Hello, Beacon Hills


I got out of my Camaro and went into my new home. It was huge and there was a lot of room so I didn't know what to do with it. I'll figure that out later. My mum showed me my room and it was ready cause she came about a week earlier to arrange. I checked the time and it was 9pm. So I decided to go to sleep.

I woke up and put on a pair of high waisted white shorts and a black crop top with a pair of pink Nike blazers. With a bit of bronzer

"Now, where's my phone" I muttered to myself. I looked around and I couldn't find it."Mom, have you seen my phone*silence* MOM" I shouted and I got no answer. I went downstairs and saw a note on the counter, I picked it up and it read
Hey, I went to pick up some stuff from the house, I'll be back around 6pm. I put some money in your card so this should last the rest of the day, love youxx

I crumpled up the note and threw it in the bin and went outside and decided to go for a jog in the forest. I put my earphones in and played 'She wolf' By Shakira. I quietly sang along then started randomly dancing. I jumped when I heard a voice.

"Hey, what are you doing here? This is private property" The voice said. I took my earphones out but I couldn't be bothered to turn around." Hello, did you hear me. I said wha-" It said again but I cut it off by chuckling.

"Listen here, if this is private property, why is it in the middle of the woods" I said and the figure came towards me. I turned around and pushed it away with force. It growled and I looked at it. It was....Derek.

We stared at each other in shock. He looked angry and I looked happy cause I wasn't happy to see him. This was gonna be fun.

"What are you doing here" he asked me with a confused face. I smirked and walked over to him and straddled him.

"I'm here for no reason. I'm kidding, I live here" I said the last part and got off him. He didn't look happy so I walked away. I got a text from my mom and read it
Hey, I enrolled you at a school called Beacon Hills High so you start tomorrow. Bye and I won't be back for 2 days cause some of our boxes are missing, you can stay with my friend Mellisa. She lives 2 blocks away so stay out of trouble

And with that, I went to Mellisa's house to visit.
