Chapter 9: the internet problem/ huge mistake

I have no idea my brother made me do it 💀😭

Sunday morning
And also a bunch of damn au
Banan pov:

It has been quite lonely since my nephews left, but luckily, I had my co-workers help for the job to kind of replace my nephews' jobs.  So then I had an idea to take the thought out of my head by just going on a walk (so many damn WALKS its because i have no other ideas but to choose a damn walk), so then I grabbed a tiny bag and put my phone in the bag  and started to head out. "It's quite sunny!" I said to myself. I put on my goofy smile because I was getting in a good mood already. I walked for over 5 minutes now, and I was happy by then. I even forgot what I was sad about.

Then, after a couple of minutes, I saw someone that I'd never thought I would see on a nice day like this. It was my buddie pear. "Wow, this is like the second time I've seen him while going on a walk." I thought. I started to walk up to pear he noticed me right behind him and then turned around before I could say anything. "Banana, I have to tell you something...." Pear said. I looked at him confused. "Oh, okay, what's up?" I questioned. He grabbed his phone and looked for something and showed me a photo of I guess fan art of us... (I think yall know what it is 💀) "Oh, I uhhh I don't know what to say to that -" I said quite shocked.

"Y-yeah, I never thought I would see that either..." Pear said, embarrassed by the drawing. "I uhhh -" I cleared my throat and just laughed it off a bit. I started to blush a little. Pear then noticed me and was also turning a bit red. "I- I'm just confused because we don't know each other that much yet, and there's a lot more where that came from -" Pear added, hiding his face with his nub (hand) it was an awkward silence until I spoke once again. "I mean, we could talk more about ourselves." I suggested. Pear looked at me and put his phone away.

"Ugh, fine, but only because I have nothing to do today." Pear said, making me hug him real tight. "Ow! Dude, you really got to stop t-that!" Pear said. I let go and giggled. We continued walking together. "I'll start back then in 2016. I had to take care of my nephews for a long time  because something happened to my sister that I would not say. Peel is actually way more intelligent than i am, which was surprising to all three of us." (Him and his other two nephews), I explained. "Oh wow, I had to do the same, but with my twin brother." Pear added. "I never knew you had a twin?" I said. We talked more about ourselves and started to laugh a little, which was interesting because pear doesn't usually laugh.

"Wow, I never knew you were that much of a goofball?" Pear said to me, smiling again like how he did in the gift shop, where i first met him. I don't know, but something about his smile made me feel weird. I brushed it off because i thought nothing of it, and we carried on with our walk. We talked more about ourselves, and a few minutes later, I noticed we were holding hands!? Some fruits noticed this and started to whisper. Pear was confused and then noticed.

"Oh, uhmm, sorry, I didn't realise I uhh-" pear was stuttering for the first time and started to turn very red. I laughed and let go. Hiding the fact I'm very much embarrassed.

Pears pov:

When I noticed fruits whispered behind us, I realised I was holding the bananas hand!? When he let go, I just wanted to grab his hand again. i-I don't get what's happening to me? All of a sudden, I feel weird near this guy! Ugh, I hate this feeling!!!  So then I just sighed, and I grabbed his hand again, which made me turn red again. Of course, the damn banana noticed this and looked at me with a smirk on his face. God damn he is just so -so. "You like holding my hand, huh?" The banana teased. I got very embarrassed. "No, I-I uhh umm..." I just had no excuse to say at all! The banana just laughed and got way too close for my comfort.

"Hey, uhh, I need some personal space!" I said, wanting him to move a little. He giggled, and when we got close to a bench, he pushed me! Right onto the bench (so many benchessssss) "h-hey, what was that for!?" I yelled. "Shhh, you'll make a scene," He said camly. He sat real close to me and hugged me. I had no words at all, and I was very, very, VERY RED. he then grabbed my hand and did something I never thought not in a million years I thought he would do, which was KISS IT!? At this point, I was a damn tomato.  He laughed and got closer and closer and... hugged me very tight again, but this was very tight. "AH! S-stop that! My back hurts!" I said, wanting him to stop. I never knew he was that strong!? "Sorry I uhh I didn't know what I was thinking I just -" the banana said. Hah, know, he was stuttering, and I thought I was the dumbass. So many fruits saw this, but I was SO glad no one recorded this at all.  

Back to banana pov:

I can't believe I did that!!! Ugh, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my GOD! My head was just spinning and saying that I regret every single second of what I did. My face was getting warmer and warmer. I giggled awkwardly and hepled him up the bench, and I apologized to him. "I'm so very sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen at all. I don't know what I was thinking I-" pear stopped me from embarrassing myself. "Look, it's fine, okay? Just don't do that again..." Pear said, still quite red.
"Ok, I promise I won't." I promised then giggled a little.


I don't know if that was worth it or not, but I personally think that was a little cringe but funny. Idk💀💀💀💅  but my brother forced me, so *cough* yes

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