eighty seven

"it's your turn." lucy says as gwen hopped on the table pulling her shirt up.

today was her second ultrasound with mark and they were so excited.

"i'm so excited to see our baby." gwen smiles taking mark's hand.

"me too." mark nods.

the both looked on the monitor.

"there is it." lucy points at the image.

"oh, my god. we never got see any of our babies on a screen. this is amazing." gwen smiles.

"look how cute it is." mark smiles seeing his own child for the first time.

"your in week eight. it's too early to know the gender." lucy reminds them.

"i know. and i can assure you that i won't stay here all day." gwen chuckles thinking back to callie.

"it's still risky and i can't promise you anything. your uterus was quite damaged after the shooting." lucy tells them making gwen stop smiling.

"but there is still a chance, right?" mark asks getting worried.

"of course. there is still a high chance that you're not miscarrying. i just want you two to be prepared for the worst case scenerio." lucy smiles softly at them.

lucy printed out a picture of the baby giving it to them.

"i'm gonna give you some alone time." lucy smiles leaving the room.

"i knew it." gwen sighs standing up. "i'm blessed with bad luck at having a baby."

"she said it's the worst case scenerio." mark reminds her.

"yeah? when did something bad not happened to us. we're followed by a dark cloud." gwen says looking at the ultrasound photo. "can't i get some luck in my life for once?"

"gwen, it's gonna be alright." mark assures taking her hand but she snatched it away.

"no, mark! it's not gonna be okay. because in my life nothing ever went okay! my life is dark and a complete disaster!" gwen yells.

"it's gonna be okay. our baby will survive because you are its mother. you survived so many things and you're still here. so our baby will survive this." mark says taking her in his arms.

they stand like this for a while before gwen let go of him.

"i have a surgery." gwen states.

"you okay?" mark asks.

"i'm fine. the day can't get any worser." she chuckles leaving the room.


gwen was in surgery when meredith walked in.

"dr.shepherd, are you almost done here?" she asks him.

"i'm good in two seconds." gwen informs her looking down at his patient. "what's up?"

"um... i.. i'll wait." meredith stutterts.

"i rocked this valve replacement. you'd never know this guy's valve was damaged. i'm somewhat of an artist." gwen smiles looking briefly at the resident who was about to tell her about the crash. "not picasso, because then his valve would be on his forehead. more like chagall. michelangelo. there. done. what've you got?"


they whole hospital was gathered up in the ambulance bay. everyone waiting for callie and arizona

"what the hell happened?" gwen asked as she ran out of the hospital with a shocked expressions.

"car versus truck, that's all we know." richard replies.

"and her injuries? callie? the baby?" gwen asks panicked.

"we don't know yet." owen dismisses him.

"why the don't you know?" gwen asks getting louder. "someone get me a trauma gown."

"gwen, you need to sit this one out." richard dismisses them.

"i'm not sitting this out. that's callie. that's her kid!" gwen shouts.

"wich is why you can't. i'm sorry, you can't be a doctor on this one." richard tells them.

"screw you." gwen spats. "screw all of you."

"look at me, gwen. look at me." richard tells her making gwen look at him. "look, maybe i don't understand what you two have, how you have it, but i understand this: she is your family. callie torres and that baby are your family. and the best way that you can help your family is to step back and let the rest of us do what you can't rationally do: save their lives."

gwen hesitated putting on some gloves.

"gwen." mark calls her softly putting a hand on his wife's shoulder.

"i'm in the room, you hear me! i'm in the room." gwen insisted.

"okay." richard nods.

then the ambulance pulled up making everyone walking quickly up to it except gwen who stood offside.

"hunt you're in charge." richard announces.

"all right, everyone. multiple blunt trauma protocol." hunt tells them.

the ambulance doors opened and callie got wheeled out. gwen looked at her in shock.

"tachycardiac and hypotensive en route. obvious head and chest injuries." arizona informs them as she stepped out of the ambulance as well.

"callie, we've got you, you hear me?" owen assures her as everyone started to examine and help her. "everything is gonna be okay."

"she's haemorrhaging." meredith discovers.

"wait, wait, hold on. is that blood coming from her chest?" dr.mcqueen asks.

"calliope means... means music." callie struggles as she spat some blood.

"honey, we're gonna fix you up just fine. don't you worry." bailey assures her.

gwen and arizona just stood there in shock.

"what the hell happened?" gwen asks arizona outraged.

"it came out of nowhere. i asked her to marry me and a truck came out of nowhere." arizona cries still shocked.

she stand there in shock before running after callie with arizona.

"get those iv's up." bailey orders as they put callie in a trauma room.

"make sure her lines are patent." richard says.

"depressed skull fracture with a portable bleed." derek says shining over callie's eyes with his tiny flashlight. "tell ct to get ready with her."

"no obvious spinal deformities." cristina discovers.

everyone moved fast and talked in unsion while gwen just stood at wall, arizona stood next to her.

"hang two bags of o neg." bailey instructs.

