Chapter 10: work buddies

Uhmmm, yes 💅 when I showed my brother the goofy silly ass comic, he said that I should keep doing that au (he likes it a lot)
Some goofy au yay 😜
Banan pov:

I woke up for the day and realised it was Monday, which was a work day. I got out of bed and went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. Happy as always, but I forgot... my nephews were gone... but it was okay their with their mom, and I have some help back at the studio blueberry, carrot, and pineapple.

So then I got all dressed up out of my pj's and wore my suit, of course. I went downstairs to get my shoes near the door. I put them on, grabbed my keys, and went to the car. I wasn't that far from the studio at all. When I drove to the studio, i then parked in the parking lot. When I got out, I got greeted by carrot. "Hey, d.b!" Carrot said with a smile on her face. I smiled and waved back at her. "I know things are a bit rough about your nephews, but it's alright. we got everything covered." Carrot said," She does say that sometimes because I am upset without my nephews because, of course, I love them.

Carrot and I were heading in the studio, and then I went to the dressing room to get reading with my lines. Carrot just went to the stage and sat down near the cameras and wiped them down for people who watched our show on TV. I saw pineapple near the curtain just standing their. He was a pretty strong dude. Blueberry was just guiding the people to their seats. I just sighed and carried on. Can't be sad for the show and," hey!, my nephews could be watching me on tv!" I thought to myself. That idea made me jump in exitment.i heard the door creak and heard a voice. "Hey, uhh boss, you're on in 5, alright," Blueberry said, very serious.

"Ok!" I said, I fixed my bowtie and grabbed my skateboard because I used to do trick shots, and why not give it a go again, just like the good old days. I heard the announcer. "He's got smiles for miles. It's the dancing banana!" He announced. I immediately got on my skateboard and road across the room. Everyone was just baffled.

When I got down on stage, I threw my skateboard into the air and magical got my microphone, which I twirled around a bit. I saw some new faces this time! I went up to one to, of course, tell them to pick a category for the show. It all actually went well before something happened. "BOO, BOO, this is rubbish... " an unfamiliar voice said, very unfamiliar. I saw a cop he's name was Officer Cantaloupe. How do I know? I read the badge on his shirt, of course! He jumped up real high and made a loud thump when he landed on stage right in front of me. "Hey, what's the big idea!?" I yelled. The officer just picked me up and jumped again onto a ladder!? Never knew that was their... he put me down at the very top. Usually, peel saves me from these kinds of situations, but in this case, it's blueberry.

Blueberry sighed, annoyed, and climbed the ladder, and jumped over barrles that cantalope threw. He was like Mario (reference because DK) he reached the top and grabbed me the most two surprising things, Is that he could carry me!? Wow, and before he jumped, he flipped off the COP. Excuse me, what!? When he landed, he put me down and brushed off his clothes. "Thanks, Berry!" I thanked him. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his clipboard, and continued his job. "Jeez, he reminds me a lot of pear..." I thought. I went back to asking what category the players wanted to choose. The show was actually going great today! They kept getting a winning streak! It was a close battle against points, but we had only one winner.

I announced that the champion winner would get a prize, so then pineapple opened the curtain to Reaves the winning object to the winner, which was a lot of dog soap. But then I announced the winner. "Today's winner of shovelwares brain game I the one and only... Juliana!!!" She yelled in exitment. She went to grab the dog soaps that were luckily in a wagon. But it was finally break time at last. I had only 30 minutes til next show. I noticed some of my new close friends were their too! Like lemon, orange, broccoli, and surprisingly pear! They might've forced him to come to the show. They walked up to me, and we started to chat. "Hey, d.b. think the nephews are doing well?" Broccoli asked. I nodded slightly, upset. "Broccoli, I don't think we should talk about his nephews right now he seems very upset about them gone." Pear explained. "Pfft and when did you care idiot!?" Orange added laughing. Pear was silent after that.

Lemon was tightly holding their blanket and got more and more close to orange because thats the only person ne trusts. I thought it seemed weird because orange is a phycopath, and the rest of us really aren't. I shrugged the thought off and carried on with the conversations we had. We got to funny things that happened to what we did in the past. It was interesting how Lemon was not even scared or worried as they were in the past. Instead, they were an overprotective friend for orange.
Broccoli was, of course, an artist in the past. Well, he still kind of is now. Pear was something I never thought at all! He was a very nice kid to everyone, even to the people that slightly annoyed him. Orange was a damn psychopath I kind of knew already because at that slumber party, he said he git a knife at a young age. I don't blame him. I also got one at a young age. Well, not get it, I kind of stole.

