I declined his invitation.

"Oh. Maybe I'll, um, stop by at this party then" he said.

I snapped my head towards him, "No" I said before I gripped his arm."I will not let you ruin my friend's party just for your bloodthirsty ass. If I see you anywhere near the premises of her house, I'll hunt you down and kill you myself" I threatened as o got up right in his face

"Oh, love. You still don't understand that you can't kill me" he cooed as he tapped my nose, making me growl at him and he chuckled."You know. You may as well give up trying to save Erica. You'll be mine in a couple of weeks" he states before disappearing.

What he said really got to me. Even though he was right, I'm not gonna let that get in the way of mine and Erica's relationship.

Smiling, Erica came and sat down as she returned from exchange

"So, did you ask the waiter to make you a new cup of hot coco" I asked as she sat back in her seat.

"Yeah. I 'asked' him" she chuckled with a smirk

"Oh, no. What did you do" I sighed.

"Nothing. Maybe showed him how to" she shrugged and went back to drinking her hot beverage.

"I'm guessing you broke his hand" I guessed.
"Nope. Knocked him out, took the cash out of his wallet and then made it myself" she said and I raised an eyebrow, knowing that's not all she done so she continued, "and I shoved him in the freezer".

"Erica, your such an unpredictable person" I spoke.

"Well, you know me" she said as she swatted her hair back. Then she sniffed the air, "Where's Jackass Original gone".

"He entered, interrogated and left when he was defeated" I answered.

"What as surprise. He sucks at talking to people" she retorted and I laughed before we went back to finishing out breakfast.