"but she's a positive!" gwen informs them.

"scratch that. type specific a positive." bailey corrects.

"is there a fetal heartbeat?" arizona asks lucy.

"no breath sounds on the right. set up a chest tube." mcqueen says.

"i'm on it." cristina raised her hand.

"lucy, is there a fetal heartbeat?" arizona repeats.

"lucy!" gwen shouts.

"give me a minute!" lucy shouts back.

"you need to back up." richard pushes the two woman lightly against the wall.

"i want an answer." arizona insisted.

"against the wall and silent. you hear me?" richard instructs them.

everyone spoke and worked. you couldn't even hear who says what. it was a big choas.

"derek, please." gwen looked at her older brother.

"how are we doing with the heartbeat, lucy?" derek asks the o.b himself.

"if i'm gonna find a heartbeat, i need everybody to shut up for a second." lucy shouts.

"everyone, quiet. right now!" richard yells making everyone stop talking.

"there it is. fetal heartbeat." lucy announces as the room filled with the sound.

gwen and arizona smiled relieved but their smile faded when callie crashed.

"v-fib! she's crashing!" jackson discovers.

"start bagging her." owen instructs. "come on, get her on her back!"

"starting cpr." mcqueen says.

"get me an intubation tray!" derek orders.

"charging to 120! clear!" owen shouts as he shocked callie.

"still in v-fib." mcqueen announces. "charge the paddles to 200!"

"charge to 200. clear!" owen shouts again as gwen and arizona cried silent.

"sinus tach. she's back." derek tells making everyone sigh in relieve.

then they started to move callie to the o.r.


instead of watching callie's surgery gwen sat in the stairwell crying in her hands.

she sat there for a while until mark sat down besides her.

"yesterday, at that baby shower... i was jealous of callie because she got pregnant... without trying. and we tried. we did it everytime everywhere and nothing. and i know i'm pregnant. i know. but then lucy said that i could lose the baby. it's not likely but possible. the universe says, screw you gwen, and gives callie a kid... and then puts callie through a windshield. i mean, what the hell is going on? what's the point? i mean, is there a reason for this? because if you can think of a reason, any reason at all, why the universe is so screwed up, and random and mean, now would be an amazingly good time to tell me because i really need some answers!" gwen cries loud.

"i know. i know. i know." mark tries to calm her as he hugged her. "listen. i will make sure we will have this baby. i promise you. one way or another. you and i will be parents. i promise you."

she nods as she cries into his chest.

"i love you. don't ever leave me." gwen cries as she looked at him.

"i won't okay? i'm here. i'm here for you. you are not alone. not today, not tomorrow, not ever." mark assures her.


"so you think she'd have a better chance if we took the baby out now. electively?" gwen asks bailey while mark stood behind her.

"callie's cardiovascular status could possibly be greatly improved. but we just need to know-" but bailey got cut of by gwen.

"what we want to do." gwen says.

"no, what callie would want us to do." arizona corrects her. "the baby's barely viable."

"why are we talking about the baby?" gwen asks making arizona look outraged.

"did... did you just say that?" arizona scoffs.

"no, i'm saying we give callie the best shot she can get." gwen says.

"callie wants a baby." arizona reminds her.

"callie wants to live!" gwen says getting louder while mark and bailey watch them.

bailey tried to stop them but failed so she walked into callie's room.

"we all want her to live!" arizona shouts. "but what's her life gonna be like if she wakes up and her child is gone?"

"what's her life gonna be like if she's dead?" gwen asks shocked about arizona.

"oh, god, it's not that simple." arizona sighs throwing her hands up.

"it is." gwen says. "i don't like it, but it is simple."

"so i'm gonna let my girlfriend get screwed again from a bar dude?" arizona asks annoyed.

"oh, for god's sakes, she screwed a man, get over it. it's not a big deal." gwen counters.

"it is, gwen! it is a big deal!" arizona shouts. "a baby born at 23 weeks risks encephalopathy, rop, cerebal palsy, develepomental..."

"i know the risks! remember, i am the fetal surgeon here!" gwen shouts back.

"no, do you? because you're acting like you don't care about the baby!" arizona says.

"i'm thinking about callie! you don't think i care?!" gwen asks.

mark just stood there watching his wife and her ex fighting while bailey and april examine callie in her room.

"you're not being rational." arizona states.

"you never wanted this. you never asked for it. why the hell are you giving some opinion on what you..?"

"no, no! you know what i didn't ask for? i didn't ask for you, gwen! because you know what you are? you're basically the third wheel on the car. this is me and this is callie, and we're together. we're the parents. you're not anything! you're nothing!" arizona says making gwen close her mouth.

she was right. gwen was nothing here. just a friend. or a visitor.

gwen just nodded before walking away.

"you know, that callie is her best friend. how can you say something like this?" mark scoffs at arizona who just looked at the floor.

then mark followed his wife.


gwen was sleeping in mark lab when she got paged by derek.

"it's too soon to tell anything." derek informs gwen and arizona.

