Dan gently strokes the side my cheek whilst we lay tangled in between the lavender sheets, this is pure heaven. Thankfully, this evening my body didn't shut down like last night and I had just enough energy to make sweet love with Dan.

It was really nice.

"I can't wait until tomorrow." Dan mumbles while our heads share the same pillow despite our bodies laying diagonally apart. It's way too hot to be a cliché romantic couple.

"Huh?" I yawn while Dan chuckles lightly.

"I can't wait to find out the sex of the baby. I know Lana wants to reveal it to me...but I should've been there with you two today." I shake my head with a reassuring smile, though he probably can't tell. To save some money we turned off the lights five minutes ago.

"In all honesty it was nothing special. I had the scan then went to McDonald's...it was a pretty average day" with that Dan rolls his eyes backwards slightly—or at least I think he does. The white of his eyes glow ever so slightly in the dark...especially when he moves them.

There's silence for a couple of seconds before I feel Dan's hand slowly creep from his side, to cradling my bump. I know that this is his way of asking for me to reveal that our baby...is a girl. I mean, I want to, I really do. But Lana has set her heart on telling us both, and I kinda want to honour her. She's something to be a huge part in our daughters life...so she might as well have a starring role before she's born.

"If it was up to me...I'd tell you in a heartbeat. But your daughter has her heart set on telling you. She made me promise not to say anything." With that Dan sighs while I get a slightly shit idea...which involves waking our six year old daughter up.

"We could wake her up if you want. Her summer holidays have just started so it's not like she needs to be awake early." Dan lifts his head up off of the pillow like it's a good idea, but just to be sure he then tilts his head upwards. I feel him looking at me, but I can't see him.

"Can we?" It's safe to say that neither of us has ever woken our sleeping beauty up before.

"Yeah. Think we can, right?"

This feels like a bad idea. She has a set routine that I'm pretty proud of, although I probably should teach her that it's okay to mess it up from time to time. I don't want her to become an OCD freak or whatever. With that Dan leans over and chucks me my night dress of which lands on top my head, both me and Dan burst out laughing because we're stupid like that. He then clicks the bedside lamp on.

I quickly put on my nightdress before getting a clean pair of underwear from out of a draw, while Dan enchants the bedroom with the Christmas scented room spray. Dan's usually pretty fast at getting changed, I guess he put his pants and shorts on under the covers? He then quickly puts his top on before opening our door.

"This is such a bad idea." I whisper under my breath.

"Why can't you wait until the morning?" Dan's waited seventeen weeks already, he might as well wait another day.

"I wanna know now." He smiles stubbornly.

"She needs...sleep." It was a good idea to wake her up like a minute ago...but now...I don't know.

Dan gently pushes her bedroom door open, revealing her snuggling up to her soft bunny rabbit toy. She looks so peaceful. "No, babe. Leave her." I don't want to disturb my baby girl.

"Lana..." Dan whispers while he crouches Dan besides her.

"Lana banana..." he gently coo's again, whilst stroking her pale cheek. However, I shake my head in disappointment. Why the fuck isn't he listening to me? She's six years old, she needs sleep.

"Dan." I quietly snap, but it's too late. Lana's eyes open for a second, but then she closes them again...however she then jumps back in shock probably processing Dan's face hovering above her. Like why couldn't of he shaken her awake? That would've been so much easier for himself and Lana.

She looks scared which makes Dan laugh, while he quickly hugs her. "No...don't cry." Dan then looks at me in complete awe while Lana bursts into tears. And this is why I didn't want him to fucking wake her ups

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry...I didn't mean to wake you up." And the award for bullshitter of the year goes to...Dan Smith.

"To cheer you up, why don't you show me the picture you made. I'm very excited to see it." At least he isn't lying about that. He did legitimately wake her up.

"She's a girl." Lana then proceeds to whisper while Dan's jaw drops before looking at me.

"No way!" He hugs her tightly while resting his palm against my stomach happily. He's always wanted just girls...and now he has them.
