chapter 8: a day in ST. Louis

Nephews pov:

We finally made it to St. Louis to live with our mom again. She was, of course, right outside the airport in her car waiting for us. "Hey kids! Ready to come home with Mama?" Our mom said. We laughed it off and went inside. "We did miss you, ma." Peel said. Mom laughed. "Awww, I missed you too and your brothers." Our mom said happily. It was nice to be back, but we all wondered what our uncle was doing because he's very sad when we're not there for him.

Switching to no ones pov:

When they finally got home and then went, the time was only 6:52 pm, and so then they went to their room and either read, watched TV, or just went on the phone. Soon enough, it was almost time for bed. "Kids, 10 more minutes until bed!" The mom said, which did make the nephews sad. The nephews watched peppa Pig because they only loved it when Mr. Potato showed up, but the oldest didn't watch it he was too busy on the damn phone. When the time passed by, it was time for bed. Their mom came into the room and kissed them each on the head. Goodnight. "Goodnight, my babies." Their mom said and turned off the light. Then, she left the room.

After some hours passed, the oldest nephew had trouble sleeping, and he kept twisting and turning due to the uncomfortable mattress of the bed, so then he got mad and couldn't take it anymore.
The oldest nephew got out of bed awake. The oldest then opened the door slowly, making his way to his moms room with a bear plushie he always had named Mr. Cuddles. "M-mom?" Oldest said, opening the door. "Hmmm?" The mom groaned, turning over to see her son. "Is it okay if I sleep with you? I can't sleep..." the oldest said. "Mhmm, sure, come over here." The mom said happy but still half tired. The oldest nephew then happily walked over inside and crawled on the bed. "Goodnight mom love you!" Oldest whispered. "Love you too..." the mom said, still tired. They then fell asleep almost instantly.

(Time skip 😜)
Still no one's pov:

The two other nephews woke up in the morning almost at the same time and noticed that their brother was missing. "Oldest!? Where are you!?" Middle called out. Middle and Peel just looked at each other and shrugged, then went into the living room to see them. "Morning, kids!" The mom said. The oldest was just there watching tv for once. They other two nephews just walked over to the couch and sat down and watched blues clues. "Do you guys miss your uncle already?" Mother asked. "Yeah..." They all answered. Their mother laughed because it's a normal thing. They watched blues clues for over an hour, and all three nephews got bored. "Mom, can we do something else then watch TV all day?" Middle said. "Yeah, I will be most appreciated if you let us do something more educational than tv?" Peel said, making everyone just shocked of what a 5 year old said.

"Okay, okay, let's go outside and go somewhere and get some toys, huh?" Mother suggested. "Yes!!!!" The nephews agreed. They ran outside and went inside the car, waiting for their mom. (Flash irl!?)
"Wow, you three are very energetic for this time of day." Mother laughed. When they were going to target, the nephews played I spy. "I spy with my little eyes something yellow!" Peel said. "Mom?" Middle quessed. "Nope." Peel said. "The sunflowers outside?" Oldest added. "Not even close!"Peel laughed. "Our car!?" They both guessed. "Not even close!" Peel said. "THEN WHAT?" They both said, very confused. Peel just looked at them like idiots. "The sun, the damn sun!" Peel yelled. "Watch your language." Mother said. When they reached Target, they held their moms hand and walked over to the entrance.

"Alright, each of you can get three toys, okay? I'll be in the furniture secation." Their mom said. "Now go on!" Their mother added. All three ran off in a blink of an eye. The mom laughed and grabbed a cart, then went straight to the furniture section. Peel went into the Lego section. The middle went to the dinosaur section,and the oldest was in the pushie section. They all chose wisely, not getting the too expensive toys. They chose the toys that they selected and ran to the furniture section where their mom was looking at the mirrors. "Already?" Mother said, pretty shocked. They all nodded and put the toys in the cart. They joined their mom, looking at the mirrors.

"I think this one is pretty!" Middle said, holding a glittery oval shaped mirror. "It's beautiful, but it's too small you could barely even see yourself!" Mother laughed. "What about this one?" Oldest questioned holding a beautiful rose gold mirror. "It's very nice but it's very expensive. "This?" Peel said, holding a normal sized square mirror that's gold. "I loge it, but it's a square makes me look funny. Mother said. The nephews just looked at each other, giving up what is a good choice for their picky mom. "Ooh, this is soon beautiful!!!" Their mom said, holding a nice shiny marigold oval mirror. The nephews mouthed and just fell right on the ground but shrugged it off because their mom is picky with almost EVERYTHING! They went up to the line of customers, and then something horrible happened. "Uhhh, where are your parents!?" A karen said in front of them.

"Uhmm, I'm right here. I'm the mother." The mom added. "You seem way too young to be a mother! Where's the father?" The karen yelled. "That's none of your business, miss." The mom said the oldest nephew got out his phone and started to record. "Where's your manager!?" The karen said, waiting everyone's time in line just wanting to go home. "Look, miss, we just want to go home. Can you please just pay for your thimg!?" The mom yelled. "Miss, we all want to carry on with our day, so please hurry up because even my reat grandma could move faster than you, and she's dead! Middle added, causing the karen to lose words for that and scoffed. "Ugh, you need to teach your kids some manners for their elders. She walked away from them, paying for her things. "You're not our great great great great great grandma!" Oldest added. They three nephews laughed while the mom just paid for the stuff on the other machine.

They walked out of the store, making their way back to the car. "Alright, kids, put the bags in the trunk while I put the cart back, okay?" The mom said, walking to the place where you put the carts when you are done using them. The nephews put the bags away and went in the car, waiting for their mom once again. The mom got back and drove home. When they reached home, the nephews got out of the car and grabbed the bags from the trunk, and the oldest grabbed the house keys from his mom and unlocked the door. then went inside. They opened their toys while their mom walked in. "Now kids, can I see the wonderful toys you three picked out?" Their mom asked. "The nephews happily finished unwrapping all the toys they got and showed their mom.

Omg my goofy silly nilly ass accidently published this, and I had to unpublish it because I wasn't done yet 💀💀😱
But now it's done, yippee
