"That was so fucking awkward." Dan laughs while I hold his hand as we quickly cross the road. "I know right. Some days I just wish people wouldn't ask so many questions."

"How's the baby?" Dan's favourite saying at the moment.

"Wanna feel." I laugh while we stop in the middle of the deserted street and he holds my stomach.

"I'm convinced it's a boy this time." I nod my head.

"He or she has a big appetite, I'm always hungry." Dan cracks a smile before he kisses me. A full on snog, pinning me to the brick wall behind me, wow.

"I'm scared"—I pull back from our make out session—"you've never been this compassionate in public." Dan then shrugs his shoulders back.

"Today while we was standing there in a room full of people, I didn't feel much like a husband. You know?"— I shake my head while Dan throws his eyes back — "Meaning that I need to be more...compassionate in public and not scared to fucking touch you." It sounds inappropriate but I get what Dan means.

We don't act like we're married. We act like best friends half of the time. According to Dan's friends, we're the type of bffs that you think have got something going on between them...but you're not so sure. And you don't want to be rude and ask them, so you're always questioning their relationship until they announce it on my space or whatever.

"So what do you want to do?" He then slowly rubs my my small bump in a circular motion, which feels so fucking good. I have a bellyache, and it's starting to fadeaway.

"Do adult things with you."

"I told you this before, Dan. I'm never going to make a porno with you." Dan immediately bursts out laughing, but I kiss him again on the lips. We must look so cringeworthy right now, but the funny thing is that I don't even care. I'm going to take advantage of this rare cute moment between us.

"No. I mean we should go out for date nights more, like in general." Oh sweetheart.

"The last time we went out for a 'date night' I got pregnant." Dan rolls his eyes backwards before shrugging.

"We was meaning to have more kids anyway." That is such a Dan excuse, but I suppose we had a wow of a time in London. Even if we did end up spending it in a hotel room.

It was my eighteenth birthday present, we was meant to go and watch The Lion King...but Dan and I both confessed that either of that we don't like the theatre. So we gave our tickets to a single mother and her daughter, which was really emotional because the mum was so thankful. Instead of doing anything remotely cool, we went to blockbusters and brought a bottle of wine. Half way through the Leonardo DiCaprio flick I showed Dan my new lingerie...and one thing led to another.

Skip to a few weeks later...and I was having an injection because I was having pregnancy symptoms.

I can't help but hold my middle finger up while he kisses me again. "No one is going to take us seriously babe, even if we did act like a husband and wife." I sigh whilst straightening Dan's top since it looks a little scruffy.

"Well they're going to have to. I've arranged for Lana to stay with mum and dad. Me, you, and the baby are going to take a trip to the Bahamas..." my eyes widen in shock while Dan laughs nodding his head.

He looks so pleased with himself, but I'm slightly fucking mortified. Please tell me that he thought things through...

"How can we afford a trip to the fucking Bahamas?!"

We've been on holidays before, sure, but it's normally caravan ones. We collect The Sun newspaper for the holiday deal tokens. We usually get the most shitty caravans, but we always upgraded it for two hundred quid. We go from premium to fucking platinum real fast, which is all thanks to the tokens. Usually people have to pay just under a thousand for a platinum caravan, but we manage to find a loop hole. We've a few times with our parents, but last year it was just us and Lana. So we've already had stupid argument over whereabouts the campsite is.

"Never mind that, okay. Let me deal with the money side. I've wanted to properly treat you for ages, years even. Clara, you do so much for me and Lana. It's about time that I did something nice back, honestly..."

"Never mind that?"—I question whilst I feel my blood start to boil—"Dan we share a bank account! This isn't a fucking treat." Dan then looks completely horrified. I should probably check to see what he's been buying, there must be other things that he hasn't told me about. Jesus fucking Christ!

"Really?" He asks looking almost pained while I sternly nod my head.

"Oh fuck..." his voice trails off.

"Danny...babe...what have you brought other than a holiday to the fucking Bahamas!"

"I might've brought a Yahama keyboard." Jesus fucking Christ.

"How much money did the bank account have left." I'm panicking right now. Bills are due and so are our taxes, not to mention Lana is going on a school trip to another country for a day and needs money. And I have to buy her autumn school wear. And it's not like I can help save money by going without meals, because I can't. Not to mention that I desperately need to invest in new baby furniture, and start buying Christmas presents for Lana. Oh my god...even the weekly food shop.


"Don't panic okay..." Dan calmly says while I nervously laugh. I'm laughing instead of tearing my hair out strand by strand.

"How much fucking money do we have in our fucking bank account?!" I scream. Thankfully no one else is around. I don't normally do my dirty washing in public...but this has really fucking pissed me off.

"A little over three thousand." Oh my god.

Oh my fucking Christ.

"We had nearly four grand!" I shout while trying not to cry.

"I'm so fucking sorry. I thought you had a bank account!" Trust Dan to rely on me like that.

"What the fuck am I going to do?! We cannot live off a couple hundred pounds, as well as bills and taxes for the next fucking month!" We're going to have to go to our parents.

I can't think straight. Oh my god. What the fuck are we going to do? There must be some way of reversing this mess, there's always a way. Maybe Dan can get a—bingo.

"Refund the holiday, okay? If you refund the holiday then we should just about get by." I look at Dan feeling sort of relieved, but it only lasts for a second or two. That's when Dan slightly shakes his head.

"No...baby no..." I shake my head in rhythm of his, whilst trying not to cry. I what he's going to say. It's written all over his goddamn face!

"I had no idea it was non-refundable." That's when I close my eyes. I'm done.

"This is fucking bullshit!" I angrily push past him and cross the road. I'm taking the long way home, or perhaps I'll even go and sit in the local park. Considering that I can't afford to go to the tearoom and buy a can of fucking coke without thinking about our bankruptcy.

Sometimes I hate Dan...and right now is definitely only of those times.

