Chapter 5: Game night

Idk why I made this as a chapter and not just put it in the last, but here I am doing it anyway 💅
Also, the damn pear is plasterd throughout the whole chapter because he drank a ton of tequila in the last chapter, so - yeah... 💀(Oh, one more thing the nephews are still downstairs watching tv.)
No one's pov:

They all went to broccolis room after the scary movie, which was chucky (childs play), and apple had a suggestion to play truth or dare. "Hey guys, we should play truth or dare because we usually play a game in a slumber party. I mean, what type of slumber party would this be without playing any games?" Apple explained. "Alright, alright, we'll play." Broccoli said, opening his room door. They all went to sit down near his bed on the floor. So then broccoli started. "Okay, so I'll go first D.B truth or dare?" Broccoli asked. "Oh uhmm well uhh dare?" Banana replied, not knowing what the hell he just said.he had never played this game before, only heard about it. "Oh wow, a dare so fast?" Broccoli said, very surprised. "I dare you to try to hug pear," Broccoli said, laughing. Banana was very concerned and shrugged and made his way to pear to give him a hug, but then...

"Wow, quite the hugger you are ey?" Banana said while pear just hugged him tightly. Everyone gasped and was shocked to this. "What?" Banana questioned. "I'm just so surprised because usually when we try to hug him when he gets drunk, he gets mad and pushes us away, never hugging back." Broccoli explained. Banana was surprised but was still being squeezed. Pear never let go. In fact, he looked gratified? "I think my back broke -" Banana said. "I *hic* I uhhh t-think you're *hic* c-cute." Pear whispered. Banana blushed a little, then brushed the feeling off because it could be just because he's drunk. "Alright, you're turn d.b. Ask someone to be true or dare." Broccoli said. "Oh, okay, lemon truth or dare?" Banana asked. "Truth t-truth!" Lemon yelled. "Is it true that you've always been scared in your entire life?" Banana asked. Lemon just looked at him in terror and fear, not knowing what to say. "No, actually, I acted very different in the past, and I mean different..." Lemon answered, leaving only banana shocked. "Oh wow." Banana replied. "I uhmmm uh truth or dare uhh o-orange?" Lemon asked, very nervous. "Pffft easy peasy dare." Orange said, very confident. "I dare y-you to stop killing fruits for two whole months." Lemon said, leaving almost everyone shocked except pear with his little drunk ass. "W-what!?" Orange almost yelled angrily. Lemon just held up their blanket as a shield. "Lemon, you know I can't live that long without killing someone! That's literally my whole persona!" Orange explained.

"Ugh, fine, apple truth or dare..." Orange mumbled, angry. "Truth." Apple answerd. "Is it true that you like only women?" Orange asked, making apple just look at him with the are you serious face. "No, duh, I'm not gay. Almost everyone knows that by now!" Apple said. Almost everyone giggled. "Ehhh broccoli truth or dare?" Apple asked, looking directly at broccoli. "I pick a dare!" Broccoli replied. "Hmmm, I dare you to uhhh to try to do a backflip!" Apple called out, causing everyone (except you know who 💀) to to at him in shock. "W-what a backflip?" Broccoli said. "You know I don't do flips, but I'll try, I guess." Broccoli added. Apple laughed because he thought broccoli would fail this. Broccoli tried to do a backflip but then failed and fell on his bed.

"Pfffft - HAHAHAHAHA" Apple laughed. "Shut up, you know I can't do flips," Broccoli added. "Alright, back to my turn." Broccoli said. "Truth or dare orange?" Broccoli asked. "Uhmm, truth this time." Orange said. "Okay, is it true you've been psycho when you were little?" Broccoli said, causing Orange to put a sinister smile on him. "Well actually yes I git my first knife at 8 years old." Orange and. "Cool, I got mine at 4!" Banana added. Everyone just looked at him very surprised and just didn't know what to say. "I uhh heh *hic* I a-am tir- *hic* tired..." Pear said, still squeezing banana with a hug. "Okay, uhmm, just follow me." Banana assisted. Both the fruits got up, and the banana brought pear to his sleeping bag and tucked him in. "Alright, uhmm, goodnight?" Banana said in a friendly way. Pear was about to say. " i uhh uhmm *hic* I love -" Then he fell asleep (i mean like dead asleep). "What, what was that so,post to mean?" Banana questioned himself. "Hey, banana, you still playing?" Orange asked. "Yeah, I'm going." Banana replied. "All right, well, it's going to be my turn, and I chose you to either pick truth or dare." Orange said. "All right truth." Banana said.

