5 months later

It's the day of Dan's singing competition thing. Honestly he's bricking it, although his performance was amazing. "Dan worrying." I pass him a bottle of red wine, of which he needs right now.

Gratefully, Dan takes the bottle and shakily takes a sip. He's embarrassed about singing by himself, but he knows that me and his friends are encouraging him. I know that doesn't seem like much, but we all want him to know that he is fucking amazing. Even though his songs...don't entirely make sense.

"Let's just go home yeah, or go to the pub? We know that I haven't won. So we don't need to stick around..." but none of us go nowhere, we remain out and give him a scolding look. It's for his own evening though.

"Please, babe..." Dan pleads whilst looking at me. He probably knows that if anyone was to ever crack up and tell him that we can go home...that it'll be me. But I want Dan to stay, even if he does win. There might be music producers who liked Dan's voice anyway—he sings ever so nicely. I want Dan to have a career in singing, and I think he wants that too.

Dan is ditching one of his qualifications, he can't be arsed to do what needs to be done in order to be a film journalist. He's still aiming for a Masters degree in English Literature though, which is more than I can ever do.

Instead of telling him no, I take a sip of my wine and ignore him. This is tough love right now...but there's a possibility that he might win this thing. Dan sounded amazing, and I'm not being biased.

He truly did.

"I'm going to fucking die." He nervously laughs whilst Ralph throws his arm over Dan's shoulder.

"You've won this competition, hands down. Your shit was unique." I nod my head whilst Dan individually looks at us one by one for reassurance, he's always been anxious...ever since we was little. He's got little confidence so while he did his thing on stage he was clearly shitting bricks.

"But I haven't. No one is fucking listening to me." Dan then pushes past me and sits down besides the table in the darkest corner of the bar area. Me and his friend look at each other and give that look of 'oh for fuck sakes'.

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself mate!" Ralph shouts over the tacky music whilst walking to the table.

"You was fucking amazing, and that's a fact."

In silence, Dan downs the bottle of red wine whilst I awkwardly shake my head. I regret giving that drink to him. He'll be a state when he gets on stage again—when he wins.

"Can we talk about something else other than that shit fucking song..." I've never seen him this way before, like ever.

"What do you want to talk about them? Elle and Lana? Booze? Films?" I think Ralph wants to make Dan to realise that he's a good singer.

"I'd rather be at home and playing with the girls, this was a mistake Soph...I really appreciate you entering my name and shit. It's been an...experience." Sophie shakes her head whilst Dan goes to stand up, but I grab his hand and yank him back down and into the chair besides me.

Dan sighs whilst under the table I wrap my legs around his. This is for his own benefit. "Stop being a pussy. Let's just have a nice drink in the bar like adults we are." I'm going to be turning twenty-one soon, mine and Dan's birthday are a couple of months out but he's older than me.

"What's your poison?" Kate claps her hands together.

"A noose." Dan whispers under his breath while I choke on my drink.

Everyone looks at me but me and Dan just grin maniacally. I mean, he is overdramatic and that's probably never going to change. Dan's a weirdo, but he's my weirdo.

"I'm designated sober person..."—in unison they all boo whilst I nod my head—"so I'll have a Diet Coke." Dan looks out of it to be honest. I don't really want him to have anymore booze than he already has had.

"Water in a wine glass..." my eyes trail off and onto Dan who is currently in a depressed state. Thankfully, Kate nods her head in agreement. I didn't want them to think I'm weird around Dan's alcohol limit...because I'm not. I let Dan be Dan, but today there's a possibility that he might win.

However, just before she can order the drink the 'host' of the singing event walks back onstage holding a glittery golden envelope. What the hell? "The results are in and we have a winner." Dan goes to get up, but I hold him down by his hand.

"In third place, Victoria Langdon..." with that Dan looks at me like he knows his failed. But I adamantly shake my head.

"Second place...maybe you'll come in second place?" Sophie unsurely whispers. Whilst we all smile at Dan.

"In second place is Abbie Xavier." Oh fucking hell.
With that Dan shakes his head whilst I put my hand supportively on his shoulder, but he shrugs me off. I feel bad for him. I thought he was going to win the competition, he's so talented. Those girls had nothing compared to Dan's impressive vocals...nothing.

"And in first place is...Dan Smith."
