14. HE...SINGS?

It's Dan's and Lana's daddy-daughter day out, and Dan's finally going to take Lana to see that she's she's wanted to watch for a couple of months now. It's cute because they haven't had a day out with each other for over a good year. However, I'm sad that I can't join them.

I'm currently sat at home feeling my absolute worst. Everything just aches and I feel like I want to die, I must have the flu or something? The on-call Doctor thinks it's a virus and told me that she'll come back tomorrow with some stronger medication that's safe for me and the baby. So while Dan's out I see this as the perfect time to snoop around his suitcase. For some reason Dan has been really weary of the suitcase, especially when I'm around.

I cough into my tissue before wiping the small sweat droplets from off of my head, I then force my body on the floor while the baby weakly moves. We're both poorly at the minute, which really sucks. "S-sorry..." I sniff, whilst feeling bunged up. I literally can't breathe through my nose, no matter how hard I blow it.

"Okay..." I whisper whilst staring at the suitcase besides me.

In silence I zip it open and rummage through. I even take out Dan's dirty washing and put it to the side of me, even when I'm ill the show must go on. I then rummage through the little compartments, I find nothing of any interest which is good. Not that I am looking for anything particular at all, I'm just curious.

Then I find what looks like a book, but actually is a holder for floppy discs...wait what? I close Dan's suitcase after finding nothing else. I then painfully stand up and walk towards our computer. I guess there's no harm in watching whatever is on these? I doubt they would be anything pornographic either...

I put the floppy disc into the monitor and wait several seconds before opening the file. Much to my surprise they're audio files. There's static silence for fifteen seconds before someone nervously laughs, it sounds like Dan but there's someone with him.

Wait what...

"Seriously Dan. You're fucking amazing at singing. Please do this for yourself...you never know...you might win?" The person with Dan is female, she sounds like she's from the North too.

But what competition did she put him through? I'm so confused...and Dan singing? What. I thought it was a hobby...

"But I'm shit." Dan whispers while I bow my head down.

Even though I personally love Dan's singing voice, there's times in arguments where I told him that he's 'shit'. And god, I regret it so fucking much. Dan sounds like he has no confidence in him.

"You're not." She adamantly says.

"Stop taking the piss Sophie. I don't even know why I'm here. Anyway, I'm gonna call Clara up. She has this pretty cool idea where we get to watch shows together, and it's like we're next to each other...but we're not." He sounds so happy talking about me, god I love him.

"I'm not taking the piss. Just...do this for me. Look, it's recording. Just sing that song." With that there's silence before Dan hesitantly mumbles 'fuck your under his breath while she laughs.

Whoever his new friend is awesome for encouraging Dan to follow his dreams. That's all I'm going to say, I was preparing to be jealous of her...but I can't be. She's helping him by the sounds of it. Then...Dan or someone starts to play the keyboard. It's a little funky tune to be honest, but when he sings the lyrics are pretty dark. But I can't help but let out a laugh of disbelief...he's singing...he has written his own songs.

I heard him singing a couple of years ago, but he didn't know the walls were paper thin. I just thought he was doing housework...not actually singing-singing.

"What the fuck..." I hold my hand over my mouth.

This is a very nice surprise, and I'm actually beginning to feel a little pissed off that Dan hasn't told me yet. Was he ever planning on telling me that he wants to sing? I mean...wow. His vocals are pretty strong, he can hit the high notes as well as sing normally. His accent comes out to play, which compliments his playful style.

This is...amazing.
