"Can you guys keep an eye on Lana while I go and fill up our drinks?" I politely ask Dan's parents while I hold up my glass. They nod their heads with a smile while Dan, of all people, says he is going to fill up his glass. Fucking hell.

He's been waiting for me to fill the glasses up. Probably so he can be like 'what the fuck is wrong with you', like he doesn't know what he has done wrong...even though he clearly does.

Dan is annoying like that.

I ignore Dan's presence behind me and start to fill mine and Lana's diet cokes up. She likes it with loads of ice, which she takes after me. I may be eighteen but I still go over the top with ice, I don't think my ice immaturity will ever mature.

"Please stop ignoring me." He whispers whilst I continue to do just that.

I mean, he needs to know that I'm still angry. But what he doesn't know is that I cashed in the cheque from his parents, that we have an insane amount of money in our bank account that's completely untouched. Though it'll remain that way. I know this sounds rather far-fetched but I'm literally thinking about taking away Dan's credit card. He likes to buy shit when he is drunk...which is near enough all the time.

"Okay then, you're playing the silent game." Wow, he's so observant.

"I bet I can make you talk..." Dan leans backwards with a stupid smile swiped across is oddly optimistic face. In silence, and resting temptation to smile, I place our drinks to the side and cross my arms.

I'm girl enough to play Dan's game.

"How's the baby?" He curiously asks while he then slowly walks closer to me, I narrow my eyes and let out a smile.

"Huh? I didn't hear...you gotta talk louder." Dan raps his head while I vigorously shake my head. I always tell him how the baby is. I mean, it's his kid and he's entitled to know how he or she is doing.

"Good..." I mumble while Dan pushes his body close against mine and wraps his arm around my waist.

"Say that just a little louder." He whispers drawing his head close to mine. With that I shake my head, considering I'm still sad about this earlier. We was close to living in poverty, we're lucky that Dan's parents have been so kind and generous. If they didn't give us then the money...then our kids could've been taken off of us. I don't know what I'd do if that ever happened.

Instead of kissing him, like he probably wants, I rest my forehead against his shoulder. "I asked my boss for a pay rise." He whispers while I close my eyes, still saying nothing.

"I'll get a job as a bartender or something too. Just...bare with me, okay? We'll get through this. We always get through shit." It's true.

After the school found out about us being married, some of the delightful children bullied me and Dan for it. They said 'why would be a pretty girl married to someone as ugly as him'. Those remarks still make my skin crawl to this very day. Dan's been my best friend since we was literally born, considering that our parents were really close. There's even a humorous picture of a baby Dan with a newborn me slouching against him. Dan's like 6 months older than me though. I'm a fall baby and he's a Bastille baby, I think?

We've been boyfriend and girlfriend for as long as I can remember, even when we was in nursery. I guess we didn't get intimate until we was twelve. The first time we fucked a couple of weeks after the wedding...was also the night Lana was conceived. We didn't fuck again until I was in my second trimester, considering everyone's first time hurt and we was really melodramatic about it. The second time was probably...the best sex we've ever had. Don't get me wrong, it's still very disturbing, but it felt good. But that's mine and Dan's romantic life pretty much summed up, which sounds really mundane and boring to be honest. I guess it is, but we like it. I mean who doesn't? It's sex.

"You're parents gave us money." I whisper while the calming song turns over...and on comes our very questionable 'first dance' song.

ABBA — Lay Your Love On Me

With that Dan smiles pointing to the speaker while I shake my head. It's such a weird song to literally dance to...and we did...in fucking India. But I now I understand the lyrics, especially the smoking part and being jealous.

"Don't go wasting your emotionnn, lay all your love on meeeeeee, don't go sharing your devotionnnnn, lay your love on meeeee" Dan quietly sings in my ear while we sway to the dramatic music. This song was way ahead of it's time. It's definitely less pop, and more intense.

Is it weird that I love the sound of his voice? I've always been a sucker for it, even when he sounds really bad at karaoke bars. He's such a fucking cutie.

"Where's my drink?" I look down to see a small creature tugging on my white dress, I thought I asked Dan's parents to keep an eye on her? I suppose we only are six meters away from the table.

"Sorry baby, we got distracted." With that I give Dan a scolding look and carefully give her the Diet Coke. It's probably going to go everywhere, but she needs to learn to carry stuff properly. I always bring spare clothes of hers in my bag. I know it's such a mum thing to do, but it's better being safe than sorry.

"I like this song." She nods her head to the music while I push her long dark brown hair from out of her eyes.

"Me too." I smile while she looks up at me happily. Pizza Hut is probably her favourite place in the world at the moment, she also thinks that Pizza Hut is the poshest restaurant in existence which is also cute.

That's when she begins to sing along to the song. She doesn't stumble on any lyrics, no. My little girl sings each line perfectly. She doesn't sound like a six year old either. Her voice is deep but it's also what I'd call 'pretty' sounding, because she sings so nicely just like the original lady in ABBA. What the fuck?!

Lana can sing!

Me and Dan look at each other in shock, as so does all of the other people in the restaurant. I mean...I can't be embarrassed. She's fucking great. When Lana stops singing everyone literally claps, however she hides behind Dan's back with a small smile on her fair face.

"I think you deserves a free pizza and ice cream, little lady." The waiter says whilst Lana then jumps up and down in excitement. But me and Dan both cringe at the thought of her eating a full meal...as well as ice cream. She's so going to throw up in the car ride home.
