Ice Rink 1

I woke up to my alarm ringing on my phone, right under my pillow, next to my head. I took the phone and dropped it on the floor."Bitch" I muttered and took a shower. I went to my closet and put on a Black tank top, a pair of white shorts and white high top and a black leather jacket. I went downstairs and saw Stiles with his back turned to me. I walked towards him and walked towards his left ear.

"It's Derek" I said and he jumped. I burst out laughing and got onto a stool at the table and ate a Alpen bar. I got a text from Scott

Hey, were are you and Stiles. Stiles said he's coming to puck me up - Scott

He's coming you weak beta. Hold your balls, if you've got any - Savanna

Shut up bitch, tell him to hurry up - Scott

OK. Sour wolf - Savanna

"Hey, Scott said you supposed to pick him up from school" I said to styles and he wasn't there. I looked out the window and his Jeep was gone. I shrugged it of and went to the door. I went outside and I locked the door and got into my car. And then I drove to Derek's Loft.

I got out the car and walked downstairs. I saw Derek talking to them about the Kanima going around killing people. I snuck up behind him and whispered "I'm back". He jumped and swung his arm but I ducked and kicked him from under, which put him on the floor. Isaac just laughed but Erica was babying him saying " OMG, are you OK?Where are you hurt" and stuff like that.

"Bitch, he's fine. Stop being a mom" I said and she glared at me. I walked over to Derek and grabbed his arm.

"What were you saying about the Kanima" I asked him sternly and he sighed.

"We're making up a plan to catch it but we're gonna need another pack member. Do you have any ideas on who I could turn" he asked me and I slapped him. I gave him a disgusted look.

"Figure that out on your own" I said and ran and jumped and hugged Isaac. Erica gagged and I used my TK to throw her into the train. I jumped of him and went back upstairs and into my car and drove to school.

I jumped out the car and looked around and so nothing but cars so classes had already started. I walked to the doors and went in. I went into class and the class looked at me.

"Ms. Stilinski, your late" she said and I nodded and gave her the finger. I went to my seat and Allison was next to me and she gave me a hard glare.

"Look, if you think I like Scott, your so wrong. My. brother won't let me date his best friend anyway" I said and she was about to open her mouth but I interrupted her "Yes, my brother is Stiles. My mom got killed by that thing going around and his dad adopted me" I said and she gave me a sad smile and nodded.  I returned them and class finished.

We were at our lockers which are next to each other when Scott and Stiles came us

"Hey,what you guys doing today" Scott asked us and we both shrugged. They smiled

"Wanna go to the ice rink after school" Stiles asked us and we both nodded. We went to lunch and saw Jackson talking to Danny. So I decided to listen in on they're convo

Danny - Where's my tablet

Jackson - I told you I'd give you it

Danny - Fine but hurry up, I need it

Jackson - Yeah Yeah, whatever

"apparently Jackson taped himself" I said to the gang and they chuckled. I laughed and continued eating my lunch and I drank some juice.

"So, do you think Jackson's gay" Stiles said and I spat my juice out laughing. They laughed and clapped

"And he's with Lydia. I don't think so" Allison answered.

"You never know. Everyone has secrets" I said and they all looked at me. I looked at them confused and they smirked.

"What your secret" they asked me in usion. I sighed and banged my head down on the table and put it back up.

"I'm a bisexual" I said and they gasped.

"Are you serious" Allison asked me. and I nodded. They all smiled and nodded.

"Your lucky" Scott said and I looked up at him and gave him a 'What do you mean' look and he sighed and said"Your the only bi in the school so it doesn't matter who you go with" and I nodded and smiled to myself. I heard muttering and I turned around and saw Erica and Isaac staring at me. Isaac with a weird look on his face and Erica with a shocked look. They went out of the school and ran somewhere. I waited a bit and the school bell rang. I decided to ditch and go to Derek's loft.
