one hundred sixty six

both mark and gwen collapsed on the bed panting. both were sweating.

"you want to go again?" mark asks propping up on his elbow with a smirk.

but then they heard a baby crying trough the babyphone.

"i guess not. piper's up." gwen says.

"what if i change my flight?" mark asks.

derek asked mark to come with him to d.c this time. like a men trip or something. gwen liked the idea of it. her two most important boys on a trip.

"i could come by the hospital before i get to the airport, and we could find an empty on-call room and... huh?" mark suggests kissing gwen down her neck.

"i have work to do at work." gwen reminds him with a chuckle. "i can't do you, too."

"okay, well, then it's settled. let's go again now. come on." mark rolled over her causing her to giggle loud.

"no! absolutely not!" she giggles getting out of his grip wrapping the blanket around her. "you're terrible. terrible influence! we are getting up now."

"come on." mark patted her side of the bed.

"i know."

"what?" mark asks.

"why don't you make yourself useful and go change piper's diaper?" gwen asks with a smile.

"you're a tease." mark smirks.

"and you are terrible." gwen throws a piilow at him.


after getting the kids ready gwen was running through the kitchen giving piper a slice of cheese, a plate with banana slices and a bottle of milk.

piper just loved cheese. gwen doesn't know why but so it be.

piper has a lot of mark's features. his eyes, nose, even his charming smile. piper will have lots of lovers later on.

hailey is more like gwen. her temper, her dimples and the sleek blond hair.

both of them are beautiful and everything gwen could wish for. it's more than she could ask for.

she smiled as hailey packed her back before she cleaned up piper's face with a wet towel.

"god, you're cute." gwen smiles kissing piper's curly head.

"have you seen my phone?" mark asks his wife walking downstairs dressed in a shirt and jeans.

"on the counter." gwen replies. "where it always is."

mark nods walking over grabbing it. he smiled when he saw the wallpaper of his phone. it was a selfie of gwen, him and the kids. the kids on mark's back while gwen did the photo. it was a few days after gwen's brain surgery. only the four of them at the beach enjoying the time amelia give them with gwen.

"hey, hailey, hurry up, honey, or you won't have time to eat breakfast." gwen tells her to which she nods. "are you excited?"

"actually i am. i think derek and i haven't been on a vacation alone since new york." mark chuckles nervously.

"it will be great." gwen assures him putting her hands around his neck. "i think it's great you two spend time together. that is long overdue. still i'm gonna miss you."

"i'll be home before you know it." mark smiles kissing her.

suddenly the door got pulled open and amelia stepped in. suprised to say the least.

"oh, hey. you're here." amelia states looking between her sister and mark.

"yeah, we live here." mark replies causing gwen to chuckle.

she moved away from him to drink some coffee.

"but you had a flight." amelia points at mark before pointing at gwen. "and, you, yesterday you were going on and on about some early surgery that you had. the point is, you're not supposed to be home. so..."

"my surgery got pushed, and- weren't you wearing that yesterday?" gwen notices before the door got pulled open again.

"amelia, you forgot your-" owen stops as he saw gwen and mark starring at him in shock. "hey, uhm.. i was just, um... her cell phone was..."

"thank you." amelia took the device while mark smirks at gwen knowingly.

"who wants breakfast? anybody?" mark asks the two love birds at the door with an amused smile. "we have coffee."

"well, i should... yeah, i'm gonna go." owen chuckles nervously before leaving the house.

amelia looks between them before trying to brush off the recent situation by walking over to piper.

"hey, little girl!" she greets her niece. "look who's here? want to go find your sister?" amelia asks her while picking her up. "all right. let's go." she disappears upstairs.

"so your sister and owen?" mark asks putting on his leather jacket.

"she told me last night." gwen replies drinking her coffee.

"you knew? you're sister's doing owen and you didn't tell me?" mark asks pretending to be offended.

"i was supposed to tell you that?" gwen asks teasing him.

"yes." he replies.

gwen kissed him. "that was my apology."

mark smirks leaning in again. "best wife ever."

the two started to make out a little.

"you have to catch your flight." gwen says between kisses.

mark sighs nodding before grabbing his keys.

"i just wish, i don't know, you could stay or i could come with you or something." gwen tells him with sad eyes.

"i'll be back soon. you know that. plus it was your idea of me joining derek on this trip." mark reminds her taking his bag.

"i know. i know. just remember bringing a souvenir for hailey and piper. they're really excited." gwen says.

mark stops turning around to face her. he tries to mesmerize every little detail of her face while he's gone.

"i love you. more than anything in my life." gwen smiles.

"i love you, too." he kisses her. "just stay here and don't move. wait for me, okay?"

"i will." gwen smiles kissing him again.

