*Contains smut*

"Jesus!" I break into a cry while Dan wraps his arms around me like a snake that's found in the Amazon.

Everything about Dan is skinnier. While he isn't all skin and bones, he'll definitely get to that state if he continues. Maybe I can unknowingly make him eat a little bit more?

"Oh my god, wow..." Dan smiles while with one hand he cradles my bump, of which has gotten larger. I mean, I've never been skinny myself...but this pregnancy I just feel...huge.

I definitely have a mum-bod, that's one thing for sure.

"Yeah, yeah." I laugh while Dan kisses me again, still holding my bump lovingly.

"She's grown so much. I can't wrap my mind around it." I mean there's a lot of atomic fluid in the sack with her, so I guess that's reassuring in it's own little way.

"Fuck it. Let's go and pick Lana up early. I need to see her...I need to be with you both right now. Fuck." With that hugs me again, but barely a second later his entire body starts to shake uncontrollably...he's crying.

"Baby?" I whisper while he continues to sob.

"Dan, what's wrong?" Much to my dismay he doesn't. I can only guess what's wrong...but the thing is that I don't even wanna guess at this point. It's probably something uni related.

"Fucking hell..." he continues to sob whilst I hold him tightly.

His unsaid pain right now is tearing me apart, I don't understand why he's so sad. He's just got home...does he want to be here?

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." I blame this on Dan not eating. He obviously is feeling weak and helpless. When people get hungry they do and say weird things, he needs to have more food...and less drink.

"I do. Me and Lana both do..." Lana cries every other night for Dan. She even makes me phone him up...even though in the background he's clearly partying or studying. He never not picks up his phone though—I got to owe it to him that he's still a dedicated husband and father. I thought university would change that...but it hasn't.

"It feels so fucking good being here." With that I close my eyes and try not to cry myself.

Seeing Dan get in a state...makes me get into a state. We're such fucking saddos. "I love you." I whisper while Dan hugs me a little tighter.

"Love you more." With that Dan then wheels in his suitcase and leaves it besides the door; whilst I shut and lock it.

Then, as I go to turn around and ask him how everything is going in Leeds...I fall into his lips. We kiss...a really fucking passionate kiss. It's a proper full-on snog. Neither of us stop though, not even when I'm standing with my back up against the wall.

It's not a cliché type of kiss either. It's full of this unseen chemistry which makes our bodies fucking crazy. It's like a rush of adrenaline...only we need to fuck right here and right now. The kiss is fierce...

Dan leans against my body slightly, making sure that he isn't putting too much pressure on my bump. We continue doing that gross smacking lips thing for several more second...before he drags me into the kitchen and plops me up on the counter. Then, being my good baby, Dan kisses every single inch of my neck while I lustfully moan out. He knows all my weak spots.

Wordlessly, Dan pulls my knickers down while I unbuckle his belt like a sex starved maniac. He doesn't need to ask for my consent, because he already knows by my...pleasure...that I want it.

I want him bad.

We then physically loose ourselves in each other's bodies. Dan pushing in and out while I fucking quiver with pleasure. I hold it in for the sake of making it last forever—or at least until we pick Lana up from school. The way he strokes my body gets me all worked up, but with ever fibre in my body I hold myself together.

Unluckily enough for me...it's over as quick as this 'little love making session' started.

"F-f-fuck!" Dan pants while I'm in shock of the quickness. Or at least I hope Dan's took a kissing break, I love it when he kisses my neck. That's the hottest thing about sex. His soft breath touching my body is...liberating.

But right now I'm in confusion. "Wait, did you...finish?" I mean it barely lasted for three minutes. This is Dan's new record for the fastest quick fuck ever.

"Shit. I'm so sorry." With that Dan pulls out and turns away, probably stuffing his dick back into his pants. I pull up my knickers...although I probably should go and clean up. And then straighten out my dress so it doesn't look like we just fucked on the kitchen counter.

"Hey..." I say with a smile of reassurance in my voice.

"That was...nice." I mean even if it was a quick fuck—it was still a fuck. There was meaning behind it. I love my husband and I'm glad that we're fucking going strong, even if we have been apart for twelve entire measly weeks! That's a thing to be super proud of. Of which I am.

Dan shakes his head before sitting on the chair opposite where I'm now standing. He then holds his head in palm of his hand, he still looks depressed. What the fuck is wrong with my husband? Who, or what, has made him act this way? We've been married for six years, known each other since we was kids, and I've never seen him act this strange until now.

There's clearly a huge fucking problem.

"You need to talk to me, Dan." I whisper holding my bump with both of my hands whilst I feel her move around, which feels nice. Though I'm dreading the annoying kicking stage which is definitely on the horizon.

"I've missed you three so fucking much. I felt alone and I just...I just I felt isolated. My new mates are trying to help me through it, but my heart belongs in London." With that I walk over to Dan and wrap my arms supportively around me. While he rests his head against my bump and hugs my waist.

"We've missed you too." I whisper whilst running my hand through his short hair.
