Chapter 11: prank went too far

Do I have to keep repeating myself? There's some AU oki.
My brother bet me $20 if I make this thing. (I had to do it for that money)🤑🤑🤑🤑

Banan pov:

I woke up and I realised that I had fallen asleep on the couch... I got up from the couch, and it was already tuesday morning!? I checked the time off my phone in my back pocket, and it was 7:23AM in the damn morning.I was so scared and panicked. My show usually starts at 8:00 in the morning so i have to get ready like right now. I couldn't use the same clothes for the show because I got them dirty, and i have no more clean suits. so I had another idea... where normal clothes! I'll just tell everyone I wanted to do a little change with my clothes, nothing wrong with that, right? I went upstairs to get to my room and look at my clothes in my closet. "Well, this shirt is one of my personal favorites." I said. I changed then my clothes. It did fit me a little big, but it's alright.

I went back downstairs to get my shoes on and grab the house and car keys that I had left laying on the floor. As soon as I put my shoes on, I got up and then went near the couch to get the keys I had left on the ground.  I grabbed my little bag with my phone and keys, and i started to head out of my house to get to work! When I got there, I parked into the parking lot and made my way inside the studio. My show started in about half an hour, so I had time to prepare myself for this episode. I was quite nervous because I wore a bright colored shirt instead of a yellow suit as always. Some of my co-workers noticed this and either complimented me or just sniker and giggle. I didn't care at all if they laughed at me because it didn't bother me at all.

Pear pov:

Ugh, I hate these dumbasses (his best friends) they keep telling me to come to the damn show! It is quite worth it due to the gift shop, but either then that it's not worth it. My friends gave me a weird looks like a smirk or smug face whenever I'm near D.B... I just don't get it? (Broccoli has realised pear acting different in morning insanity when .D.B. was holding his hand. No one noticed because he doesn't show his damn face! At least... yet-) Ugh, I just can't figure it out why are they acting weird!!! I just brushed it off, or I'll get very frustrated overthinking stupid things that's not too important.

I felt broccoli nudge me with his arm, trying to tell me something. "Hey pear!" He whispered. "What do you want?" I whispered back. "I bet $30 if you fake fall asleep during the last episode! " He whispered while laughing. I sighed.
"Fine, I'll do it, but no funny business." I said. I surely didn't know what was coming at me after this. "He's wanted in almost all countries. It's the dancing banana!!!" The announcer announced.  The banana host jumped out the yellow doors and looked at me and WINKED!? I just had no comment.  I just stared in just misbelife of what happened. And then I realised that he had on like a tie dye shirt or something.
He continued on with the show, and it did not improve at all. I expected more entertainment and humerus content.

It kept going on and on until he announced the winner for the bonus prize. The boardy came out to ask a dumb question, and the announcer got cut off by so many commercials from the tv with his less boring comment of his new obby game that was actually quite interesting. Then I thought I wondered how cool the obby was? After all that damn mayhem, it was break time at last. I got out of my seat, broccoli went to go talk with D.B, and I walked over to the gift shop. I was getting weird looks because everyone knows me as a critical person, and I like the gift shop, hey its not my fault. I like merch. I even have other things from many other gift shops. I got my items, which were a hat, badge/pin, and a balloon that had d.b.'s face on it. And no, I didn't get the damn balloon because he was on it.

I paid for my stuff and left the little shop to get back to my seat. Everyone kept giving me weird stares when i got back to my seat, I didn't really care. We had a little bit of time left til the second episode, so then broccoli came back with a smug smile on his face. "What did you guys talk about?" I asked. "Oh, nothing, really." He said , not very convincing. "Uh huh..." I replied. He sat back down and continued to watch the episode because it had already started."He's your host, not mine. It's the dancing banana!" The announcer announced once again. I saw the host come out the doors once again and flopped to the floor. He spinned right back up and twirled his microphone. He walked on stage and, of course, did his normal job, asking the players to choose a category that their interested in.