"she didn't respond?" arizona asks.

"she opened her eyes, and... look, it's just too soon to tell." derek repeats.

"derek, she follow commands? anything else?" gwen asks this time.

derek looked at his sister as tears formed in her eyes. he couldn't say this. not to her. not when she looked at him so sad.

"no. nothing else." meredith says.


it was the next day. gwen couldn't sleep the whole night.

"arizona's kind of right, you know?" gwen says to callie who was still unconscious. "i'm... nothing. i mean, legally, i'm... no one. wich is kinda crazy, 'cause i feel like your sister. i feel like your baby's aunt. can you just....? can you live? can you live for me? please live for me."

gwen cried quietly but then suddenly callie moved a finger making gwen smile bridely.


after a few hours later gwen walked up to callie's room to see arizona sitting inside holding callie's hand.

she stood by the nurses station when addison walked up.

"you should go in there and make peace. you both love callie." addie tells her friend.

"there's nothing left to say." gwen dismisses her. "thank you. for coming. i would have done it myself but i'm not in the right place. and you're the only one i trust with this."

"i'm your sister, gwen. i'm always here for you. i'm doing everything i can, i promise." addison assures her as they hugged.

then suddenly callie's monitors started to beep rapidly which caused gwen and addie to ran to callie.

"what happened?" gwen asks.

"her pressure's bottoming out." arizona tells them.

"belly's tight as a drum." addison discovers as she pressed on callie's belly.

"flash pulmonary oedema. her lungs are full of fluid." gwen states.

"abdominal compartment syndrome. she's bleeding out." addison says. "alert an o.r that we're on our way down."


gwen and arizona sat in the gallery with mark watching callie's surgery.

"she'd want us to pray." arizona blurts looking at gwen.

"i haven't stopped praying since yesterday." gwen replies taking mark's hand tight.

it was hard for her to see callie like this. it reminds her of her own car crash. everytime she closes her eyes she sees herself in the hospital as addison told her about the dead baby.

she put her hand on her belly. mark noticed it and put his hand on top of hers.

"our baby will be fine. just like callie's. she will be fine, baby." mark whispers in her ear as she started to cry again.

gwen was mad that she couldn't operate on callie. mcqueen is good, but gwen is just better. but she couldn't risk to do something wrong because she was emotionally too involved.

when callie suddenly flatlined gwen stood up to stand at the window looking down. arizona did the same.

suddenly gwen sprinted down the hall and stormed into the o.r with arizona and mark.

they watched addison taking out the baby.

"is she breathing?" lucy asks as she took the baby out of addison's arms.

"her colour's bad. stimulate and suction and get some access." addie instructs her.

arizona walked up to the baby watching lucy examining her.

"not getting a heartbeat. dr.karev, i could use a hand." lucy says.

alex walkey over to help her.

"get those monitors on. ventilate. apgar still zero." lucy says as both gwen and arizona stared at her. "come on, baby. i'm getting no chest rise with the bagging."

"we should intubate." alex suggested.

"okay, do it." lucy nods.

arizona looked at gwen knowing she's the best there is. they both nodded as gwen walked up to lucy.

"tube's in. starting ventilation." alex announces.

"move." gwen orders lucy putting her stethoscope in her ears. "continue compression suction through the tube. push nine cc's of lr, 0.5 cc's of epi and 5 of bicarb."

gwen helped the baby while arizona and mark watched her.

"i have a heartbeat." gwen says after a few seconds.

"mom's heart is strong." richard announces as well.


after the surgery gwen and arizona stood in front of callie's room again. derek stood next to them.

"we've done everything we can." derek assures them. "now we just have to wait for her to wake up."

"and the fact that she barely responded when you weaned her off the paralytics before?" gwen asks her brother.

"it could mean she wasn't ready to wake up." derek replies.


"or it could mean her brain has been compromised, and... she's not going to wake up." he sighs before walking away leaving the two woman alone.

"you're not nothing." arizona tells gwen who looked at her from the side. "we have a kid. you're the aunt and i'm the mom. i'm sorry."

"she's gonna wake up. she has to wake up." gwen nods before both looking back at callie.


gwen sat once again in callie's room after checking the baby.

"she's... she's really small. but she's strong." gwen smiles holding callie's hand. "she's one pound, one ounce of strong, fighting against all the complications. she's got beautiful black hair, callie. beautiful hair. she's... she's beautiful. she can't open her eyes yet. but i can tell, she's looking for you. okay? she's asking for you."

gwen sat there for a while until arizona walked in.

"any change?" arizona asks her ex.

"no." gwen shoke her head as she stood up.

arizona sat on the same chair gwen sat in.

"you're gonna be a great mom." gwen tells arizona.

"you too." arizona replies.

they both smiled at each other as callie's eyes opened.

"yes... yes..." callie croakes.

"oh, my god. oh, my god! callie!" gwen and arizona beam.

"yes." callie repeats.

"what? what?" arizona asks.

"i'll marry you." callie says.
