
Me,Scott and Stiles were driving to a Club because we were following the Kanima. Apparently, Jackson was on his way to kill Danny but his BFF. That's just weird.

"Do you know where he went" Stiles asked us, pulling me out my thoughts. Scott shook his head.

"I lost him" He said and stiles looked bewildered.

"What? you couldn't catch his scent?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No,Stiles. I don't think he has one" I said and he sighed.

"Alright, got any clue were he's going" He asked.'What it with him asking questions about this' I thought

"To kill someone" I said in a 'duh' tone and he glared at me.

"Ah. That explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that. Makes perfect sense now" he said and Scott looked at him."What? Scott, Come on" he asked but Scott just still stared at him. I glanced up to see what was happening."147 pail skin and fragile bones,Okay? Sarcasm is my only defence" he exclaimed and I chuckled.

"Just help me find it" Scott said getting out of the car. Me and Stiles got out and stared at the building which is the club. We walked towards it.

"Not 'it, Jackson" Stiles said and I rolled my eyes

"We know Stiles. Shut up" I said an he shot me a glare. Scott was looking around the place then he looked up on top of the building.

"He's gone inside" Scott said and Stiles shook his head in disbelief.

"Why is he in there? Who's he after" Stiles asked and I smelt a familiar scent.

"Savanna, can you smell that" Scott asked me. I nodded.

"It's Armani" I said and Stiles and Scott looked confused."Who wears Armani" I asked and they looked at each other.

"Danny" we all said in unison. We hurried to the entrance but there was a guard taking IDs so we went through the back. There was a fence guarding it. We climbed over and Stiles tried to get the padlock chain of the door. I lightly pushed him out of the way and yanked on it. It came of and I handed it to him.

"Here, you go,Scott" I said to him and he looked at me in disbelief.

"I'm not Scott. I'm Stiles" he said and I chuckled.

"I know. I just said that because your both weak" I said and we went into the club. There was guys everywhere and some girls but mostly men. They were all grinding up against each other.'This reminds me of Erica and I. I miss her' I thought.

"Dude, everyone in here's a dude" Stiles shouted over the music.

"I think we're a gay club" Scott said with chuckling. I smirked and chuckled.

"Then, let's fit in" I said and Stiles had gone to the bar and Scott stayed with me.

"How do we fit into a gay club" Scott asked me with a confused look on his face. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor. I put his hands on my waist and grinded against him. Practically, dirty dancing. He was laughing.

"Play along,dude" I said and he shrugged but followed along. Stiles just stared at us with his jaw dropped and Scott laughed at his expression. We finished dancing and we went over to the bar.

"What the hell were you guys doing" Stiles asked us. I burst out laughing.

".It called 'Clubbing 101', Stilinksi" I Said, swaying my hips and they laughed. The bartender came over and smiled.

"Two beers and a water please" Stiles said and I looked at him confused.

"Who's the water for" I asked and he pointed at me."That's not fair" I exclaimed and he shrugged.

"You get hyperactive when you get something in you. You were just dirty dancing with Scott and you gave him a lap dance" he said and I chuckled and sat on Scott's lap again."What are you gonna do next, kiss him" he said and I kissed Scott. I pulled back and he looked surprised.

"Don't think it's gonna be the last time I do that" I whispered in Scott's ear and I looked at the bartender."Two cokes and one Vodka" I said and he nodded.

"IDs please" he asked and I pulled out my fake ID. He looked at it and nodded and handed me a glass of Vodka and Scott and Stiles a glass of Coke each."This one's paid for" he said to Scott and pointed to a guy who winked at Scott. Me and Stiles burst into laughter but stifled it when Scott looked at us.

"Was that ID you gave him real" Stiles asked me and I shook my head.

"Of course not dumbass" I said and sighed."What are we here for again" I asked and they looked at me with a 'Are you stupid' look and I just shrugged.

"We're here for Jackson" Scott simply said and I nodded. I heard a hiss come from somewhere and I'm sure Scott heard it to. We all looked to the dance floor and saw smoke fill the air, covering the ceiling. We saw the Kanima walking on the ceiling, towards Danny. Me and Stiles went towards Danny but we people kept getting in our way.

"Danny" we kept on shouting to get his attention but he couldn't hear us. Then people were falling to the floor paralysed. We saw the Kanima up ahead and then Derek appeared out of nowhere. They were fighting and then Derek slashed his stomach and Jackson fell to the ground and went back to his human form. We dragged Jackson back to Stiles Jeep and put a blanket over him because he was naked. I saw Danny getting put into a ambulance and I rushed to him.

"Hey, are you okay" I asked and stayed but nodded.

"Did it happen to my ex" he asked and I looked behind me to see Danny's ex, get put into an ambulance. I smiled and nodded."Then I'm great" he said and he got put in the ambulance. I walked over to the boys and shook my head."Couldn't get anything out of Danny" I said and we sighed. We saw a bunch of deputies and cops around the scene.

