"And why exactly did I pick up Lana up from school with you, and not Dan?" Dan's mother asks whilst looking a little concerned.

I'm sure she doesn't mean anything by that question, since I'd be interested too. Despite being in her life for a very long time, we're surprisingly not even that close. Which is weird considering we're two-of-three leading girls in Dan's life, maybe she's jealous? I've thought that about her before...though I don't think she is. So who knows. Dan must get his weirdness from one of his parents, that's all I'm saying...

"Because your son is a fucking pain in the arse." With that Dan's mother cracks a laugh. I know I shouldn't swear in front of my mother-in-law, but today I'm beyond the point of caring. I mean, we're both fucking adults, it's not like we're going to repeat the word and piss off our parents or whatever.

"Tell me about it." She comically rolls her eyes backwards, but with a subtle smile settles upon her pink lips.

I on the other hand look down at Lana and naturally try not to cry. We've never been in money trouble before, which probably surprises a lot of people considering we're just dumb teenagers at the end of the day. But we know how to provide for ourselves. Dan has always somehow provided for us with random jobs, though what he wants to do when he's older is sing. Only he's too self conscious to actually kick start that part of his life, which is mildly annoying.

But now all of our hard earned cash has been wasted on a fucking keyboard and a non-refundable trip to the Bahamas. The fucking Bahamas out of all the places in the world?!

What the actual fuck went through my husband's head? There must be seriously something wrong with him upstairs, that's all I'm saying. Not unless if he was drunk at the time? Which is a big possibility considering he's going off to university next month with his mates, but until then he's legally required to go to collage or a work scheme.

I don't know what I'm going to do being hundreds of miles away from him. We've never really been apart before, and I'm sorta...terrified. Dan's been my knight in shining armour for so long that I'm not sure if I can cope on my own with Lana and our baby.

"What did he do now?" That's when I look away from Lana, and quickly dry my eyes before the tears even form. I don't want my little girl seeing me cry like a wuss that I am. That's not...something I ever really want her to see. I'm her happy...clappy...mother. That little girl deserves nothing but sunshine and happiness.

"Clara? Oh god. What's wrong? Has he hurt you?" I instantly shake my head.

When I was young, Dan's mother pulled me to the side one evening and told me that if Dan ever says anything abusive...or lays a hand on me...I need to tell her straight away. Which I appreciate, even if it was a a waste of breath. Sometimes I feel that she thinks Dan is taking advantage of me for whatever reason, of which he isn't. Nor am I taking advantage of him.

"God no. No...no." I whisper as I admit defeat and burst into tears. I just can't stop thinking about what I'm going to do. I can't provide for my children...my children.

I'm a fucking horrible mother, they don't deserve me. I even can't give them what they need to survive, let alone things they want. Lana is going to hate me...she has spent weeks telling us about her trip to France. She'll be so disappointed in us.

I looks way in the opposite direction while I hold her soft hand. Thankfully, she's too preoccupied with looking at the swans in the lake to notice be being a complete mess of a human being. I find solace in her happiness though, she adores this little park so much. It makes me smiles through my ugly crying.

"Clara, nooo..."—his mother quickly wraps her arms around me whilst I cry on her shoulder—"I've never seen you like this before, darling. What's wrong?" I then back away guilty, considering that she probably hates me. However, she gently brushes the side of my cheek while I shrug my shoulders backwards a little.

I don't know where to start...so I might as well tell her everything.

"Dan has spend just under four thousand pounds on a non-refundable holiday, as well as a expensive keyboard. Our bills and taxes due soon, and I'm really scared." Dan's mother gasps in horror.

She's a proud lady who has probably never been broke in her entire life. I aspire to be like her one day, although I can't hold down a job. I'm not the brightest of the bunch...but that's no excuse now. I'm going to have to find a babysitter and get out in the big bad word. It's about time I show off my fucking filing skills or whatever.

"He didn't want me to tell anyone about the issues we're having with money...but I can't stop thinking about it. What am I going to do? Do you have any advice or know somewhere that's willing to employ a full time mum?" Isla shakes her head, which makes me cry even more.

All I feel is hopelessness.

"Clara, I think we both know that you need a lot more than advice and a job reference." I close my eyes and nod my head. It's completely true.

"Sorry about the state of me." I whisper drying my eyes quickly as I have that weird feeling Lana is going to turn around soon. It's a weird mother's sense thing. Sometimes I know what she's going to say, or what she's going to do. I'm always ready to either encourage her on, save her from herself, or to answer her random question.

"No, darling it's okay." She reassures while I nod my head, although I'm anything apart from o-fucking-k.

Maybe I should tell her about her new grandson or granddaughter? I mean, I want to do something that Dan will mildly be pissed off with me. And there's hardly anything that I do which pisses him off, because the fucker loves me. However, I think sharing our big news might.

"Dan didn't want me to tell you this without him, but fuck it" — I say still psychotically trying to dry my eyes — "I'm pregnant." His mother's eyes widen. Though I don't know whether she's horrified or delighted.

"You're...p-pregnant?" she stutters in disbelief whilst I nod my head, pressing my free hand against my bump.

"How far along are you?"

"fifteen weeks." I do have a bump, it was bigger than what it was my last pregnancy in the first trimester...but that's understandable. I was twelve and a recovering anorexic. Plus having a second kid means you naturally put on more weight.

"Wow." She actually looks pretty choked up over the news...which makes me feel guilty. Maybe I should've taken her into consideration before I casually announced that she's going to have another mini legacy running around. Fucking hell, is there anything that I can't fuck up!

"I'm going to transfer you...some...money over into your bank account. I'll also make you my personal assistant since my last one found another branch to work with, don't worry you'll get paid through your maternity leave I'll be sure of it." I feel my eyes fucking expand.

No way is this...real.

"We've been saving up for years now. It has always been entitled to you and Dan, so perhaps you can consider it an extremely belated wedding gift." I could never accept that—even Dan will detest me if I told him I accepted it.

"But..." my voice trails off.

"Clara, don't say anything else. Take the money and the job offer. You're too good to my Dan, you really are..." without thinking about Dan, I nod my head while she then gives me a big hug.

However, Lana snaps me back to reality when I feel her yanking on my arm.

"Can a swan break your arm?" She's just as random as Dan is, maybe she's even more? God, I love her so much. I just wish that she'd stop growing up, it feels like only yesterday I was pushing her mini-highness around in her pram. I got odd looks from strangers though, but I don't regret anything.

If I could have the chance to go back in time and either choose the road to my life now, or to have a normal life...I'd fuck Dan senseless. Just as I did six years ago, though we both wasn't sure if we was even doing it right. It was literally nothing like the movies...it still isn't.

"Why kind of question is that, ay? You're a weirdo. You know that?" With that Lana giggles while I shake my head, god she is the only person who truly is capable of cheering me up.

"You're weirder." She giggles before nodding my head in agreement.

"Daddy's the weirdest." That he is baby...that he is.

"And there isn't nothing wrong with being a little weird, you know? The weirder the better." I brush the side of her cheek while Dan's mother warmly laughs behind me. I forgot she was there for a second.

"But can they break your arm, mum?"

"I have got no idea, baby. Maybe daddy will know whether a swan can break your arm?" Dan will most likely have no fucking clue...if he does then his definitely researched it before.

"Nan, I want a ice cream." Lana then randomly points towards a ice cream shop in the distance. It's her favourite because they do blue ice cream.

"Hey that's rude, and don't demand stuff either. Not to mention that you should never forget your manners young lady, what happened to being polite...huh?" I'm doing my best to raise her up as a fine young woman...

She's just been hanging around her father for too long.
