"Oh my god!" Lana hysterically cries whilst she hugs the box of her new Bratz doll.

I hug her tightly whilst she sits in between Dan's lap, opening up all of her presents one by one. Because of the financial help Dan's parents gave us, this is the first year that we've ever splashed out on Lana for Christmas. A good quarter of the floor by the Christmas tree was smothered in different kinds of shiny wrapping paper.

"Thank you!" She gratefully hugs both me and Dan. I close my eyes and embrace her genuine love for us, but that goes in a matter of seconds when she's onto her next present.

"Open yours too!" She laughs passing me a present...that I don't really care about. I'm more interesting in watching her open up hers, she's so grateful. Lana has legitimately cried every single time she's opened a present in happiness. I don't think she's going to stop soon.

"I'm waiting for you and daddy to only have a few left to open." I also brought Dan a shit ton of clothes. I mean his entire wardrobe is too big and baggy for him, and I'm sick of him wearing the same old shit anyway.

I have the least presents, but I'm super cool with it. They're mainly things that I brought for myself and gave to Lana to wrap up, but she doesn't need to know that. "Open my one!" She passes me a badly wrapped up present, which is honestly super cute. I love her effort...so much!

"What's this then?" It's a DVD, or maybe two, but it isn't one that I brought myself. I look at Dan in confusion while he smiles, no way did he get me something?

"I picked them!" She laughs happily while I unwrap it.

"Oh wow..." I genuinely laugh whilst I spot the greenness of the first cover. Shrek 2. A film that we watched in the cinema, of course she would pick it for me.

It'll probably become her film!

Then underneath Shrek is Sharks Tale, "oh my god!" I laugh whilst shaking my head. Lana then hugs into Dan weakly while she laughs. Sharks Tale has been her favourite film since it came out, but she knows how much I find it stupid...it's a inside joke really.

"Aw...thank you." That's such a heartwarming gift, even if I do hate the random arse film!

"I got this with my pocket money for the baby and you." She then passes me a larger present.

"If you open it up maybe she can sense it?" I make an 'ah' noise while I do as I told and open the present, only to see a white fluffy bunny that has the word 'sister' engraved on it's tummy.

"This is so-so-so sweet darling. Oh my god." I think I'm going to cry—nope—I'm crying.

"M-m-mummy?" Lana stumbles on her words whilst I hold her hand tightly. God, she is honestly the sweetest child ever. I can only hope the little one can grow up as lovely as Lana.

"It's okay. Remember that your sister sometimes causes mummies mood to easily change. Mummies really happy." Dan reassures, after kissing Lana's cheek. However, she anxiously looks at me. I try to smile for her sake, considering that I'm over the moon, but for some reason I can't. I don't know whether it's because Lana woke us up too early, but I feel really weak and tired.

Instead I hug the rabbit tightly whilst Dan then puts his arm around me, "you know what why don't you leave some of your presents for later, yeah? Let's just open the things that you have now and put all the empty boxes and wrapping paper in the bin bags. I've got something to give to your mum..." huh? Every single year I tell Dan not to buy my something, but every year he does. It's mainly something small and cheap, like a book, but they always end up being my favourite things.

"Babe..." Dan then tilts his head upwards, which is an indication to go to our bedroom. Oh god, it isn't sex related is it? I don't want sex toys, or handcuffs and blind folds...

We're just fine how it is.

I get up, with help, off of the floor whilst Dan then tells Lana to stay for two minutes. "Dan..." my voice trails off whilst Dan shuts the living room door behind us.

"Just go upstairs..." he innocently smiles whilst I do as his say and climb up the daunting stairs...god I god a backache.

When we get to the bedroom my arms wide in confusion before they hit the side of my thighs, "what's up?" I ask whilst Dan cracks a smile.

"What's up is that you really did not look happy at all down there." I tilt my head backwards in guilt, although I can still feel myself wanting to choke up. I don't know how to describe what I'm feeling to a non-pregnant person, it's quite a hard thing to do.

"I had this with Lana. I'll be fine. I go into this...happiness depression. I'm so happy that I feel really sad about it...it's weird..." I manage to laugh whilst Dan then wraps his arms around me tightly.

"Are you sure?"

Truthfully, I nod my head in answer to Dan's question. I'm sure as sure can be. With that Dan stops hugging me before he kneels on the ground besides me.

"Oh wow. I mean...I'm not in the mood...but you can do what you want." I nervously laugh whilst Dan looks up at me with these enlarged puppy dog eyes.

"I was going to give you your present that's under the bed, but if you want me too....you know..." Dan's eyebrows raise whilst I burst out laughing shaking my head. I mean, I've never not wanted to be fucking ate out before...but I feel really weird and would really appreciate him not to.

"Thank god." Dan mumbles under his breath whilst I laugh again and sit on the bed, since my back fucking burns all of a sudden.

Dan then gives me what looks to be a vacuum bag...full of presents. What the fuck!
