I had a Valentine's Day baby, which was unexpected to say the least. I went into labour the day before yesterday...but had her today.

"You did amazing, Clara." Dan kisses my cheek whilst I still have my eyes sealed shut. I've been asleep apparently all afternoon, which is a bummer.

But then I open them.

"Everything really hurts," I softly whisper whilst looking at the baby bundled up in Dan's arms. She's perfect and looks exactly like how Lana did, it's kind of scary.

"Have you put anymore thought into what her name is going to be?" I shake my head. I mean obviously I've pushed a human being out of my fucking vagina—I'm bound to be worn out. You don't tend to think about baby names while you drift off into a sleep coma.

"You?" I whisper whilst he admittedly shakes his head.

"I know Lana has a list of names prepared. Mum's bringing her over now..." I smile and nod my head whilst I randomly think about what her name choice is going to be. Our seven year old has a very creative mind, I'm sure that they're be ridiculous names thrown in.

"What?" Dan whispers whilst literally lying besides me on the hospital bed. It's not even that big but we both somehow manage to fit on it. The midwife will probably tell us off, but at this point I'm too tired to give a shit.

This was my first time having a 'normal' birth. Last time Lana was removed by c-section. I was young and it would've done serious damage or something? I'm not too sure, but I'm thankful after today that I'll never probably be experience that ever again. My girls are everything. I'd straight up murder and butcher Dan into pieces for them, though I love him too but that's a different kind.

That's when I gently stroke the her tiny warm face with the back of my finger. "She looks like an Annabelle..." I whisper whilst Dan cracks a smile, in silence he nods his head in agreement.

"Anna, Bella, Belle, Ella, Elle, Lena...that's actually a really good name." Without being biased, I know it's a good name for her.

"Don't hate me...but I might've...kinda...promised Lana that she can name her sister." Dan's jaw drops open while I quietly laugh nodding my head. I feel really stupid promising her something that's so important, but I have faith in her.

If I just explain she needs a pretty-but mature-name...then maybe she'll pick one out?

"She's going to name her some shit like Cinderella." Dan whispers whilst she hugs into his chest, god she's so small...so adorable. I said it when I just had Lana, and I'll say it again, it's amazing how something that was quick...ends in this beauty. The human body is ever so strange, but I wouldn't change this experience for the world.

"Cinderella is a pretty name though..." I whisper whilst I watching her little body move around despite her eyes being sealed shut.

"Fuck off Clara." Dan whispers with a laugh.

"Look, maybe we can bribe her into saying Annabelle?" Which isn't actually at all a bad idea.

Before we can say anything else on the topic, the hospital door to my room opens up and Lana bursts in. "Baby..." I say holding both of my arms out whilst Dan sits up holding the newest addition of our perfect little family.

Lana hugs me whilst I hug her tightly, "how has she been?" I ask Dan's mother whilst she goes around the bed to see the baby.

"Good as gold, but very excited to meet this one. Oh, hello darling...oh my god." She snatches the baby from out of Dan's arms before cradling her small body lovingly.

"What's her name?" Lana asks whilst she gets on the bed besides me, I think she's excited but she's also nervous.

I shrug my shoulders back whilst looking at Dan who stands besides his mother, "what do you think we should call her?" I stroke her hair whilst she looks up at me and smiles.

"I like Pandora or Annabelle." Wait what?! Those are good, like really good names.

Dan looks at me with his jaw hanging open, I just he didn't know about her name choice. The Annabelle bit is way too weird to be a coincidence, that's for sure. "Those are really pretty names, where did you hear them?" I ask whilst Lana sits up a little, trying to get a good look of her sister in her grandmothers arms.

"I'm learning about Pandora's box in school...and I had an Annabelle baby doll." Oh my god. I mean. I'm happy with whatever name she picks.

"What's your favourite-favourite name out of the two?" I ask, wanting her to be truthful. I mean, I know that she is...but kids tend to change their minds like the weather. I'm honestly relieved that she also like the name Annabelle.

"I really like them both. But I like Annabelle." I nod my head before hugging her.

"Me and daddy like that name too."

With that Dan's mum passes me the baby before smiling, "I'm saying nothing about her name, because it isn't my place, but this little cutie is definitely an Annabelle..." I look down at my little girl in my arms whilst Lana strokes her sisters cheek.

"Sit up a little bit more and you can hold her..." I say whilst Lana looks at me in shock. I don't think that she was expecting to hold her sister.

"Seriously?" Both Dan and I nod our heads with a smile.

"You have to be really gentle, okay?" Lana nods her head with a smile whilst getting comfortable.

"Clara...um, Lana hasn't eaten yet. So me and grandad where wondering if we can take her to...you know where...for dinner?" Pizza Hut, Lana's favourite place on earth.

"Where?!" She loudly says whilst I give the baby to her. She seems like a natural holding her, and I see camera flashes in the corner of my eye. Dan and his dad, who has just walked into the room, are taking a shit ton of photos.

"None of your business, monkey." I kiss Lana on her cheek.

"But of course you can, it's a nice little celebration meal for her. I'll get Dan to give you my purse." Before Dan can go 'huh', his mother sternly shakes her head.

"There's no need for that. It's our treat." I gratefully say thank you before looking at Lana hold her sister, looking so proud.

"Can her name be Annabelle, mum?" Me and Dan look at each other with a helpless smile.

"Of course it can." With that Lana does a really weird squeal of excitement before kissing Annabelle on her forehead.

God. I love them so much.
