Dan's only gone and fucked up.

It was barely an hour after we got home...and he posted his 'loved up' family man Instagram caption to the wrong account. And now his fans are going ape shit that he is a father, but also a husband.

When Dan was getting big in the industry me and Lana told him not to tell his up-and-coming fanbase about us. He was reluctant to do so, but since he realised no little girl wants to crush over a singer who has a wife and kid at home...he knows that it was for the best.

He planned on telling the world when he won his Brit back in 2014, for best British breakthrough artist, but that never happened. But I'm okay about being a secret wife, and not being seen with my husband in public.

Unlike when we was nineteen or twenty...we now like to give each other space. Dan and I couldn't physically be apart, and when we was it killed us. But when Dan started touring, and going to the studio, we kind of adapted to that lifestyle.

But now we're here...looking at our phones whilst feeling mortified. All that covering up...being apart from each other...it all feels like we did it for nothing.

Dan's Instagram caption reads: I'm fucking insanely proud of my family in all of this contractual business. I had no idea that my eldest @lanabanana and her sisters @ellebastille, @pandyandy, Gabby, and Cecelia (the bump) would become a Bastille cover band. A massive shout out to @clara86 for being the best wife ever, your support will forever mean the world to me. As well as the rest of you lot! Drinks on me next time, yeah? X

And the photo is the selfie of all of us that we took in car before the party. It shows our girls faces, and that I'm clearly visibly pregnant.

This might not seem like a big of a deal, of which it shouldn't be. However,because Lana is tagged...and she's not exactly young like her sisters...it looks weird. Dan being a father to a twenty-one year old when he's only thirty-three...it's not the most role model thing ever. And it will ruin his reputation somehow.

"You're going to have to leave it up." I whisper whilst Dan closes his eyes and scratches the back of his head.

"I've just archived it." I on the other hand sit on the corner of our bed and laugh. I mean I have to laugh, or otherwise I'll go insane!

"You left it up for too long. I don't think archiving that will do anything...Lana taught me about screen shotting and shit." I'm only thirty-three but I feel like an elderly woman when it comes to technology. I rather live a natural ethereal life to be honest, and I have done.

"You're right...fuck." Dan grabs my pillow from my side of the bed and puts it over his face.

Funnily enough Lana opens the door holding her phone, with a screenshot on or some shit, she has a cringed expression on her face whilst I nod my head. It's great to know that we're all in the same boat about this unintentional leak.

"How're you holding up?" She asks nodding her head towards her father.

"Fucking trying to die!" Dan loudly mumbles because of the pillow.

Lana cracks a smile whilst I roll my eyes backwards, "come here..." I pat the bed besides me whilst she turns off the screen and sits next to me. I remove her short medium length light brown hair from off of her pretty fair face, before she hugs into my shoulder.

"I've archived everything to do with you guys. If I make my account unprivate and then maybe I can tell fans that your Bastille account doesn't belong to you...which technically is the truth. Your Virgin guys have fucked up before." Dan snorts before removing the pillow and sitting up on the bed, cross legged.

"You don't need to do anything for me, babe. What's done is done. If you wanna post everything...archived or not...you're welcome to." Lana last year was bugging us for a public Instagram account, apparently she wanted for followers so she thought a shout out from 'the Happier dude' would've been worth while. Dan hesitantly denied, she has far too many tagged photos of her with her dad...not to mention sweet posts about our family.

"Fuck." She mumbles under her breath.

"Look, let's just go about life as normal. Okay? Maybe fans will think that the screenshot someone is obviously going to post...is fake," I mean...I wouldn't believe that it was real. Dan from a fan's perspective seems like a singleton who sleeps around. Little do they know that he gets inspiration from films and makes out that it's his private life.

All the artists do that if they have a lovechild to hide or whatever, it's not unheard of to lie about something so big.

"Who's phone is that?" I ask whilst someone's phone rings. I know it's not mine since I have no friends, and all of the kids doctors appointments are booked already. It might be the phone company reminding me to top up my phone bill? But it's a bit late for that. Not unless it's Tescos reminding me that shopping is being delivered between midday and two o'clock.

"Mine..." Dan grunts whilst he looks at the phone which is sitting on his bedside table.

"Who is it?" Lana asks.

"Fucking Beau..." that's not good. Beau never calls unless Dan has said something that's a little too revealing to a fan or whatever. It's mainly when he tells fans to gather around outside of a gig so he can play a phone recording of a new demo or some shit, but he only does that when the song is due to come out.

"Rest in peace." Lana laughs whilst falling backwards on the bed.

"Shut up..." Dan whines whilst his phone continues to buzz, however he doesn't answer it. Instead I lay backwards on the bedsides Lana and snuggle into her, before closing my eyes.

I'm too tied for this drama.
