"I'll give you twenty quid if you sing a chorus of Rap God," oh my fucking god. I leave Lana and her father alone for barely half an hour and they've been betting money on what to sing.

"Fuck it, I'm all in. I'll give you sixty quid if you sing all of Rap God." Woody waves his cash in the air whilst Lana smirks, she looks overly confident which means that she probably will. I know my daughter.

"Sixty quid? That song is impossible to sing mate? I'll give you one hundred." Kyle laughs whilst Woody, who is unimpressed, shakes his head sternly.

"Nah mate, it's not that impossible."

"Why are you betting sixty then?" Kyle asks, pointing to Woody's money whilst he shrugs. He looks a little out of it to be honest. I've noticed this before, especially with Woody, but when he gets drunk his eyes go really glassy like he's a bit to cry. Although he never cries. Ever.

"If you was listening then you would've heard Lana say that she's never tried rapping this song before, so she's going by lyrics." Bullshit. Lana sings whatever song she hears—even the ones she hates.

With that Dan looks at me. Obviously I'm not comfortable with betting...although this time I don't actually mind helping Lana out. It's not really betting when it's between close friends, since we all have more money than we actually know what to do with.

Maybe if I bet a high price, knowing that she's clearly going to rap to the song, they'll bet a even higher price? She deserves it after her rendition of Durban Skies, as well as being the single soul organiser of Bastille's lil' cover band.

"One fifty..."—my voice trails off while everyone looks at me in shock—"take it or leave it." I then look towards Kyle, knowing that he'll easily bait into this trap.

They all have more money than they know what to do with, my excuse would be that he paid nearly double one fifty for trainers. Fucking trainers! Least that money will go to something productive knowing Lana, or maybe some movies and a perfume or whatever.

"Ohhh...shit. You know what, fuck it, I'm in!" Kyle throws the money on the side whilst Tom Middleton, Bastille's video guy, immediately picks it up.

Dan goes to say something to him, probably to keep his hands off the money, but Tom ends up counting it. "I'm the banker, so everyone who is betting pass your money or cheques to me. Do we think young Evangeline can rap to Rap God?!"

Trust Midsy, of all people, to become Mr Monopoly for the night. Dan gets out our cheque book, for some reason that he keeps on him, and scribbles down our bet. Though he doesn't look overly confident.

In a moment of adulthood me and Lana exchange a nod of our heads. The nod itself is like how cowboys in Westerns greet their enemies in front of the town hall at midday...before they draw their guns. They're both so sure that they won't shoot to miss.

"Ready?" Dan laughs whilst he picks the song whilst Lana holds the microphone close to her mouth, and nods her head looking fairly anxious.

But I don't care, either way she's not a pussy and hasn't backed out.

So she begins rapping. At first the song is slow, a few spoken words, but then it speeds up. She doesn't stumble on a few words, although a few of them are inaudible. Woody's and Kyle's taunting of their cash gets worse, which makes her loose concentration and bursts out laughing...only half way through the song.

"I win!" Kyle shouts whilst I shake my head.

"That's not fair! You was making her laugh!" Kyle narrows his cartoon brown eyes before scratching under his dark beard. I mean, it's not fair at all!

"Cough up the money, Mr Banker!" With that Tom gives Kyle the cheque whilst Kyle throws his hands up in the air in victory.

"Bet that money on me...bet that I can rap to Rap God...without lyrics." With that Dan's eye's widen which is slightly humorous. He has no idea that I can. I mean when that song came out I was bored and learnt the lyrics off by heart, but that was when he was at university...or he was locked up in studio somewhere?

"Babe...no..." Dan's voice trails off, which admittedly stings just a little. I would've thought that he'd get the cheque book out again for me, since I'd do that with him, even when he does sound shit. But I guess Dan doesn't have much faith in me...but whatever. At least I know that I can do this. It's easy once you memorise the lyrics.

"Alright, fair enough. I'm game. Two hundred?" Kyle says looking overly confident.

"You sure?" Tom asks, for once looks pretty serious about his mate's bet. Kyle nods his head with a smile, clearly not taking this as serious as he should. But he'll learn in a minute when he's out of pocket.

"I'd keep that money if I were you. This one here is a dark horse."

Woody crosses his arms tightly whilst smiling at me—which feels reassuring since at least one person is vocal about me being a 'dark horse'.

The music starts again and I do my thing. Dan looks embarrassed that he doubted me, while Lana laughs in shock. But I effortlessly shrug my shoulders whilst continue to pronounce each and every word. I even do the slow part in the middle of the song where he sounds like he is taking the piss out of himself. Kyle shakes his head and whilst Tom grabs his on-hand cash, as well as our cheque, and passes it to me. But I don't stop.

In disbelief a few of them hold their phones up to my face. I mean...I'm not completely useless at everything. Maybe singing 'Rap God' is my party trick or something?

But all I know is that Lana will have two hundred quid in her pocket by the time this song ends...
