"I can't get over how posh this place looks...for such a cheap menu price." I'm in awe. This place seems like one of those fancy restaurants that you see in films, the dim gold light setting and the luxurious silk table tables. The wooden bar area in the corner and the minimal chat.

"That's why this place is exclusive members only thing." Dan smiles whilst tucking into his fucking salad. I mean...at least he's eating. At least I will be able to catch Dan out if he does to the toilet for a suspicious amount of time.

"Like Costco?" Dan quietly chokes on a piece of his lettuce before nodding his head.

"Stop going on about fucking Costco." I shake my head whilst we both try not to burst out laughing. I have issues with that shop. I mean first and foremost how the fuck do we even get inside the shop if we don't have a fucking card? Secondly, how do I even apply for a card?

"I can't. Finding a way to get a Costco card will be the death of me. Especially since Lakeside's one is still open." Lakeside is a mall somewhere in Essex, Dan normally used to take us there sometimes to get baby bits. Lana loves the Disney shop there the most, as well as Build-A-Bear Workshop. Sometimes after a day of shopping we grab a movie at Vue, which is more or less next door to the mall. Lana also like going on the lake...swan...paddling boat thing in the summer.

"I'll ask around for you, maybe one of my mates can hook us up with a Costco card. Happy?" I nod my head whilst Dan looks down at his lettuce and sighs.

"What?" I ask while Dan shrugs.

"Am I being selfish making you move where with Lana?" I instantly go to say no, because that's the truth, however Dan elaborates a little bit more on this really random change of topic. He's wrong though, it isn't selfish to want to be able to provide for your family in the future.

"Before you say anything...I saw the way the estate agent looked at me. When we said we wanted three, or more, bedrooms she gave me a dirty look. It made me feel guilty because I know she thinks that moving our family...as well as you being pregnant...all the way to Leeds...it's fucked up."

"I'm fucking pregnant, Dan, I'm not incapable. Sure, I can go 'easy' or whatever that means, but Lana is young and energetic. I'm always on my toes because of her anyway! I might as well do something productive while I'm at it. Let's face it, Dan. We don't have that many things to pack up anyway...and we know your parents are going to help." Dan doesn't seem to happy of the idea of us moving. But I think we should be okay, as long as the moving chain isn't too long.

Admittedly, I don't feel comfortable being nine months pregnant and moving house. I hope that maybe by then we would've already moved, and we could go back to the hospital where Lana was born?

It's a good hospital, that's all I'm saying.

"I don't feel like the best husband or father in the world, that's all I'm saying." He mumbles before looking away. He's probably trying to distract himself so that he doesn't cry, Dan's been in a really emotional mood. Before university I never saw him in this state before...he was happy. He knew he was a great husband and a great father—what the fuck happened?

"Are you still singing?" I know I shouldn't ask him about his singing...because I'm not meant to know. But I want to know whether he's at least doing one thing that he likes to do.

"Why do you mean 'am I still singing'," he asks whilst looking a little confused. God, he's such a bad liar.

"You always used to like singing songs in the shower, or with Lana. It made you happy." What makes Dan happy makes me happy, period. It truly is the little things like that in life...where I feel amazing. Everyone being genuinely happy is like a fucking dream come true.

"You asked me that last night at the Christmas party something about singing, didn't you?" Oh god. I fucked up.

"Please say that you didn't snoop around in my things." He laughs, which is a relief for me because I don't know why...but I thought he would be mad. I should know that Dan never get's mad. But he can get defensive about certain things, I figured his 'secret' hobby was one of them. But much to my surprise...it's not.

"Okay-okay. I heard your disc...card...thing. But it's only because your suitcase stunk really bad and I was going to put on a black dirty wash." Majority of Dan's clothes that he's brought for himself have gotten darker-and-darker. Last semester he was wearing fucking plaid and shit, now he's wearing black. Although he has this ugly lime green cardigan thing.

Guys fashion is fucking ridiculous, but I love Dan's weird uncoordinated spin on it.

"I thought you washed them...good to know that I'm not loosing it." I feel bad for snooping, I really do. But me and Dan just aren't that couple who hides secrets and shit from each other. It's probably one of the reason why we've lasted so long, either that or we're still young enough to make new mistakes.

"If I didn't wash your boxers then they was going to start growing a pair of limbs and crawl away." Dan hold's his middle finger up while I do the same, god we're so immature.

Wait...we're finally doing something immature!

And surprisingly, I feel good acting like a little kid again. With that I then get a sudden urge to do stupid reckless things...I've got a idea on where we should go next!