"All right, tell us your most darkest secret." Orange said, causing banana to look like he lost his color (looking pale)."i uhmm well I hmm when I was little I never really had money so I stole a lot of stuff from houses and stores all my life but now that ,I started a gameshow I'm alright I don't got to steal." Banana explained. "Wow, now that's what I call a back story." Orange said. Banana just laughed awkwardly and just looked at the wall near him.

(Time skip because yes)
No one's pov still:

They all decided just to play like a drinking game (my parent did this, so ahem, let me explain)
● gets drinks of idk tequila
●who ever gets drunk first loses

"Aright, everyone got their drink?" Broccoli asked. " Wait, but I dont drink!" Banana called out. "Pfft, if you're too much of a wuss, then why play?" Apple said. "Well, i guess." Banana agreed. Everyone drank it really strong shot of tequila. Lemon was, of course, the first one to pass out. (Doesn't drink too innocent) and then apple got so drunk that we ran into the wall almost making it break. And then broccoli just kept calm, not drunk. Orange, on the other hand, he looked like he didn't even drink. In fact, it looked like he hasent slept in weeks. Then their was the banana he couldn't even walk he was on the floor but not drunk somehow. But then the banana tried his best to get up because it was late and that he wanted to go get his nephews ready for bed. The banana made his way downstairs, seeing his nephews on the grey couch watching TV.

"Alright, kiddos, time to head into bed." Banana said, making the nephews groan disappointed and wanted to watch more TV. "Cmon, let's go." The banana demanded. The nephews crawled out of bed and headed upstairs their uncle followed. When they reached broccolis room with their sleeping bags, everyone was passed out on the floor except for broccoli he was on his bed. So then he tucked his nephews goodnight and kissed them each on the face and brought middle nephews lantern because he was scared of the dark. (I don't blame him either) went to go help the others in their sleeping bags. (He just dragged them into their sleeping bags.) When he was finally finished, he went to his own sleeping bag and laid down. He tried going to sleep, but a question just kept popping up in his mind, saying, "Did pear mean that I was cute like a friendly way because he was drunk, or was he actually saying the truth?" The banana thought. He just wanted to go to sleep. The current time was at least 12:37 AM. And then the thought went away, and they all went to sleep.

(BTW their is some Au in this part, so yeah💅)

Around two in the morning, Lemon woke up terrified because they thought if he fell asleep, they would get turned into a juicer. So then they got out of his sleeping bag and went to go in the kitchen. Lemon then grabbed a cup and poured water in the cup, and drank it. Orange woke up to the sound of water running downstairs. He went downstairs to see his best friend, lemon just sitting their drinking a cup of water. "What are you doing up so late?" Orange questioned while rubbing his eyes, clearly tired. "Oh well, I'm just here, uhh, you know, drinking water s-staying up." Lemon answered, making Orange more curious. "Mind if I ask a question, lemon?" Orange said. "Oh well, uhmm, sure y-yeah you could." Lemon replied, scared of what he might ask. "Why do you keep talking about you getting turned into a juicer? I mean, you got us to protect you, don't you?" Orange explained. "*sigh* Please d-don't tell anyone this, but... look, my mom got turned into a juicer when I was younger, okay!?" Lemon explained, making Orange face go too surprised and sad at the same time. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Orange apologized. "N-no, it's fine." Lemon said. "Lemon, come on, let's just go to the room and sleep. I kind of don't want to deal with this right now, you see, I'm really tired we should get some sleep. Cmon, lemon, let's go." Orange said. "Oh, okay..." Lemon replied. They both went back to the room and went back to sleep.

Jeez, in most parts, I almost cringed out, but I'm too tired
And I don't even know if I spelled words wrong because I made this chapter at 11:00 pm, so I'm really tired right now

1631 words