"Just one thing where is apple?" I asked. They looked at me funny. "Well, he's at home because he broke his back while trying to practice his flips." Broccoli explained. "Oh.-" I said, shocked. "Don't worry, it's entirely normal. He does this all the time." Pear added. I sighed in relief that it's normal but still kind of worried because he does that often. They all said goodbye and went to where everyone else went. I had only 15 minutes left til next episode. I went backstage to still try to do my goal that I had. I saw boardy cleaning his glasses, and I got nervous. "Oh hi d.b!, funny to see you here." He said laughing. I walked over to him and chatted, I was scared for what was going to happen next. We chatted for a little while, and then this happened. "Hah, you're a funny guy! I think we should talk more often!" He said happy. I hugged him and walked over back to the stage for the next episode on my show.

I went down the stairs normally and smiled. "Thank you, thank you." I said. The crowd went a little silent. I asked, of course, for the players to choose a category. Some were so stupid I put the most easiest question for math zone, which was 69 - 21 × 5 + 100 - 64 + 5 it was so easy the answer was 5 I think almost everyone should know that by now! The game went on and on and on til it was a bonus round. Pineapple opened the curtain to reveal a huge plush of me? Now, where did that come from? I just went on with it. and I announced the winner for this bonus round. "The winner for this bonus round is Melani!!!" I announced. Melani was not as excited but just shocked and grabbed the plushie and went back to the podium. I never saw anyone do that before? But then their were more difficult questions. The sad thing was that when someone picked the shovelware category, none of them knew the answer... so then it was close again, but now it was the end of the round. I was so happy for it to break because my feet were killing me from standing ALL DAY. It was the end of the round, and I announced the rounds winner. "The winner for this whole round is... AXEL!!!" I announced. Pineapple opened the curtain once again to reveal a washing machine that irons, cleans, and even wears your clothes. "Wow, I kind of want that prize myself, but it's all yours!" I said laughing.

I know I had an hour til my next and last episode for the day. I saw my friends walk up to me again, but this time they were dragging pear..? "Hey, we also need to tell you something," Orange snickerd. Orange was holding pear like baby simba from the movie the lion king. "This guy has been talking about you almost during the whole show!" Broccoli explained. Orange and broccoli laughed while Lemon was just scared and pear was red and ashamed of himself. I sighed, and I somehow just grabbed pear from orange and put him beside me. "It doesn't matter if he talks about me or not. We still shouldn't be rude to anyone." I explained. "Oooh, you're protecting your future boyfriend!" Broccoli teased. I slightly turned red... "w-what-" I said now I was ashamed. They laughed, and broccoli said it was a joke that he didn't mean that he'll be my future boyfriend, and then they all walked off.

I went upstairs to the recording booth and saw the announcer reading a book. "H-hi," I said, nervous. "Oh, uhmm hi banana." He said. I just sat right next to him to try and start a conversation. "Are you trying to become friends with me?" He asked. I gulped nervously. "Because if you are, it's an immediate yes!" He said happily. I just looked at him in misbelife. We both hugged each other. And introduced me more about him, which was quite interesting. I had I little bit of time left, so I excused myself for the last show. The announcer announced. "He's yellow he's happy it's the dancing banana!" He announced. I jumped out the bright yellow doors, and then I went down the stairs normally, again. I got on stage and twirled the microphone.

Time skip because my hand is breaking very slowly and also because I'm running out of ideas to say for the show...

I finally announced the winner, which was aisha. I sighed, and then I made my way backstage to clock out. As I was backstage, I saw boardy again, but this time, with theannouncer? I wonder how he got there so fast. I smiled awkwardly and proceeded to what I was doing. I saw the boardy walk up to me and gave me a surprise hug. Hey, i usually do that . (:[ ) I fliched a little. Boardy laughed. "Sorry, I didn't really mean to scare ya, but you do seem like a cool guy, and maybe we could hang out sometime. (No homo) I nodded I agreement. I said goodbye to everyone who works their and I walked out of the studio to see everyone go home, and you know, do normal things. I finally walked to my car in the parking lot. I got it and drove home. As soon as I got home, I took my shoes off and planted face first into my couch in the living room and knocked out due to the long day.
I really don't care if i made a grammar mistake because this is a very long chapter, and I'm way too lazy. But as I said before, drawing and writing are not easy at all... I keep saying it is... it ain't. And the banner is actually my little bro with a tender that looks like a mustache 💀.

2035 words