"tell the kids i love them." mark says before turning to leave.

gwen watched him walking over to their second car before driving off to meet with derek.

then she closed the door behind him.


after her first surgery gwen sat down in the gallery between arizona and callie watching april and cathrine avery attaching a man's penis.

how angry can someone be to cut off a man's penis? he must have done something terrible or else you wouldn't cut off a penis.

gwen was still sad about mark being away but this cheered her up a little.

"it's gonna take them ar least 10 hours to reattach that thing." arizona states. "and what? it took his wife like, what, a minute to cut it off?"

"she must have been really mad." gwen agrees.

"ugh. you know, how do you get that mad?" arizona asks looking between her phone and gwen.

"not long after i discovered my ex-husband had been e-mailing another woman, we met for breakfast." miranda speaks behind them gaining their attention. "that was a big breakfast. stacks of pancakes, eggs, and all kinds of fancy jams he thought would somehow make it okay that he was e-mailing another woman, while he was married to me."

"hmm." callie hummed knowingly causing arizona and gwen to look at her.

"i remember the butter knife i used to spread my fancy jam, and for half a second, imagined what the side of his neck might look like with the butter knife in it." miranda continues making the others laugh at that. "fancy jams dripping down the side of his fat, e-mail cheating neck. yep, i've been that mad."

"when i found out mark cheated i grabbed glasses and threw them at him. of course i didn't hit him but the thought him lying in his own blood on the floor was satisfying me." gwen chuckles slightly.

"hmm. no comment." callie again actually meaning arizona which she noticed.

"you know, cutting off a penis isn't actually that big of a deal. i mean, it's not like he needs it for survival or think or, like, i don't know, to walk." arizona says obviously referring to her leg earning a glare from the others. "what? hey, it's my leg. and, you know... for the record, i only thought about maiming you once, callie, and i told you that the second i thought it."

"thank you?" callie asks not knowing what to say letting out a chuckle.

"look, the difference is, we may think about it, but we don't actually dismember our spouses." miranda says.

"no." the three woman said in unsion.

"it's good to know." ben suddenly said stepping into the gallery causing miranda and the others to look at him. "dr.torres, dr.shepherd needs you in the o.r. as soon as possible. it's for marissa. we can't get spinal aligment."

"damn it." callie curses standing up.


gwen stood at the nurses station filling out a chart.

it was crazy to not have mark around to touch her, to flirt with her or just to stand besides her.

something was missing today and she felt it extremely.

"so amelia and owen?" meredith asks walking up to her with a sigh crossing her arms.

"uh... is there an end to that?" gwen asks confused.

"i don't know. you tell me." meredith states a little harsh.

"i don't know what to tell you." gwen shrugs. "um, she and owen are getting to know each other."

"how well?" meredith interrogates her further. "pants on or pants off well? is it just sex, or is there something more?"

"meredith what is this?" gwen asks.

"i don't know. i'm asking you as her sister." meredith asnwers.

"i don't know what they are yet." gwen tells her.

"okay, well, that's what i'm afraid of. listen, christina asked me to watch out for him. i promised i would, so i just want to make sure that-"

"that she isn't ruin him? is that what you mean?" gwen asks with raised brows.

"that she's careful for her sake and for his." meredith narrowes her eyes at gwen.

"look, i appreciate that you are looking out for owen. i do, but what amelia does and who she sees are, quite honestly, none of your business." gwen snaps.

"wow. okay. i was only trying to-"

"she moved here to start something, to build a new life. you don't know her. not really. not so good as i know her. you don't know where she's been or what she had to overcome, because you have never had to. you've never lost the love of your life. you've never cried over the body of the person you loved most in this world. you don't know how that messes a person up. you've never had to claw your way back from that. but she has. she's still trying to pull herself together, and she is doing the very best that she can, so... until you've done that, until you've had to walk in her shoes, i need you to cut her some slack. and back the hell off." then gwen walked away leaving meredith behind her.


it was the next day. gwen was extremly tired.

two kids alone is more than she could handle.

hopefully mark gets back soon.

she was typing in her chart when a nurse approached her.

"dr.shepherd? you have a call on line four." she informs her to which gwen nods before taking the phone from her.

"hello? oh, no, sorry. you want the other dr.shepherd. here's his wife." gwen tells the other person after they asks where derek is.

she hands meredith the phone which she accepts.

the two hadn't talked to each other since yesterday. gwen was still angry with meredith treating amelia like the plague.

"hi. this is dr.shepherd's wife." meredith introduces herself. "uh, no, he's not here. can i take a message for you? okay, sure. oh. i thought he was there. okay. sure. no problem. okay, thank you. bye-bye." then she hung up looking at gwen. "well, that was weird."

"what was?" gwen asks confused.

"nothing. just that was the white house calling. derek never showed up at his meeting this morning." meredith explains.

"oh, yeah? mark hasn't texted me either since he left. and he wanted to text me when they land." gwen realises not thinking much of it.

"i'm sure their flight got delayed or something." meredith tells her.

"sure." gwen nods before walking away.

it's getting closer!!!
i hope you're ready.
and i hope that i'm ready.
