Chapter 14: The return

So, uhm, I might be going back and forth with the fruit au and the humanized au, so uhhhh, yes 😎
Also, the characters for both au's might look a bit different due to my art style changing a bit. ANOTHER thing is that i realized that D.B has a brother and not a sister so lets just say i fucked up- .(I'm still sticking with him having a sister though) One more thing is that I just did a time skip to a month because I can

Middle Nephews' pov:

I woke up to another splendid day and noticed that it had been a month already. So then I jumped out of bed to wake up my siblings who were sleeping. "Guys, GUYS!!! get up. I have amazing news!" I yelled. My older brother just groaned and looked at me like I'm crazy, I mean, I was a morning person. I get that from my cool uncle! "Ugh... what time is it, dude?" Oldest nephew groaned. "It's 7 in the morning, but that doesn't matter what matters is that we're going back with our uncle!!!" I announced to them. Peel shot up from bed with widened eyes, then looked down at me. (He's on the top bunk) "it's been a month already!?" Peel said. "Uhh yea! I'll go tell mom!!!" I said happily.

I ran out of the room and ran right into my mother's room. "Mom, mom, get up. It's a very important day today!!!" I yelled while jumping on her bed. "Honey, it's too early for you to be doing this..." my mother whispered half asleep. "Well, mom, it's very important we get to go see Uncle again! It's already been a month, so we get to go back to hollywood!" I said in a bit of a lower tone. "Oh, so it is." My mother said while checking her phone on her desk beside her bed. She slowly got up from bed. So then this time, I walked to my room, getting my bags ready while my brothers were barely getting up from bed. "Alrighty kids, I bought tickets to your flight. But I also have amazing news as well!" Our mother said to us, leaning on our room door. We all turned to her, wondering what's the news. "I'm also going with you! I mean, I also want to see my brother it's been years since I've seen him." Our mother explained.

No one's pov:

The nephews just looked at each other, then back at their mother with exitment in their eyes. "YAAAAAAAAY!!!!" Middle nephew yelled. "Is it true you're coming with us, ma?" Peel asked. "Alright, now this is dope." Oldest added. Their mother just laughed. "Settle down children. Our flight is not until 11Am. So, I don't know why you guys are getting ready?" The nephews mother explained. The nephews just looked at each other , a bit awkward. And stopped what they were doing. "C'mon, let's go play in the backyard!" Middle nephew suggested. So they all raced each other outside to the backyard to go out and play. "Oldest!!! Get off your phone and play with me!!!" Peel whined. Peel then snatched the phone out of his oldest brothers nubs. (Hands) "Hey, give it back!" Oldest nephew yelled.
The oldest then started to chase peel. "Hey guys, wait for me. I want to play tag, too!" Middle said while also chasing them. "What am I going to do with these kids." The mother thought while giggling.

Time skip because idk what else to add
Still no one's pov:

"Kids, we have an hour until we have to go to the airport. So come on, get ready." The nephews mother yelled. The nephews stopped what they were doing again and ran right into the house. They all ran right into the room and started to get ready. (Their not panicking their just very energetic)
Since they were getting ready earlier at 7 in the morning , they're almost done. But on the other hand, their mother is not ready. 15 minutes later, the nephews were done. They walked up to their mother waiting for her to be done. "Ma, you almost done?" Peel asked. "Almost, sweetie, all I need to do is do my makeup, then I'm done. "But mom, you look better without makup," Middle nephew said. "Yeah ma you do look better without makeup" Oldest added. "Oh, okay, okay, let's get going now. we don't want to miss the flight, right?" Their mother said laughing. Their mother had already called an Uber for them to get to the airport.

When the uber had arrived All four of them walked outside to get into the car to get to the airport, so then the nephews walked to the car and went I side the back seat and waited for their mother to get in. Their mother walked behind the car to open the trunk and put all their bags inside. "Alrighty kids, you ready to go back to hollywood?" The nephews mother said while getting into the car next to her kids. "Yes, I'm sooooo excited. I can't wait!" Middle nephew said. "Yeah, this is like the first time you actually come with us to see uncle!" Peel exclaimed. Their Uber started the car and started to drive to the airport. "You know I haven't seen your uncle in a long time, you know?" Their mother said. "Wait what what do you mean by that mom?" Oldest said while him and his brothers were very concerned. "Yeah, I almost forgot what he looks like! Isn't that weird?" Their mother replied.

"How come you never told us this?" Peel questioned. "Well, it's not really something I would normally talk about." Their mother responded. After some time, they finally reached their destination. "Alrighty miss, we have arrived." The Uber driver said. "Thank you, sir." The nephews mother said while getting out of the car. As the nephews mother got out of the car, they also got out, and then she went to go to the trunk to get their bags. "Alright, let's go." Their mother said. They went inside the airport and got their tickets for their flight, went through the security screening, and waited for their flight.
After some time (again), they finally got called on to get on aboard. Middle got the window seat, peel got the middle seat, oldest sat in the lane seat, and their mom had to sit with other fruits across from them.
"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, you ready to get to hollywood?" The pilot said. The flight was at least a 2 hour flight.

Time skip to when they got to hollywood because yes
No ones pov (STILL-):

After they got off and walked outside with their bags, the oldest nephew called his uncle D.B. to pick them up from the airport. D.B. got their pretty quick. And as soon as D.B. walked out of the car..."UNCLE!!" The nephews yelled and ran to hug him. "Aww, I missed you too." D.B. said "Uncle we also have someone else with us!" Peel said. "Oh? And whom might that be?" D.B. questioned. as soon as he looked up, the nephews ran right into the car with their bags. "Hi -" The nephews mother said, walking up to D.B. "B-brianna?" D.B. said in complete shock.

I finally finished this damn thing. And it does take me some time to make a chapter because I have to think of an idea for it and draw. But in the end, it's all worth it 😎👍
And I'm way too lazy to check if their any spelling mistakes so-... 🙃
1280 words
