one hundred fifty

it was late in the morning.

the only thing gwen wanted to do was to sleep long, go under a warm shower and then relax the whole day.

mark was at work, the kids were in day care and pre-school, so gwen was alone.

and she enjoyed it.

after stretching a little gwen went to the bathroom.

she let her bathrobe fall around her ankles.

she then made the water on letting it fall onto her skin.

she sigh in content when she suddenly heard a person.

"gwen? you're in here?" meredith suddenly asks.

"mer? what do you want here?" gwen asks a little louder due to the water pattern on her head.

but instead of answering meredith only stepped into the bathroom and started to talk about her problem.

"i do not need another sister." meredith states.

"get out." gwen pleads standing with her back towards meredith.

she didn't know what meredith's current problem was and under these circumstances she didn't want to find out.

"i mean, she's a lying liar." meredith continues not even listening or acknowledging gwen's current situation. "i would know if my mother were pregnant when i was five. my mother was not pregnant when i was five."

"get out." gwen repeats even tho she knows it's not gonna work.

"she's, like, psycho, like a stalker. i'm being stalked. gwen, this is criminal. i mean, you-" then suddenly meredith opens the shower curtains making gwen grabbed them quickly with a shocked face. "what's your problem?"

"get out! i'm naked here." gwen begs.

"okay, so what? i'm a woman. no big deal." meredith shrugs it off making gwen only more uncomfortable. "i'm in crisis." but gwen only continues looking at her with begging eyes making meredith sighs as her eyes wander down her body. "okay fine. your boobs are spectacular. mark is a very lucky man. can we get back to me now? why are you making that face, gwen?"

"mer, i realise that i said i would take over as your person. maybe that means i have to buy your tampons and act like your husband's hair is special and crap. but i only want to have a normal day without mark, the kids amd especially my sister-in-law standing in my bathroom while i take a shower." gwen tells her and with that she pulled the shower curtain closed.

only for them to get open by meredith again. "you didn't even hear what i said."

"no. and right now i don't care." gwen says covering her breast.

"the new cardio, your new cardio surgeon thinks she's my biological sister." meredith says and gwen finally get her problem.

"she what? wait. what? that's insane." gwen gasps with a shocked face.

"thank you." meredith nods.


after getting dressed gwen sat at her kitchen island pouring a drink for her and meredith.

meredith was moving back and forth in the kitchen. still confused about this sister topic.

"if my mother were pregnant, i would have known." meredith repeats what she said the last half hour.

"adoption agency made a mistake?" gwen suggests giving meredith her drink.

"and randomly put the name ellis grey on a birth certificate? i don't think so." meredith declines shaking her head. "pierce has got to want something."

"maybe she thinks there's money to inherit." gwen suggests again looking into her glass.

"oh. the only thing you inherit in this family is alzheimer's." meredith blurts.

"whoa. dark." gwen chuckles.

"good one, though, huh?" meredith asks also chuckling as they toasted their glasses. "she's not my sister."

"you know who you should ask about this?" gwen asks her as she looks up from her drink. "the guy who was sleeping with your mom back then."

"i'm not asking richard webber." meredith states.

"all i'm saying is, he's got skin in the game." gwen shrugs her shoulders as she sips on her drink again.

"disgusting." meredith comments.

"he's the only living person who would know if it's true." gwen tells her.

"richard webber is like a second father to me, and if he knew that i had a sister, he would tell me." meredith tries to convince herself more rather than gwen.


gwen sitting on the couch with meredith who was hugging her drink like a life jacket.

it was hilarious in gwen's opinion.

"i always loved that i had a big family. i mean, i have four sisters and one brother. that means five people i can go to when i have a problem or when i need some advise. it's good to have family, meredith. you can rely on them and always got someone to talk to. i was never alone. having a sister isn't a bad thing, you know?" gwen tells meredith looking around her living room. "meredith?" she turns after not receiving an answer.

"huh?" meredith looks up from her glass into gwen's face. "yeah, it's great?"

"why aren't you at your own house, drinking and having bitch baby tears about your fake sister with your husband?" gwen asks slighlty annoyed.

"derek doesn't know." meredith states.

"he doesn't know?" gwen questions making meredith shaking her head.

"i can't talk to him right now." meredith tells her.

"come on. he gave up the job in dc. he's staying, and you're still mad?" gwen asks trying to defend her brother. "you won."

"no. i never asked him to stay. this wasn't a compromise. i didn't win. he forfeited, so we both lost." meredith explains to her seemingly drunk.