"Can we just get the hell out of here before on my of Dad's deputies see me?" He asked and we went into the car. Me and Scott got in and Stiles saw his Dad coming towards the car."Oh my god, oh my god" he exclaimed as we saw him come towards the car.

"Could this get any worse" I said

"That was rhetorical" he said and I glared at him.

"Get rid of him" Scott said and Stiles looked at him with a questioning look.

"Get rid of him. We're at a crime scene" Stiles exclaimed and I slapped him up the side of the head.

"Just get rid of him" I said and he went out of the car and towards his Dad. There was an awkward silence between me and Scott and there was a pack of Haribos in front of Scott so I reached for them and grabbed them. I took one and he was staring at me. He looked away when he realised I saw him and I started blushing."Would you like a Haribos" I asked him and he nodded. I handed him the packet and his hand touched mine. I felt electricity go through me when that happened. Jackson ended up getting up and rubbing his forehead.

"What happened" he mumbled and I panicked so I punched him in the face. Scott looked at me in shock and I shrugged.

"Sorry, I didn't know what to do" I whispered to him and he laughed and smiled at me. We stared into each other's eyes. His chocolate brown ones into my icy blue ones. I looked away blushing and I looked down.' What is with me blushing, I thought and he chuckled.

"I don't know but I think it's cute" he said without thinking. He pursed his lips and stayed quiet.

"Thanks" I mumbled and he smiled a but nodded. Stiles eventually came back and into the car, then he looked us.

"What's up" he said and we stayed quiet."Did you kiss or something" he asked and we chuckled.

"Why would you think that" I asked and he shook his head.

"Your lipsticks smudged and you smell sweet" he said and I chuckled.

"Ok. Scott may be hot but doesn't mean he smells like Haribos. Even though he actually does" I said and they both looked at me."What" I asked.

"Do you just realise what you just said" Scott asked me. I shook my head and Stiles smirked.

"You just admitted you think Scott is sexy" Stiles said and I shrugged.

"So. The truth is the truth" I said and we all burst out laughing. Stiles told us he had a police van in the woods. We drove there and we put Jackson."What do we do now" I said and stumbled back a bit. I still felt really drunk because of vodka mixed with Haribos.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm going to see Jackson" Stiles said walked away but turned back around."You two can go back to your make out session or whatever you were doing"he waved us off and walked away. We stood in a awkward silence and I looked at him.

"Do you wanna die or kiss" I asked. He looked at me and shrugged.

"You can decide" he replied. I nodded and flicked out my claws. He saw them and he looked at me with his eyes widened."Your gonna kill me aren't you" he asked and I nodded.

"I'm gonna pretend to kill but I'm actually gonna train you for when you become an alpha" I explained.

"But I'm not an alp-" and I cut him across the face with my claws. He turned smiled and looked at me."I see where this is going" he said.

"Where's it going" I asked with a smirk.

"Your doing this because you wanna kiss me" he said. I dropped my smirk to pretend I wasn't happy with it and kicked his leg from under him. He fell to the ground with a thud and I dropped myself and elbowed him. He got up and grabbed my arm and pulled me up and landed a punch in my stomach. I growled and kicked his face but he ducked and I slapped him. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me down and he was on top of me."I don't need training" he said.

"Your right. You don't" I said."Oh, hey Allison" I said to trick him. He looked up and I took this the time to flip us over so I was on top now. I smashed my lips onto his and held him down with my hands on his muscular chest. Our lips moved in sync and I slipped my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance and he won. We stood up without pulling apart and he had me up against a tree. I jumped and wrapped my legs around torso. Someone cleared their throat and we pulled and saw Stiles with a smirk on his face and a sad looking Allison next to him. I jumped down and walked towards Stiles while Allison went towards Scott."I'm gonna go home. I need to talk to someone" I told Stiles. I walked back to the entrance of the preserve and ran to Derek's pack place.

I went in and saw Isaac on the floor with Derek next to him. And then Derek broke his arm.

"Whats going on, puppies" I said, turning everyone's attention to me. Erica stood up and went into the back and I followed her but Derek grabbed my wrist.

"Let her be" he said. I shook my head and yanked my wrist out of his grip, walking to the back were Erica was. She was standing there, staring at the wall picking at her nails.

"You OK" I asked. She turned to look at me and looked sad.

"Why did you kiss him when you were with me" she asked.

"Because he was gonna kill Lydia. I was trying to seduce him so I could convince him not to kill her" I said. She sighed but nodded and I smiled."Can we get back together" I asked with a pout. She chuckled and nodded, then I tackled her with a kiss. I was actually happy we were back together because I wanted to be with her all along.

"Lesbians. Its hot but....disgusting" the annoying voice of Isaac came from behind us. We pulled apart and went back to her pack. Derek was standing there with a blank look on his face and Boyd wasn't paying any attention at all.

"Well, me and Erica are going back to my place so goodbye" I told him and we left.

"Don't do something your not supposed to do" Derek shouted.

"Not a chance" I shouted back.

We got home and we went straight to my room. She smashed she smashed her lips onto mine and I kissed back. Before you knew it, we were both naked in bed and you know what happens next ;).
