Chapter 2: a new friendship starting

No one's pov:

It was the next day, a Friday to be exact, and then the banana was getting ready and was also admiring himself in the damn mirror...Then took a deep breath and opened the bright yellow doors as the announcer announced!"he's your host, not mine, the dancing banana!!!"And the banana was about to walk down the stairs but then tripped and fell while making a family guy reference causing the audience to laugh.But then he stood back up while twirling his microphone and walked up on stage.

And so then the banana did his job just asking the players to choose a category!
Two people got hit by an L sign one got by a w sign, and then three players got hit by a car battery and one of the players that got hit by an L caught on fire!And one almost broke boardy the smart boards screen!And some random cherry twins that looked like the twins from the shining made the announcer cry by humiliating him!But then finally it was all almost over and the banana was about the announce the prize and the champion but then got interrupted by someone in the audience.

"Pardon me?" An unfamiliar voiced called from the audience.The banana walked to the center of the stage to see who it was."I was told that there would be humerus content, and I haven't laughed once!" The voice said again.The banana just stared for a few moments the said."Oh well, would you like a refund?"Banana replied."A refund!? Psahahahahahaha!"The fruit laughed."A refund!? No, you simple fool what I want is much larger!" The fruit explained."and what I want is!- " a refund would be quite nice, actually."the fruit said.The banana let out a little giggle then replied with."Well, you laughed right now, so you can't get one!"Banana said and still with that goofy smile.Then the fruit was about to speak but then stopped to rethink, then sat back down with an angry look.So the after that the banana announced the winner! "Jona, you won this round with that big brain of yours."he announced.When it was time for break, he decided to go find that fruit that criticized his show, and he wants to be friends with him?So the banana looked for the fruit, but found him in the- ."Gift shop!?"I said in my mind so no one could hear.The banana still walked up to the fruit and wanted to start a conversation, so he introduced himself.

"Hi! I'm dancing banana, but you could call me D.B. for short." I blurted out.The fruit didn't know I was there until I spoke, which made him jump a little.I giggled a bit and was about to apologize until. "Hey, give me a warning first! You almost gave me a heart attack!" The fruit yelled. "I'm soooo sorry ! I just wanted to have a small conversation with you!" "You want a small conversation with me!? Psahahaha, no." "What, well, I think you're cool. You're just not wanting to show it!" I replied."Okay, first of all, I criticized you second of all. You're pissing me off, and finally, third of all, why do you want to start a conversation? Don't you have a show to do!?"he responded. "Well, I have the answer for the third one!" I said, causing the fruit to cross his arms."And why's that?" He said, very annoyed."Well, it's simple. I uhh, since I don't have any, you know, friends, I was hoping for you to be my friend!" I said with my goofy smile.The fruit was thinking for a while, then looked at me and replied with. "Fine, but this doesn't mean we're best friends, okay?" I hopped with excitement, making my first friend ever and hugging him a little too rough." Hey, t-that hurts, ya know?" He said so then I stopped and said. "Sorry, I'm like that sometimes wait! I didn't even get your name!" I said. "*sigh* the names pear okay?" He said not as annoyed anymore. As a matter of fact, I think I saw a little smile coming from my new friend pear! "D'awwwwww, you should smile more it looks good on you!" I said while patting his back. Then I carried on with my show!


Oh, my god my arm almost broke while writing this- 💀

742 words
