Sleepover\Movies With The Enemies

Me and Scott got to the mechanic's garage and saw cops and and ambulances. We saw Stiles and ran over to him. I pulled him into a hug but when his hand touched my back, it stung. I grabbed his hand but it was paralyzed and he couldn't move it.

"So what even happened here" Scott asked him. He sighed and lifted his head up.

"Well, I brought my car to get it fixed then a lizard, scaly, thing went onto of my car and killed the mechanic" he said and we looked at him confused."OK, a huge walking,lizard came and killed mechanic" he said and we nodded.

"Bro, did you see who it is" I asked and he looked at me like I'm stupid.

"Of course not. Are you stup-" and I cut him of by growling at him. He put his hand up in defence. "But you know when you go to a Halloween party and you see one of your friends but they're wearing a mask" and we nodded and then he continued "Its like that but you can't see who it is" he finishes and I sighed and rubbed my forehead. Sheriff Stilinski came up to us and spoke.

"Your Jeep is going into custody" he said and Stiles huffed like a child. I chuckled he glared at me.

"But wh-" and he cut him off.

"Sorry son, its evidence" he finished and he walked away. We grabbed Stiles and put him in the car and we drove to Scott's house.

We arrived and we went inside.

"Do you guys wanna sleep over. Mum's not working today so" Scott asked and we nodded."How about we watch a movie and eat some food" he said and we nodded and raced each other into the livingroom but we all failed because I landed on top of them both with me in the middle. We stood up and sat on the couch.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna grab us some snacks" I said and with that, I jogged towards the kitchen. I grabbed multiple things for our movie\sleepover night. Here is what I grabbed.

2 tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice cream - Cookie dough and chocolate fudge

2 big bars of galaxy chocolate

1 big bottle of Tango

1 big bottle of irn bru

A packet of lollipops

Paracetamol (Cause I get sore stomachs with this much sugar)

A box of fudge

I went to the storage cupboard and got out

3 big blankets

6 big, comfy pillows (2 pillows each)

I ran back to the livingroom holding everything and put them down. They stared at me wide eyed and I burst out laughing.

"You should see you faces right now" I said while laughing and the doorbell rang. I went to open it and I saw Erica. I punched her face and closed the door....them the door bell rang again. I opened it to see Isaac and Erica so I punched Isaac and closed the door...then the doorbell rang again and I burst out laughing. I opened it and saw Erica,Isaac and Boyd so I kicked Boyd in the groin and closed the door them I listened behind the door. I heard a hand reach for the doorbell and I opened it and saw Erica,Isaac,Boyd and Derek but I also saw Allison and Lydia. I punched Erica,Boyd,Isaac and Derek but I raised my fist to punch Allison but instead I hugged her and Lydia. I dragged them two in the house and they sat down. I went back to the door and saw the with angry red faces.

"So who invited you" I spat at them."Hello, Blondie, can you not here what I'm saying" I said and she growled. I smirked and led them into the house. They gasped when they saw the stuff we had laid out and made themselves at home. Scott sat with Allison, Lydia with Stiles, Isaac and Boyd on the floor, Erica with Derek so I just sat next to Lydia. We watched Funny, Horror,Action and romance movies like

Funny- Grown Ups 2

Jackass 1,2,3

Horror- The grudge 1,2,3

Scream 1,2,3,4

Texas Chainsaw

Action- Fast and Furious 1_2_3_4_5_6

Captain America Winter Soldier


Romance- About Time

Fault In Our Stars

We all eventually passed out and we all slept at Scott's house.
