Chapter 4: slumber party

Nephews pov:
We all woke up at the same time because we had a timer, of course. Middle slid down his slide oldest just got up and started to stretch and then peel just climbed down the ladder we all went to the bathroom that we share in our room and brushed our teeth. When we were done, we walked downstairs to see our uncle on the couch watching TV, so we sat down with him and watched TV it was Harry Potter, another one of his favorites.

(They don't eat breakfast because ahem they are their food themselfs)

We all watched TV for over two in a half hours, and the oldest nephew wasn't even watching it he was scrolling through tiktok on his phone. (ugh preteens, am I right?) Middle nephew was really into it. Peel, on the other hand, was not into fiction movies. After the movie ended and we all decided to take a walk near the park because it was a really beautiful day. They went outside and made their way to the park. They were really excited, so they kept trying to race each other, but our uncle had to stop us many times because they were about to cross the road.

Finally, we reached the park and met new fruit kids, and played around with them. Our uncle sat down at a bench and was watching us have fun still having that goofy ass smile. Then something really unexpected happened the pear and broccoli that our uncle had met before! So we all had a nephew huddle, and when we looked back, our uncle disappeared 💀.

Bananas pov:

I saw my new friends walking near the park so I walked up to them, not scaring them instead made a friendly appearance. They saw me and broccoli gave me a welcoming hug. And asked. "What are you doing here?" He asked, but in a friendly way. "I was having a walk with my nephews and took them to the park - wait..." I stopped frozen. Pear looked at me really concerned. "Is something wrong?" Pear asked. "I forgot my nephews at the park! ALONE!!!" I yelled. They giggled and walked me back to the park. I was sweating nervous about what could've happened to my nephews! We made it back to the park, and they sat next to me on the bench, and we started a conversation.

Me and broccoli were play fighting a little and then noticed that pear was laughing? I was confused, and broccoli was happy that Pear was happy. Pear immediately noticed us staring at him, and he stopped and quickly turned away and was Turing red out of embarrassment. Me and broccoli giggled, and broccoli reminded me. "Hey, so uhm, banana, are you going to come to the slumber party?" He asked, waiting for a response. "Oh yeah, I am actually, but one thing, ugh, this might sound stupid coming from me, but can you remind me what a slumber party is again? I never really been to one before..." I said, making broccoli and pear look at me really weird. "Exuse me, but did you say what a slumber party is, or am I trippn?" Broccoli replied. "Well you see a slumber party is when a friend invites you to their house and do fun things like play games, drink, talk, and other stuff and then when we all get tired we go to sleep in the same room sometimes." Pear explained. And I thought that seemed very interesting and fun! "Oh, that's very cool!" I said. "But I have one more thing..." I said they looked very concerned, and I took a deep breath and said. "Well I don't really have anyone to take care of my nephews so is it okay if I could bring them as well?" I said, broccoli looked like he saw a ghost and pear looked at me concerned. Broccoli got to scared to exited and said. "Of course they could come too and by the way they are very cute!" Broccoli exclaimed.

But then broccoli then asked. "Wait can you tell me their names again?" Broccoli asked.
"Oh well the oldest one is named oldest nephew, the middle on is middle nephew, and lastly the youngest one is named peel." I explained. "I think I know who the favorite is -" Broccoli whispered. "Well I didn't name them my sister did." I replied. I didn't even relise the time it was already 3:40 pm! I thought. I stood up and then said. "I'm sorry I didn't even relise the time at all!" I explained. "Come on kids it's time for us to get home!" I called out. They all raced to me of course. Then we all waved goodbye to my friends and we wondered off home. "Uncle what are we going to do now we only got 4 hours until the slumber party." Peel said. "Well we have to go home to get my car because we need to go to the store to get stuff for the slumber party okay?" I explained. They all jumped and ran to the car. (Jeez they love running-) We made it to target and went inside to get sleeping bags and lanterns. I bought over four sleeping bags and one tiny lantern for middle nephew.

(Time skip) Three hours later
Still bananas pov:

We finally made it to broccolis house. It looked more huge i than expected. We walked up to the door and i knocked on the door. Broccoli answered the door to see me and my nephews on the other side. he looked at us happy and welcomed us inside his house. he introduced us to his friends that he has also invited to the slumber party. I had my goofy smile and waved.

Broccoli walked over to pear to sit next to him in the kitchen. i also relised that pear had a cup.
"What are you drinkn." I asked. He looked at the cup then me. "Oh this. It's just tequila. " he answered. "Oh well what's it made out of?" I questioned. "Its made out of a plant why." He asked. "Oh well it's because i kind a want to try some." I responded. He handed me his cup, and I took a sip.

"Ewww yuck!" I spat out the drink in the other direction pear laughed. "Told you, you aren't going to like it." Pear said. "How do you even like this!?" I exclaimed. "You get used to it when you drink it often but not too often." Pear explained. "Sorry that you like this, but this aint for me." I replied. I relised that pear drank way too much he could even talk full words. "W-wa *hic* -nt uhhh heh *hic* aaahh-" Pear said plasterd. Then a few moments he stood up and limped over to the living room, i followed. Pear laughed very much plasterd. He sat down on the floor and patted next to him wanting me to sit there. I sat next to him and he got closer and holded me close and we all decided to watch a scary movie together! And which made lemon scream almost on the top their lungs. We all continued the movie before went to broccoli's room to either hangout or sleep.

Omg finally both writing and drawing are not easy then I thought.
1238 words