Time skip and still pears pov:

It was break time once agian and broccoli had dragged me to talk with D.B... as soon as we went over their the host, literally looked like a rainbow that threw up on him. It was very bright. "Hey, d.b!" Broccoli said, welcoming. Broccoli grabbed my whole body and pushed me at d.b. "Hey, what was that for!?" I said. He snickerd and ran out of their. "That was weird," I thought. "Uhmm hi pear, I see that you have some merch!" He said happy. I looked at him, and I didn't really know what to say. "Uhhh, thanks?" I replied. He hugged me not as tight but yet comfortable? I surprisingly hugged back for once, which did make him flinch a little. I really was comfortable in this hug, and i felt like I didn't want to let go? "What's wrong with me!?" I said to myself in my mind. We hugged and hugged until the next episode. I was a tiny bit upset by not hugging no more, but I was in relief because we stopped. The last episode was quite boring and stupid. "Hey, pear, remember that deal?" Broccoli reminded. I looked at him and then back. He handed me 30$, and i put it in my pocket. I was very tired... so I closed my eyes and drifted off. I was supposed to fake sleep, not actually sleep!

Switching into banan pov:

I was doing my normal job until I realised from the corner of my eye that pear fell asleep? I thought he got way too bored or didn't get enough sleep, so I shrugged it off because I had work to do. It was close to the end of the round, and pear didn't wake up at all! I noticed broccoli kind of tried to wake him up. But it didn't work he was dead asleep. When I announced the winner of the swbg round, I patiently waited for the audience leave. I saw broccoli go up to me. "Hey uhmm banana I have some places that I have to be at right now. Can you please watch Pear!?" He said nervous. I agreed, and he hugged me and thanked me, then left. I went upstairs to go near pear he was snoring, and in deep sleep... I tried waking him up. "Pear...pear! Wake up, pear!" I yelled. But no response. I picked him up in a bridal style, and I limped over to my dressing room. "Gosh, you're heavy!" I said. I mean, he can't really hear me, so it's fine, right? I finally reached my dressing room, and I saw some of my co-workers outside my dressing room look at me confused. I then went inside the dressing room, and I put him down on the couch, and I grabbed a blanket that I had in a drawer. I had it because sometimes I come to work way too early and take a nap.

I put it over pear, making him more comfortable and warm. "Great, now what do I have to do now!?" I said worried. Some hours passed, and I was just playing with my hands until pear started to wake up. "Mmm... uhh, what? Where am i?" Pear said, still half asleep. "Hi pear, uhmm, you fell asleep, so I took you here." I sqid. "I-i did? How long..." Pear asked. "Oh, well, let's see... about 3 to 4 hours." I explained. "W-what-!" Pear said, shocked. I got up from my chair and walked close to him, and then I sat right next to him. Pear scooted over, trying to get away a little. I grabbed him and then hugged him. "Ugh, I hate that you love hugs..." Pear sighed. "Hey, I'm a hugger, okay?" I replied, laughing a bit. Pear just snapped, then did something I never thought at all. He pushed the blanket off of him and hugged me like squeeze me! "Woah, now you became the hugger?" I said. "S-shut up..." he said, embarrassed.

He squeezed me tightly all right. "Where did this squeezing come from!?" I said a bit hurt. *sigh* "Please don't tell anybody, but I also like to give hugs..." Pear explained, still embarrassed. He stopped hugging and looked away, trying not to make any eye contact with me. I smiled and got up and fixed my bowtie. "I should be going..." I said. Pear looked at me, then also got up to open the door. "I shall be going too." Pear said. We both walked out as I said goodbye to everyone with my goofy ass smile. I walked over to the parking lot and went inside my car. I started the car and drove home.

I got home, and i unlocked the door and took my shoes off as soon as I got in. I sighed because I was very tired. I then put my keys on the counter table and sat on the couch. I yawned, then my goofy silly ahh fell asleep on the couch AGAIN-...

Finally, I finished, and I'm going to kill myself due to cringing once again
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