"so you're not talking to him?" gwen asks with raised brows.

"he's walking around like he's a martyr, waiting for me to be grateful. i am not grateful." meredith says making a lot of gestures with her hand. "my career is just as important as his. i am the sun. i am the sun." she repeats taking the whole tequila bottle. "i am the sun and he can go suck it. i am the sun."

just as meredith wants to take a big sip gwen grabbed the bottle.

"all right. we're done." gwen says.


"you can sit here and get drunk and then vomit and cry, and i can never get my relaxed off day alone in my house or we can do something about this." gwen suggests standing up to put the bottle back in its original place. "you want to do something about this?"


gwen took her laptop and was now looking and typing away on it with meredith sitting next to her.

"i need your username and password." gwen tells looking besides her at meredith who sat up.

"this is illegal." meredith states.

"we're just logging into the hospital system." gwen reminds her with a shrug.

"to get maggie pierce's personnel file to get her date of birth, which is illegal." meredith retorts looking back and forth between gwen and the screen.

"yeah, so is pretending to be someone you're not. now, put in your password." gwen instructs more harsh.

meredith sighs before typing.

"once we figured out when she was born, there's got to be something we can use to prove that your mom wasn't pregnant at the time." gwen explains. "you know, photos or a video or something. you can call pierce's bluff."

"you're a very different person than cristina." meredith comments bluntly. "cristina and i would just be dancing by now."

"yeah. i know." gwen nods as she founds maggie's file. "here we go. look at that. pierce's birthday, november 22, 1983. so, basically, your mom would have been knocked up around spring of '83. what was going on in the spring of '83?"

"that's when she tried to kill herself." meredith replies making gwen exhale deep.


"it was right after that she moved us to boston." meredith says as she moves back and forth while gwen was still looking at the laptop. "i mean, i was five. all memories of boston are so hazy."

"do you remember your mom getting suddenly fat, then suddenly not fat?" gwen asks.

"gwen, that whole time was just a blur." meredith answers sitting down next to her. "everything that happened after she tried to kill herself was just a blur for me. i don't want to talk about this any more. let's just keep relaxing and enjoying our day off."

"i'm not relaxing or enjoying. i'm going through the emergency room admits for seattle grace in june of 1983." gwen informs her.

"what? how?" meredith furrows her brows.

"we computerised this, like, two years ago." gwen explains. "how are you on the board and not knowing this?"

"wait. right there." meredith points to a certain patients file. "there it is. well, don't click on it, because i'm not... i'm not sure i'm ready to see this."

"are you ever ready for this stuff?" gwen asks looking at her.

meredith's sigh was answer enough for gwen to click on the file.

"patient admitted with wrist lacerations and loss of blood." meredith reads. "scroll down. scroll down."

gwen did. "beta-hcg came back positive."

"she was pregnant." meredith states.

"look in the notes."

"advised patient of pregnancy. patient was unaware of pregnancy when admitted." meredith reads again. "she's my sister."


"okay, so now what are you gonna do? go talk to her?" gwen asks standing up.

she just got a page from the hospital telling her that she's needed for an emergency case.

"i called richard, and he's coming over. is that okay?" meredith asks.

"yeah, sure. i have to go to the hospital anyways. take all the time you need." gwen assures her as she put on some shoes and a jacket.

then she grabbed her keys and purse.

"we'll see us later." gwen says before she left.


after her emergency surgery on a pregnant woman gwen paged arizona to explain the surgery for her since arizona is her fellow.

they were walking through the fetal floor with gwen holding her tablet with the chart open.

"then i directed the rfa needle to where the blood supply entered the abnormal parabiotic tissue mass." gwen explains to arizona walking down the hall.

"to interrupt the blood flow to the abnormal foetus." arizona continues holding a bunch of clipboards in her arms.

"yes." gwen nods. "then i removed excess amniotic fluid."

"nice. and then she'll deliver full-term?" arizona asks her in aww.

"she will, months after i completed the operation that i'm telling you about." gwen says with a questioning look on her face about arizona's behavior. "why are you not taking notes?" gwen asks as she stops walking.

"oh. sorry. i thought we were just, you know, talking." arizona apologises with a smile.

"and i thought you were my fellow." gwen retorts.

"i am completely." arizona assures her. "no, i'm so excited to be your fellow. i just need a little time to get up to speed, you know, like four... three weeks? yeah, 'cause i have a lot of cases on my..."

