Scott Mcall + Kanima

I walled into his room and sat on his bed awkwardly. We just stared at each other for a while.

"Hi, I'm Scott" he said to me and held out his hand. I smiled and took it.

"I'm Savanna. It's nice to meet you" I said and he nodded. A beeping noise came from his computer and it was a Skype call from a dude name 'Stiles'. 'What's a Stiles' I thought and I went to sit next to him on his chair to see. He answered it and a dude with a buzz cut hairstyle came up. They were talking about werewolf stuff and that made me nervous cause I didn't want them knowing a was a wolf. Stiles was staring behind us then I smelt a familiar scent. Suddenly, Scott was grabbed from his chair by Derek. Apparently, Scott shifted on the lacrosse field in front of everyone and that can expose our kind and Derek threatened to kill Scott if he done it again. I got up and threw Derek into the wall behind him. Scott looked at me shocked. I smiled and turned to Derek which Mae my smile fade.

"Don't threaten a little kid. He may have shifted on the field but no one saw him soo" I said and Derek stood up and stood right in front of me which made my heart beat faster. He smirked.

"Well, that school has a child who is in a family of hunters so what do you expect" he said and jumped out of the window. I looked at Scott giving him a 'How stupid are you' look and he gave me a confused look. I sighed and sat down to see the Stiles was smiling and chuckling.

"That was awesome" he said. Well, at least someone enjoyed the show. Scott sat down and they started talking about wolves again. I got bored so I got my phone and headphones and lay on Scott's bed and played 'Run This Town' by Lucy Hale and started singing along and dancing on the bed and I didn't notice the guys staring confused like I'm a weirdo considering I am one sometimes
I've got rings on my fingers and glitter in my hair
Got a one way ticket and I just got here
I'm gonna run this town, run this town
I'm gonna run this town, run this town
I've got high heel stilettos and I'm kicking in doors
And kissing your feet-(Or Ass)- ain't what my lipsticks for
I'm gonna run this town, run this town
I'm gonna run this town, run this town

I finished and Stiles was laughing and Scott had his mouth wide open. Stiles fell of his chair and we burst laughing earning a glare from Stiles. Stiles eventually had to sleep and Scott finished his homework. He passed out and I threw him on his bed. He stared at me crazily and fell asleep. I kissed his cheek and he smiled in his sleep. I jumped out of his window and went home. I got a text from mum.
Hey, I'm home early. I got you a new collection of clothes and shoes. I'm going to bed. Doors unlocked. lock it when you come in.

I smiled cause my mom was home early and i ran home. I heard a hiss come from my front porch. My front door was wide open and I went in and went to check on mom. My eyes widened at the sight of.... my mom with a claw slash through her throat and blood all over her bedroom. I let out a huge scream and apparently all the neighbourhood lights turned on. I got my phone and called 911.
Woman-911 Sav-Savanna
Woman- Hello, what's your emergency
Sav- Hi, um.. my mum's been murdered with claw slashed through her throat
Woman- okay, there has been a lot of these happening*My eyes widened* I'll get an ambulance over and I'll call the police
Sav- OK, thanks. Pleas hurry

I cut the phone and went downstairs and saw a huge, scaly lizard with yellow eyes with a diamond shape in its eyes, just staring at me. Then I shifted and roared and it hissed at me and jumped out of the window.

The cops arrived and the Sheriff started asking me questions.

"What did you see" he asked me and I sighed.

"A big lizard like thing with scaly skin and yellow eyes with a diamond shape instead of a pupil. You know when you go to a Halloween party and your friend in a costume*He nodded and looked up* its like that and you know who it is but you don't" I said and he stared at me like I was stupid. He took that as a lot of information and gave it to the officer.

"Well, there is no guardian to look after you so you'll need to stay with me. You said start school tomorrow so my son will take you to school with him so don't worry" he said and he drove me to his house.

I got out the car and went in. It was nice and cosy. The guest room I was staying in was big. It had a queen size bed with fluffy white sheets and puffy pillows. A flat screen TV and a white lamp. A desk with a iPod and a laptop on it and a wall in closet and a medium sized bathroom. The Sheriff came in with my clothes and set them on the bed.

"Well, this is it. I hope you like it. My son is in his room if you wanna meet him" he said and I smiled and nodded. I went with him to his son's room and he knocked on the door and guess who opened the door. STILES.

"Hey Savanna" he said awkwardly and his Dad looked shocked.

"Hey Stiles" I said awkwardly. His Dad looked back and forth at us both and walked away. I yawned and he yawned to saw we said our goodbyes and I went to sleep.