"arizona, for the purposes of this fellowship, we are not peers." gwen cuts her off. "and four weeks is 10% of the average gestational age. in that amount of time, a foetus's lungs become a fully-functioning organ. everything in utero happens at hyper speed. and the sooner you get up to that speed, the better. get a notepad." then gwen walks away.


gwen stood at the nurses station looking through chart and possible cases for her and arizona in the next weeks.

she liked having a fellow. and then also a fellow in fetal. she was so excited.

she knows it's gonna be hard and exhausting but she's also convinced that arizona could pull this off.

"hey." someone greets her. it was derek.

"hey." gwen greets back. "what are you doing?"

"i'll do the op note for my case." derek sighs leaning against the counter.

"you're stealing this part from amy, too?" gwen asks suddenly not smiling. "amy told me that you stole her patient because you think you're better than her."

"stealing? no, i'm just trying to help her." derek defends herself. "this guys was a lost cause."

"whether he was or wasn't, he was her responsibility, and she doesn't need your help, and she doesn't need any more of your bullying." gwen tells him folding her arms.

"bullying? i am trying to be nice." derek corrects her.

"look i get it! you were king of all neurosurgeons, right hand to the president. and now you can't have that, so you need to be king of the hospital and kick around the peons." gwen says getting pissed.

"she of all people should understand that this was the future of neuroscience." derek again tries to defend his behavior. "i mean, this is what we would've dreamt of in med school if we'd thought it was even possible that it could be done."

"then you shouldn't have given it up." gwen says a little louder. "but the least you can do is stop stomping around here punishing people for a choice you made."

"i didn't made a choice." derek dismisses shaking his head. "meredith made a choice and backed me into a corner. and because i love my kids and i love my wife and i want to do what's best for her. i do. i want to give her everything. but something like this will not come again. this is it. this is as high as i go. i have never taken a step back in my career ever. i've never felt like this before, and i feel like she forced me."

"okay, well, she knows the feeling, because it's happening to her right now." gwen tells him.

"i'm not trying to-"

"no, i know that you're not trying to, but you are, derek!" gwen yells. "you are doing it to amy. and meredith, you say that you want her to have everything, but not if it interferes with you having your everything. and it is not fair, and i am saying no, too, because you have to live with the choices you make."

"i am trying to." derek repeats more slowly. "i am trying."

"i know. we're all trying. it's just, no one wants to give up. or give in. and no one should. right?"


gwen was walking through the hospital to find mark before the upcoming board meeting.

she found him together with callie. she stood next to a patient's bed with the back towards him while he stood in the doorway.

"hey, time for the board meeting." gwen says walking up to them.

"hmm. okay." callie replies.

"hey babe." mark greets kissing her. "how's our masterpiece doing?" mark asks callie.

"good. he's good." callie replies not turning around.

gwen knew something was up with her. she was acting weird.

"great." mark smiles. "you coming?"

"yeah, no, i'm just gonna be a minute." callie assures. "i'm just reviewing his chart. want to make sure everything's perfect since they are gonna be teaching this in med schools."

"i know, right? it's crazy." mark agrees. "let's go."

he wanted to grab gwen's hand and pull her with him but she stopped.

"we'll be there in a minute." gwen tells him.

"all right, fine. don't be late." mark says leaning down to kiss her. "and actually, the two of us and hunt, we should, you know, meet, get together, talk about timelines, protocols." he asks callie.

"yeah, owen will fill you in on the funding stuff, and you guys will figure out a subject pipeline." gwen assures him. "no go, give us a few minutes."

"okay." then he left.

gwen turned around walking up next to callie. she had dried tears on her face.

"you okay?" gwen asks.

"yeah. i just..." callie's voice broke as she exhales deeply. "i need something to be good, too."

gwen just hugged her letting her tears fall down on her shoulder.

"arizona doesn't want a baby." callie states.

"what? i thought you two had an appointment today?" gwen asks.

"yeah, but turns out i was wrong. she doesn't want a second one."

then callie let go of gwen wipping her tears away.

"how sobby do i look? one to 10." callie asks.

"hmm. six." gwen jokingly says.

callie groans making them both chuckle.


after listening to both of alex and bailey's board speeches the board knew who was gonna be the new board member.

"alex?" gwen called him in.

then the hard part was. they told him that he didn't got the seat.

he stormed out of the room.

"congratulations." he mumbles to bailey who looked confused.

"what? i... karev." she calles but he kept on walking.

"bailey?" gwen then calls.

she walked into the room still confused why alex stormed off.


"there she is."

"welcome to the board."
